
Draconic Deus: A Lone Wolf

WARNING!!!! Contains HAREM!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!! The Primera Espada, Coyote Starrk died in battle of Karakura. Now, he finds himself in a new world being reincarnated as a devil. And what’s this about being a servant of this bubbly female devil? Eh? You want him to star in your magical girl show? Impossible! Unfortunately, he couldn’t refuse. All sorts of troublesome things seems to follow him in this new world. “What a pain. You should’ve let me die peacefully.”

Daoist_Single_Dog1 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 8

As Starrk predicted, Sona broke her engagement by beating her fiancé to a chess match, before immediately declaring that she would marry only a man who can defeat her in chess.

With that declaration, Starrk witnessed no more than dozen of young devils challenging her, only to end up suffering complete defeat.

Well, it wasn't a surprise. Sona was smart. She was no Serafall, but considering her age, she will surely get there.

Starrk wasn't being biased, but aside from Aizen, he knows no one who can outsmart Serafall. The childish devil king might not look like it, but she is the devil king in charge of foreign affairs for a reason.

He let out a tired yawn as he stood up from his seat —he was seated in the spectator area where they can can watch the chess match —and thought of going to the yard for a little nap.

He wandered in the halls of Sitri Manor, it wasn't as big as Las Noches, but he absolutely prefer this kind of place than the cold, empty halls of Aizen's palace.

He arrived at the yard, where he chose to lie down on his favorite spot, under the shade of a cherry blossom tree.

However, unlike the usual, he didn't close his eyes to take a nap, instead, he just stared at the cherry blossoms in a daze.

"40 years," he muttered. It was roughly that long since he was reincarnated as a devil. It was merely a fraction of how long he has lived, but those 40 years were something he wouldn't forget.

He and Lilynette were no longer alone, wandering the barren land of Huecu Mundo, nor do they have to bear that cold and empty Las Noches.

He was thankful to Aizen, despite what the man had done. Even now, part of him still greatly admired and respected him.

Power and charisma, intelligence and strength, Aizen was almost perfect in every way.

Though, if Starrk met him now, he would probably blow a hole through his head for what he did to Harribel.

Just because he respected the man doesn't mean he won't avenge his …friend.

Starrk treasured this new life of his, and no matter how much he complains about how noisy his friends are —especially Serafall— he knew for a fact that if someone even have the slightest thought of harming them, he would go on full Resurreccion at them.

Consequences be damned.

He know for sure that if Sona lost the chess match, and was forced into marriage, he would help her break free. After all, she's like a sister to him.

"Thankfully, she won." Starrk smiled as he closed his eyes, "Aahh, I'm tired. I need to sleep."






"What happened?" Serafall was feeling irritated.

She was in a middle of casting for her new show in the human world when she was called back for something "important".

She wasn't told what that "important" thing was and was just told to return in a hurry for a meeting.

Serafall sat down on her chair, the other members of four great devil kings were also seated with her. They were in a rather large room, with a small round glass table.

There are also other servants around them, one of them putting a cup of tea and some snacks in front of her.

"We're on a verge of war," said one Falbium Asmodeus, one of the four great devil kings in charge of military affairs. He was also known in the underworld as the "Devil King With Largest Political Influence".

Falbium appears to be a middle aged man with bald head and a goatee, wearing a black robe.

Serafall almost spat out the tea she just drank. Purple eyes widened in shock as she stared at Falbium, before staring at the other two devil kings.

"He was being serious," said Sirzechs Lucifer, one of the four great devil kings and in charge of domestic affairs. He was known as the "Devil King With Greatest Combat Power".

He used to be called the "Strongest Devil", unfortunately that title was taken from him.

Sirzechs appears to be a handsome young man with red hair and blue eyes, wearing a black suit.

"I'll make it brief. Have you heard about Fuyuki Fire?" Asked Ajuka Beelzebub, one of the four great Devil kings in charge of technology department. Known as the "Devil King With Highest Intelligence".

Ajuka appears to be a handsome young man with slick back green hair and wears a black suit.

Together with Serafall Leviathan, who is the devil king in charge of foreign affairs and known as the "Devil King With Strongest Peerage", these four devil kings rule half of the biblical underworld.

The other half being ruled by the fallen angels.

"Just the cover up," Serafall shrugs, "the news said that it was a large scale gas leak."

Ajuka nodded, "Well, the fire was actually caused by the young devil heirs. Apparently they got so fired up with the Rating Game they decided to reenact one."

"Wait, how about the Tohsaka's?" Serafall couldn't help but interrupt.

The Tohsaka Family is a magus family that has been into contract with the Sitri family for generations.

The Sitri has been providing them with vast resources while the Tohsaka has been providing them with new and advanced spells and sometimes, mystic codes.

The two family has been into contact with each other that some Sitri devils married into Tohsaka and vice versa.

Her little sister, Sona, and the heiress of Tohsaka actually bore some similarities.

"They tried and failed to stop it," Ajuka shrugs, "they moved to Kouh after the incident, but that enraged the Youkai faction and they demanded to hand over those responsible for the incident."

"…Oh." Now Serafall knew why it is bad.

Devils cared a lot about their heirs considering their low fertility rate, it is impossible for them to hand over those heirs that are responsible for the trouble.

The heirs knew this, it was why they dared to ran amok. Not only because they knew they couldn't be touched, but also because they have Sirzechs Lucifer.

They were arrogant enough with just him, then Starrk appeared, who was the undisputed strongest devil in history, taking that title from Sirzechs himself.

"…Urk, I'm the one who's going to deal with all these mess aren't I?" Serafall said aloud, voice tinged in horror, "oh, to be in charge of foreign affairs."

"It's going to get worse if you know who're you dealing with," Said Sirzechs with a small smile, "think, in whose territory is Fuyuki part of?"

"Whose territory? It's—" Serafall froze, her mouth wide open in shock. "N-North Y-Youkai F-Fa-Faction!!! Dammit! I don't want to go! Let Zechs-chan do it!"

"Oh, woe is me, I'm just a little devil king in charge of domestic affair—…wait, then I'd be the one to deal with those heirs!? Oh no." Sirzechs slumped his head on the table, feeling tears flowing out of his eyes.

Serafall chose to move her gaze to Falbium, who merely raised his hand in mock surrender.

"You don't send a military general for diplomacy. It might be considered as an act of aggression." He said.

Serafall has no counter for that. She turned towards Ajuka, who just shrugs and pointed at himself. She nodded, Ajuka is hated by supernatural world due to his evil pieces.

Almost every supernatural organization on the world wanted his head for creating such damnable thing.

If he went there, who knew what kind of mess would happen.

"Shit," Serafall banged her head on the table, "I guess I'll be the one to take the bullet then. I really don't want to interact with that man."

"No one does. That man is batshit crazy."

"No, no, he's downright insane."

"Can't believe that guys has such beautiful daughter."


Serafall sighed, her mind was wandering why she fought with Grayfia over the title of Leviathan?

'If I could go back in time, I'd let Grayfia win …on second thought, I might not meet my Starrk if that happens. Darn, I'm really fated for this job.'