
I changed my mind

Mayu, that's a blind person over there. You'll lose your license if you finish him off. Calm down, calm down. Patience. She took a deep breath, grabbed her bag and marched out.

"Close the door." she heard him say. She continued walking and left the door open.

"Didn't you hear me? I told you to close the door!" he got back up from the bed and sat down. She glared at him, tightened her grip on her bag and walked back. No more yummy guy! All her fantasies have become like a whole piece of paper that got crumpled and thrown at the trash. She widened the door's opening and marched away again.

"This door was closed before I slept. You opened the door so you have to close it yourself. Especially since you just fired me from my job. Sir," she answered with sarcasm while she continued walking away.

"Come back here you ingrate," She turned her head. What did you just say? War mode! She did come back, still carrying her bag. The guy grabbed something from the side table drawer and threw it towards her.

"That's a couple thousand just in case you haven't seen one yet. Now that I've paid you, close the door." there's authority in his voice but she stood her ground. You're nothing like my grandfather or brother!

"What are those? Toilet paper? I don't need that." she scoffed, grabbed one chair and sat comfortably. This is going to be a good show. Don't test me, Mister. The guy suddenly grinned.

"Oh! I'm sorry, it looks like I'm really speaking with a princess!" he exclaimed while a grim expression is shot towards her direction. You won't even think that he doesn't have his sight right now. My gosh, big brother, why did you put me here?

"Oh, you didn't know. You're one of our charity cases. I got sent here since I do lots of volunteer work. You should be thankful that someone's still willing to take you in even without pay."

"I can pay as many nurses as I can to take care of me. I don't need your free help!" he barked.

"I know, it's just that nobody's willing to take your offer. With that kind of attitude? Huh! Don't you see your horns when look at the mirror? Oh? I forgot, you can't see anything. How incompetent." she smirked.

"Watch your words woman!" he gritted his teeth.

"And why would I? Did I offend you in some way? Did you know, the truth hurts a lot because it cuts you. Were you hurt? Pity. That may be the reason why they put you on charity."

"Get out!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. She heard some footsteps getting louder as it approaches the room. She stuck out her tongue. Huh, who do you think you are to bully me? You wanna go on war? Bring it on. I will not back down. You're at a disadvantage since you can't see anyway.

"I thought you want me to close the door?"

"Get the hell out of here!" he threw everything his hands can get ahold off. On the other hand, she's happily bouncing away from his attacks.

"You need to recover first before you start a fight with me. Since you can't see anything right now you'd be at a lost, Charity." she made it a point to call him Charity instead of his first name. The guy's face glowed bright red.


"Chryxso!" they both stopped on their tracks when they heard an old man's voice.

She turned around, the old man looked familiar. Well, Kristoff did say he's a family friend. Maybe she just saw him far too long to remember who he was. He's almost the same age as her own grandfather and is also sporting an all gray hair. He looked kind and his eyes are much softer than this guy. She already knew this jerk of a guy never got the old man's genes. She seemed bothered by the old man's eyes though, they look like something she knew but her stupid brain won't remember what it has to remember when she needs to remember.

"I will not tolerate you badmouthing our guest."

"Guest? You're mistaken, Gramps. That's my new stupid nurse who can't even understand simple instructions. I'm sorry for the commotion, she pushed me to my limit. Just tell her to go, I'll be taking some rest now." he turned around and walked back to the bed when his foot caught onto one of the things he threw and he went crashing to floor. Touchdown! That was a very smooth landing.

Old Naning immediately went to his side but he's too huge the old lady is having a hard time helping him up. She sighed and helped the old lady. She did not hide her smile when she saw his cheeks still a red blush from the impact. He looks prettier than me, it's annoying.

Thinking it was his gramps helping him out, he blurted "Thank you,"

"Oh, you know how to be grateful."

"Leave me alone!"

"Okay," and she just pushed him back to the bed while snatching old Naning who stood surprised at what she did. She looked like she's about to say something but she chose to remain silent.

"So, how many frogs did you catch [from your fall]?"

"What!" she smiled to the old man and old Naning.

"Well, I'm not the one who shoved their face to the floor."

"You bit..."

"Chryxso, enough! Act like your age and stop embarrassing me!" it was the old man's turn to shriek. Chryxso sighed.

"I'm sorry. I'll be taking my rest now,"

"Goodnight Chryxso," the old man said as they left the room. Old Naning stayed behind to tidy up the room.

"Goodnight Charity!" she still heard him cursing back even with the door closed. She just smiled. I won't go home yet, things have started to become interesting, she mused.