
Make Any Request.


Looking at Arwin, Elena felt genuinely happy. She had never been this happy since she became a vampire.

moving forward, Elena bowed slightly as she greeted Lord Antoine. with a large smile on his face, Lord Antoine began addressing all five of them.

"Seeing my dear arwin alive and healthy once more seems unreal, I know this is only possible because of every single one of you, but if I may ask what happened to the others?"

upon seeing that Lord Antoine had brought up the issue concerning the others, everyones gaze fell on elena. Somehow, they were all expecting her to speak, and much to their disappointment, Elena said nothing. If anything, she seemed bored ,on her face was a nonchalantly expression.

Seeing this, Zareth stepped forward and bowed slightly, "Greetings, Lord of the first city..... following which he narrated all that happened during their time in the vast land of beasts and undead creatures.

After narrating how they were attacked by spawns and how elena had saved them when they encountered the elephant-like beast. moving forward, he also talked about how the guards as well as Sammy had abandoned them leaving them with no map or teleporter, and how elena managed to locate the lost kingdom of the Undead and how she managed to convince the undead king to offer them the antidote by giving up her magical staff.

Since most of the conversations elena had with the undead king was through telepathy zareth and the others were in the dark thus elena didn't tell them to keep the encounter a secret.

Seeing how zareth had taken his time to explain everything to Lord Antoine, she felt like face palming. Clearly, he should know that some things are better left unsaid.

rolling her eyes, she was glad he was oblivious to the important conversations she had with the king.

Upon learning the important role Elena had played in saving the life of his ward, Lord Antoine was extremely pleased and happy that Arwin had someone like elena she could really on.

Even though he said nothing about the others who had abandoned them, it was safe to note that they would be punished if they ever make it back to Zastlevania.

"You have all done well." Antoine said. to show my appreciation and in line with the promise I made to you all before you left zastlevania, please accept this token as rewards for saving my ward."

After saying this, a servant quickly entered into the hall, and she proceeded to pass one storage ring each to all five of them.

Zareth, Aruh,Lydia, and Emiera all quickly collected the ring with joy in their eyes, failing to hide their excitement.

Looking at them, elena shook her head. for treasures and rewards, these powerful vampires all acted like a 2 years old kid in a candy store.

With a casual wave of her hands, she signalled for the servant to go, but seeing how she was yet to collect the storage ring, the servant refused to leave. seeing this, elena frowned. just how dumb was this maid, the signal was enough to let the other party know she was uninterested and that should be enough reason for the maid to scram, but alas the latter had even refused to move.

"Hnm, is Elena unsatisfied with the rewards the first Lord has offered?" Arwin asked upon seeing the deep frown on her face.

Before Elena could explain, she felt the intense gaze of everyone present directed at her. her friends all stared at her with a look of confusion. Audacious how Audacious, for one to reject a reward that was specially prepared by the first Lord, the person must be courting death.

seeing the look on Elena's face, everyone thought she was really audacious, rejecting the reward was not only a sign of disrespect to the first Lord and ruler of the first city but it also meant elena was too greedy.

She opened her mouth to explain when she heard the voice of Lord Antoine once again. "May I know what the young miss will prefer, since the reward I have prepared is unsuitable, or why don't you just make any request as long as it is within my means I will grant your request."

Upon hearing this, Elena shook her head, "My lord, I appreciate your reward and generous offer, but there's really no need to offer me anything, Arwin is my friend, saving her was the right thing to do, I'll do the same for anyone of them also."

while saying this, she pointed at zareth and the others. before continuing, "so you really don't need to offer me anything in return."

"very well, I see Arwin has truly hit a gold mine this time around by choosing you as a friend, in the future, if there's anything you need, don't hesitate to let me know. my castle will always be open to you."

Hearing these words felt like a slap in the face of zareth and the others, they had all gone through the troubles with the hope of being rewarded at the end of the day, some how Elena rejecting her reward suddenly make them look bad. how did the table turn so quickly? they all wondered.

Since the issue of rewards was already settled Lord Antoine briefly explained the current situation of zastlevania to all of them, also informing them about the coronation that would take place in the 3rd city seven days from now.

upon hearing that zastlevania now has a new king, everyone was stunned. but somehow, this didn't surprise Elena. If anything, she already knew alacad was up to something for a while now.

Knowing she had no other reason to remain in the first city, she informed Lord Antoine that she'll be returning to the third city the next day.

Even though he was hoping Elena and the others would spend some time in the castle with arwin, he also knew it would be impossible to keep them in the castle since every single one of them had families in the other cities and they most likely would like to visit and spend time with their loved ones.

Not wanting to be the reason why his benefactors would miss out on spending time with their loved ones, he offered to allow them to use his teleporter whenever they were ready and wanted to go.

After bowing once more, Elena took her leave, excusing herself from the large hall. upon reaching her room, she brought out her communication device from her storage ring. After a few taps on the screen, a holographic display of Alacad could be seen.

Putting on her best smile, elena gave alacad a vague explanation of what she had been up to, at the same time casually asking the latter about his affairs.

After chatting for a while, she told alacad about her decision to return to the 3rd city and how much she would like to catch up. when the call finally got disconnected, she heaved a sigh of relief.

"You know he isn't stupid, right? you're being too friendly all of a sudden, don't you think he will suspect? Dracula asked."

"Don't worry, I know what I am doing!"