
Draconic Evolution

A vulcanian from the star trek universe exhales his last breath in a fight to the death. This logical and pragmatical individual will find himself reborn in a world of sword and magic. An hostile new environment heavily inspired from the monster hunter universe. Fighting legendary creatures, and relying on the most illogical of things, such as magic, the mc will try to protect his loved ones in this new life of his. (As magic is a really broad term, there will be various magical elements and not only the magical weapons from monster hunter) The plot of the story is completely created by my own imagination. Don't expect this to follow the canonical fight of the game either. The story is taking place in the real world, monsters won't have a simple hp bar and MC neither. As such consider this work as a complete AU. Chapter lenght: around 1000/1200 words. --> I don't own the cover, the right are copletely of the artist. If you want me to change it, just write it and it will be done. Feel free to point out any possible mistake or expression your opinions. *I don't own any material coming both from the monster hunter or star trek universe*

book_234 · Video Games
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8 Chs

[First day of school]

It was finally time for Severus to start his first day of primary education. As he had reached the age of five just yesterday he was now being lectured by his mother while she was fixing his clothes.

Severus stern face was quietly listening, his facial features were pretty sharp, abnormally so for a boy his age. It seemed pretty fatigued and sharped out of years of stress and hard work, the same situation was emphasized even more by his body. As his hard vulcanian training had tired him out almost every day, his muscles were heavily toned and numerous cut and calluses could be seen on his hands and feet.

"Are you listening to me boy? Be respectful toward your instructors and try to get in touch with some friends!"

Yet Liliana's nagging didn't find any reaction from the little boy. She had yet him to see him openly express any real feeling. He indeed felt affection for his mother and in particular for his little sister Claudia who was now four years old, yet Severus would only show a faint smile for them every so often as he was mostly occupied with his training or asking curiosities about the world.

Only one time Liliana had seen him happy, at least he had appeared so for a few instants. This was when she had told him that his brother Darius would move to his aunt's house as Liliana couldn't afford his studies. Actually this had been a stroke of luck for the green eyed boy, soon after his healing in the clinic had been done they had submitted him to a bloodline test. Darius actually did possess remnants of the Great Girros, as such he had been labeled as an important asset for the federation.

In fact possessing a bloodline would grand the individual a great deal of power. As the hunter could exert part, all of them or even more of the potential that originated from the genes of the monster they had the bloodline of. Holders of such capabilities would often be referred as warlocks, and they were the backbone of the army of the federation but firstly of the human kingdom. Nonetheless in the ancient war it was thanks to them that humans had ended up as the dominant race.

As such they could not accept such potential to be nurtured under the care of a penniless mother. Consequentially Liliana had decided to entrust his son's care to her older sister who had married a rich merchant. Even if between them didn't run good blood, she still cared about her child's future and wanted Darius not to lose such an opportunity. At the same time her sister would not refuse such a kid that had high possibilities to be accepted at the prestigious hunters academy. It was a win-win situation for both of them.

After knowing that such a nuisance would stay as far a possible from him for the next years, Severus couldn't hold his human emotions and for a split second a broad smile appeared on his face.

"Sevvy! You look so handsome, oh my! the ladies will all fall for ya!"

Suddenly the high pitch voice of Claudia interrupted his internal monologue. If Severus looked weirdly mature for his age, his little sister, even if not as much, was still quite clever for a little brat. She often liked to tease him, hoping for her brother to react a bit embarrassed or to get a single change into his dead frozen expression. However she was yet to accomplish such feat, as even this time she failed her mission.

Severus turned quickly turned his head around to look at his sister. Claudia looked quite chubby and cute, she had green dazzling eyes and black hair. With her cute puffy face she glanced at Severus stern one, which fixed on her for a bit before starting to speak.

"Claudia, my sister, I am not of age yet. You will need to wait more years for me to choose my partner."

Then his blue eyes seemed to exude a faint warm, before turning his gaze to his mother who was now waiting for Severus in front of the door.

Severus quickly glanced at his clean attire, as not only he had been obliged to be attentively bathed but Liliana had even bought him a new pair of clothes from the tailoring shop she worked in. He was know wearing a pure white shirt with a pair of suspenders and a pair of black leather pants.

A few seconds later he made his way out of his beloved wooden hut. It was still early in the morning, as the resplendent sun was shining just a little bit over the horizon, warming these still cold early days of spring.

The little town of Savitoria was positioned in a zone of plain ground with some mountainous spaces that could be seen toward north east that separated it from Naxium.

Savitoria was shape was pretty simple, as it had two main roads that crossed each others at the center of the village converging in a 'X' like shape. Right at the center there was the only square of the town and around it there were all the most important buildings. Even a small facility of the guild was positioned there, and just next to it was situated Severus actual destination, the primary school.

As he walked through the stony street, Severus was quite pleased in seeing the fervor of the energetic residents bustling through the street. In fact, most shops had already opened, as people hurried their way toward the local market or were making their ways through their workplaces.

Then he finally arrived, a long rectangular structure awaited him. It had various windows on its flanks, likely indicating the position of the various classes. The walls were quite thick and seemed to be strangely polished and smooth, which contrasted a lot with the rather primitive building of the rest of the town.

In front of the yellowish structure stood two little black gates, separating, alongside with the fencing, the outside with the garden of the school.

Furthermore Severus could see two rows of brats positioned before them. The row on the left was slowly advancing inside of the school, under the observation of what he could imagine as an instructor. The other on the right was actually not moving, and all the kids seemed fairly younger than the ones on the left.

Probably these ones were fresh novices like himself, waiting to start their first day of school.