

"What are you whistling for" said Witch mad.

"Go to the City" she says.

"Wait are we going to the City or Outside of town" said Drag confused.

"Both" says Witch.

Drag stops and throws the Witch by swining her left to right like a rocking chair then letting go.

"Ahhhhh" she says and falls down.

"Why did i trust an Idiot like you" she says and stops falling.

The Witch was now sitting on a fluffy white furred dog which was about 4 ft tall and could carry her like nothing.

His neck had a collar that said Fluffy.

"If you don't trust me then i can hand you right into her hands" he says pointing at the woman that hit him who was resting to catch a breath while the guards searched for her.

"Whatever" she says a little bit mad.

Fluffy runs in circle trying to catch his tail while The Witch is on his/her back.

"So is Fluffy a boy or a girl?" asked Witch.

"Umm....." says Drag.

There was a small silence which was broken by....

"There she is" says A Guard.

The guard made a box between the house trapping Fluffy and The Witch but Drag was still on top of the roof.

"Hey Thanks for the help" says Drag to the Guard.

"No problem i am just doing my job" says the Guard proud of himself.

Drag takes this opportunity to break the top of the box and...

"Stop him" says another guard pointing at Drag who was smashing the box with his fist.

"Its not like he can break the box with a fist" says Guard 1( The guy that built the Box).

"You are right" says Guard 2...

The Place Drag lives in has people that don't have magic live in the bottom floor which is where they are at and in the 2nd floor is where people with magic live and on the third is where the king and powerful magicans live. There are stairs that lead to each floor and there are strong pillars that hold the whole place together.

"Hey Newbie why don't you go call Ms: Rose" says Guard 2.

"Oh Ok but don't take all thr credit" says Guard 1.

"Ok" says Guard 2 with a grin.

As Soon as Guard 1 leaves Drag was gone...