
Alacad's Request


Alacad led elena into a private room, and then he gently guided her to sit before taking a seat himself.

with a flick of his hand, a surge of vampiric energy left his hands as he channelled the energy to a specific point on the wall.

upon collision, a soft humming sound was made, and then an intense pressure could be felt in the room. After sensing the aura, elena had a confused look on her face as if trying to figure out why the sudden pressure had appeared from nowhere.

seeing the look on Elena's face, Alacad chuckled lightly, " Relax, Elena, I would never hurt you. This is just a simple mechanism put in place by me to make sure no one will be able to eavesdrop on our conversation.

After hearing his response, Elena exhaled before saying, "I know you would never hurt me. If anything, I'm safer with you than with anyone else in zastlevania. I was just worried, that's all."

Although she had a pleasant smile on her face while speaking to Alacad about how safe she felt with him, inside, she felt like ripping him into tiny threads.

"I'm glad you trust me, Elena, as much as I trust you. you see, I am glad you could make it hear before my coronation. you see, the humans have been waging war against us for a while now in the zenox planent, I've tried to make peace, but it's like their minds made up and they consider us as monsters. while I really don't want to bring any harm to the humans considering your close connection with them, I also can't stand idle by while they kill my kins and subjects."

looking at Alacad, elena could see a melancholic look on his face. He looked depressed as if placed between two dead ends... His voice brought elena back to reality

" You see, Elena, I don't want the humans or the vampires to suffer , But i know that at this point going to war is inevitable so i want you to know in advance that there might come a day when you'll have to choose between the humans and vampires, and when that day comes i hope you will choose the vampires."

After saying this, Alacad's gaze remained fixed on elena, as if trying to read her thoughts. with a dazzling smile on her face, elena responded, "My loyalty lies with you, Lord Alacad." With a quick nod and a brilliant smile, Alacad showed his satisfaction with Elena's response.

"Now that I know your stand, Elena, I also want you to know that, when I'm crowned King of all vampires, the third Kingdom will be left without a Lord. This will lead to every single vampire of noble descent within the third kingdom to start competing for the position of the third Lord.

Now I know you're still inexperienced, but I believe you're the best vampire to carry on my legacy and also govern the affairs of the third kingdom."

"Hnm, I'm sorry, Lord Alacad, but what will the people say? and if you make me Lady of the Third Kingdom, what Kingdom do you intend to rule zastlevania from? and I also don't think the vampires will accept a nobody like me to take up that vital role, my Lord."

chuckling lightly, alacad raised his hands and then gently tapped elena on her forehead before responding.

"Firstly, in the future, elena, don't bother about what the vampires will say. Focus on me and what I will say. second, I am not going to make you the Lady of the kingdom. You, my friend, will earn the title fairly by proving you're the most qualified vampire in Zastlevania to take after me. Only when you prove yourself worthy will the vampires accept you wholeheartedly. Lastly, I intend to create my own kingdom, from which I'll rule over Zastlevania."

Just how crazy is this guy? Elena wondered. Every second she spent around him keeps reminding her how much of a schemer alacad was. Elena and alacad chatted for a while before she decided to return to her room.

stepping out of the room, Elena cursed lightly underneath her breath, "Just what is he planning?" She wondered. why will Alacad want me to take over the third city, and what does he even mean when he said i will earn the title fairly? is this just a way for him to get me to trust him more and lower my guards around him? or is there a bigger plan here?

Drac,Dracula, what do you think about this? elena asked "Well going by the old vampire culture, when a vampire Lord goes into slumber or rest without choosing a new successor, the nobles will come to gether to set up a trial for all eligible vampires with the previous Lord's bloodline. usually, the trial will be based on various aspects that will range from strength to vampire ranks, skills, and wisdom.

I see! since only those with the previous Lord's bloodline can take this trial why on zuk is Alacad trying to make me undergo the trial? It's not like I share the same bloodline with him.

Sigh, hearing Elena speak, Dracula sighed like a tired old man . "Dummy, sometimes you speak like a brainless trash, Tell me, how did you become a vampire again? Dracula asked.

"Your amulet turned m... Elena was still speaking when she finally understood why alacad had requested her fight for the position of the new lady of the third kingdom.

While Alacad was unaware of Dracula's system, he knew the amulet was what transformed Elena into a vampire, under normal circumstances during the transformation process, Dracula's blood had come into contact with Elena's, and then mixed perfectly with hers, further altering her genes and turning her into a vampire. so elena currently carries Dracula's bloodline just like Alacad.

"Well, I think you can use this to your advantage, You can use all the resources at your disposal when you become a lady to grow stronger and achieve your dreams more quickly."

Easier said than done, I feel the more times I spend here, the more complicated things get.

After saying this, Elena made her way to the training centre. Here, she sat on the floor with her eyes closed and then decided to start channelling her vampiric energy.

with her eyes closed, she focused all her attention on the energy at her core. She began channelling this energy all through her body, slowly moving it from her chest to her head, down to her hands, legs,and back to her chest.

After channelling her vampiric energy for four hours nonstop, she finally noticed something different about her vampire energy.

her energy seemed to be more refined than before, and also, the amount of energy at her core was two times the initial quantity before she started channelling.

with a bright smile on her face, she stood up and executed a palm strike at the same time, infusing her vampiric energy in the attack.

A surge of energy left her palm and collided with the wall, leaving behind a massive dent at the point of impact.

seeing the strength behind a simple attack of hers, dracula was impressed about how far she has grown in just a small period of time. it was only a few months ago when Alacad first taught her how to channel her vampiric energy. Even though he was proud of her growth, he still said nothing at the end of the day.