
Draft for The Legacies - Way of the Druid

1000 years after the Fallout, the Earth slowly regain its ecosytems as the Druids terraforms the Nuclear Wastelands into habitable dominions. Fallout Shelters gained advantage from the legacies of the old world they inherited and used to terraform the nuclear wasteland. But Legacies are everywhere and any Legacy Hunter may find their fortune, hidden beneath the ruins of the old world. This story begins when a young elf, dreaming to be a druid and terraform a piece of Wasteland into his own land tried to sell the artifact he found to gain the money and the connections he needed so he can study in the cherished University of SimCity. Only those who have gained a doctoral title may enter the Druid Academy and learned the knowledges the Circles of Druid needed to terraform the Wasteland, and the Universities only allows those with proficient knowledge to further their study there... Don't forget to check these druidic theories: Theory of Everything: Atomos theory: from energy -> quantum -> particles -> atoms -> molecules -> ... -> universe. In this theory quantum jump is a condition where a particle goes from notable matter or wave into the unnotable dark matter before going back into matter/wave. It's similar to where notable ice/water turned into unnotable gas before turning back into ice/water. The reason for the relativity of time is because there are quantities of time and space in the expanding space and flowing time and when matter going through different amount of space or time, the difference of the amount of time they going through shows. Quantum entanglement shows that when two matter going through the same thing they achieved the same result. So it was a matter of looking for what laws govern them, not awed by the fact that there are matters that achieved the same result. It is the Law. And it is certain, so probing the certainty of the "quantum entanglement" will get you the law that govern such matters. Self Awareness: The naming of things as humanity's version of Pavlov's dog resulted in database of names. Collected database of the names of things accumulates that human collected every names they needed to know to simulate the world in their mind: the worldview. As human acted with the objects in the real world and the simulated worldview they're naming their actions - verbs, predicate, etc. As human simulate many actions, they were able to simulate themselves carrying out actions in the simulated worldview. Awareness is simulating the world in worldview, and Self Awareness is simulating self in action in the simulated worldview. The creation of Ego (simulated Self, Self Awareness) and what actions it should take in the simulated worldview make way for Id and Super Id. Ecosystem of Harmony and the Interaction of Everything: To simulate the Earth and all its creatures and all its activities in one whole ecosystem that accounts for everything so that every creature's needs are fulfilled and every consequences of every actions are accounted into a single closed ecosystem, all part of harmony. Humanity administrate the Earth so that every creature needs are fulfilled and every actions and interactions integrated in a way that all creatures lives in harmony. All waste return to ecosystem without disturbing the way the earth works, but contributing to the needs of other creatures. All the needs and all the waste of all the creatures accounted in a whole circle of harmony.

Philosopher_Stone · Sci-fi
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It's all started from Great Sage Einstein

In the beginning of the 20th century, he broke down Great Sage Newton's ... and established scientific community scrambble to catch up with the new discoveries he pioneered. New theories and new facts surfaced from Einstein's theories. But the base of science were no longer as whole as it was when Great Newton. Many more has to be answered before a new holistic science can be made.

listing Einstein's theories...

Heisenberg and Schroedinger comes up with two different formulas with the same result, Heisenberg's matrix and Schroedinger's wave. In his attempt to prove Schroedinger was wrong, Heisenberg failed and somehow comes out wish Principle of Uncertainty.

Many experiments fails to reach the same result. No new holistic foundations like Newton's can be made, so Copenhagen group make the Principle of Uncertainty to fill the blanks. It's basically giving up looking for the explanations for the result and call it a day saying "The rest is unknowledgeable because Principle of Uncertainty said so".

They were so enamored with the principle so that when experiment that shows the same result appears they were so awed and conclude the atoms in question were linked somehow instead of admitting that laws govern physical properties that matters going through the same thing will have the same result.

Einstein and Schroedinger disagreed with those opinions, Einstein famously stated "God doesn't play dice" to state his opinion of the constancy of the laws and his desire to explore science to get the Theory of Everything while calling quantum entanglement as voodoo (unscientific).

How they lost: Schroedinger tried to show the fallacy of the Copenhagen group's thought by giving them a thought experiment: the Schroedinger's Cat, but they somehow taking the absurdity of the experiment as proving that they're right and instead tried to explain it by saying it all happens in multiple dimension.

So, Quantum Physics goes with a lot of absurdity, from quantum jump, quantum entanglements, but those plugins can't stop new discoveries, such as dark matters that is undetectable.

And so it was the 21st century when Sage Nozomi Otori challenge the Principle of Uncertainty by revised the Atomos Theory.

As Einstein's most famous formula stated E=mc2 proved that matter is formed by energy, so particle were made from energy.

Sage Otori discovered that a lot of things are going to be a lot simpler if you revised Atomos theory so that Stuffs -> Molecules -> Atoms -> Particles -> Quanta -> Energy with Energy being the Atomos, the smallest matter.

Hence you can explain Quantum Jump as being matter/wave turned into another form similar to the way ice/water turned into gas when heated to 100 Celcius, and the form that is to be the third form after matter and wave is the dark matter form, which so far still undetectable.

In his theory, since dark matter is the third form after matter and wave, and since both matter and wave have been each have their formula after Heisenberg and Schroedinger, you can detect Quantum Jump and dark matter by combining Heisenberg and Schroedinger formula to make new formula, one that is aimed at the dark matters. He succeeded. That was the Otori Formula.

Since all the confusion which prompted the Principle of Uncertainty seems to coming from the Relativity of Time, Sage Otori gives his own explanation on why time was relative: If you imagine passing in time as crossing through the river of time, so two people crossing different river where one river is 10 meters wide and the others 1 meter wide, the one who's crossing the 10 meters wide river is getting wetter than the one crossing the 1 meter wide river. It's a matter of quantity. And in the relativity of time, it's the difference between the quantity of time the two people going through.

The phase computer was the result when people discovered the "semi matter" to replace the "semi conductor" silicon and making computer out of this new material.