
Draconic evolution

A stroll takes a life changing end as this artist battles to become the pinnacle of all, standing atop a pile of corpses or ending up as one. It’s live or die as he battles to reach the pinnacle, he will fight gods, demons and all sorts of other creatures, go through many worlds and cosmos searching for his kingdom, but the true question is will he become the most powerful dragon or die unknown. The cover picture is not mine. I will try to update every week but my schedule is a bit hectic so I will prioritize quality over quantity and also make the chapters longer. Thanks for the support and have fun.

Wooden_pupper · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

New cultivation tiers

1. Mortal tier

Realms: 1-9

2. Law creation tier

First stage-law comprehension: initial, lower, middle, upper, and peak

Second stage-law mastery requirements: a tier three law and peak law comprehension realm.

3-9. Unknown

10. Heavenly being(this stage brings the interior world of the cultivator into the same plain as other worlds in existence)

Realms: asteroid, moon, dwarf planet, planet, galaxy, universe.

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