
Draconic Overlord

Suzuki Kazue, Suzuki Satoru's younger brother, a god at games. They were inseperable, the demon duo, a skeleton and a dragon. Kazue, in-game name Kyrax, was the only one who ascended to the title Dragon God, and was feared as the world enemy. Momonga and Kyrax go into the new world at different times. What happens when the Draconic Overlord hears of a new skeletal threat? ~~~~~ Warnings: Blood, Gore, Death, Swearing. And yeah, op mc.

flare_fire · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

Kyrax's wide red eyes shot wildly around the room. Avirus and Fenrir had shot to their paws and were now watching him in concern.

"Kyrax-sama," Fenrir barked, "Is something wrong?" Kyrax turned to examine Fenrir, the crease in his brows and the ready attack stance, those were programmed things that were set when an enemy was near, why were they appearing now?

Kyrax clenched his fist, he could feel the muscle tensing and the scales rippling along his arm. He breathed in and could smell the dank, mustiness of the room. He wasn't able to smell in Yggdrasil. What the fuck was going on?

Kyrax cleared his throat, "It's nothing, Fenrir," his voice came out in a deep, rumble, "I just sensed a change in the atmosphere."

At that, Avirus and Fenrir both looked at him in awe, "Of course Kyrax-sama would pick up on that," Avirus hissed, respect coating his words, the wolf nodding enthusiastically in agreement.

Kyrax shifted minutely in embarrasment, but quickly quelled it. "Avirus, come with me to check the outside. Fenrir, gather the others and meet me on the 5th floor."

Both nodded and Fenrir turned and left the throne room at a quick trot. Kyrax opened his hand, extending it outward. A blue light shot out and a swirling blue portal appeared in front of him. Kyrax strode through, Avirus following closely behind his lord.

They emerged on the roof of the spire. Tyrathar was a flying island shaped like an icicle with floors seperating it. Now, they were at the top, wind whipping at his cloak. Kyrax walked towards the edge and jumped off, wings hugging his body as he shot towards the ground at extreme speeds. His wings suddenly shot open as he veered up and started gliding towards the ground.

He landed with a heavy thud and closed his wings, hearing Avirus land behind him. Kyrax turned to examine the place. There were grassy meadows as far as he could see which was strange. In Yggdrasil, Tyrathar was situated above the lava lands of Muspelheim.

"Kyrax-sama, company," Avirus growled. Kyrax glanced in his direction, a two-legged figure was making its way over, though it was too far away to determine its race. Kyrax closed his eyes and concentrated, imagining his wings and tail getting absorbed into his skin, claws and horns receding and scales disappearing.

When he opened his eyes, he was a normal teenage human with ice-blue hair and dark orange eyes. Well, normal aside from the black dragon looming next to him.

When the figure got closer, he could tell it was a human. A furious human. He was dressed in blue clothes with an iron belt and cloak and what looked to be an upside down bucket on his head.

"Hey!" he roared, storming up to Kyrax, he thrust his face forward and when he spoke, spittle splashed onto Kyrax's face, "What're you doing on the sunlight scripture's land?!"

Kyrax's eyes narrowed. He could hear Avirus's low growl and the fury that had engulfed him. He himself was close to losing it. He couldn't feel any of the compassion or friendliness he had once held for the human race. All he could feel right now was rage and disgust at this filthy creature.

"Shut up," he snarled, grabbing his broadsword and decapitating him with one clean sweep. The head rolled off his shoulders and fell to the ground with a wet thump. The rage cleared from his head but he was remarkably calm as he gazed at the human's dead body. He felt no regret or sorrow.

"My lord," Avirus growled, "Would you like me to burn down the whole pathetic kingdom for this lowly creature's sins?"

Kyrax glanced at the dragon, "No, not yet. Let's have a talk with the leaders though." He walked towards Avirus and, using his spikes as leverage, vaulted onto the dragon's back.

"Is it safe, Kyrax-sama?" Avirus asked, curling his neck to stare at his lord in concern.

"It'll be fine," he said dismissively, "we have this after all," he slipped a silver coin out of his pocket. When activated, it would automatically transfer the user back to their set spawn point and if the user was killed before it was activated, the user was revived and sent back at half health. Avirus was a shadow dragon so he could disappear into the shadows at any time.

The dragon nodded and pushed off the ground, pumping his wings to stay aloft as they headed to the castle they could see near here. When they landed in the courtyard with a thump, spears were pointed at them in all directions. Avirus growled threateningly but Kyrax raised a hand and he stopped.

"Halt!" one of the guards called, "What is your business in the Slane Theocracy?"

"I come bearing a gift," Kyrax said, beckoning to Avirus, "I just wanted to take him to your leader."

There were murmurs before a gruff voice shouted out, "Take him to Pontifex Maximus, he'll deal with him."

They were surrounded on all sides and pushed into a large hallway that easily encompassed Avirus's size. A door opened and a human male strode through, all the guards bowing and saluting to him.

"Pontifex Maximus," one murmured, bowing his head respectfully.

Maximus waved dismissively at the guards, "Leave us."

"But Sir, it's dangerous-"

"Are you implying I can't deal with a boy and his pet lizard?" Avirus's eyes narrowed at that but he stayed quiet with a warning glance from Kyrax.

"N-no my lord," with a stuttered reply, the guards cleared out of the room.

Maximus turned to Kyrax and opened his mouth, but before he could speak, Kyrax smirked at him, eyes glowing dangerously, "you shouldn't have underestimated me, human."


Kyrax lunged forward, morphing to his usual form and slamming his tail hard into the Pontifex. The human fell to the ground with a pained grunt but rolled to his feet, locking eyes with Kyrax.

Which was a fatal mistake.

"Mind Control."