
First and Second Years of Life

Once Draco was born and the SSS reward opened, Draco, as he came to be named, received 4 rather amazing pills. When he looked them up in his shop, he found that that they all had costs in the trillions! Which meant that he definitely could not afford them, so he decided to save them for when he could get the most out of them.

Now that he was finally born he could also see the effects of the wand that he'd made, which was about what he'd expected. He couldn't really compare it to other wands yet, but he was pretty confident that it was amazing considering its SSS ranking.

Just like in the books he read, his parents were Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy.

While they may not have seemed that great to Harry, they clearly loved their son very much. Unfortunately, his vocal cords were not very developed and he couldn't do much of anything, so he bought the 1st year through 7th year school books and started reading them, while trying to work out his vocal cords and muscles to be able to speak and walk. By the time he started finishing some of the books , he noticed that the option to memorize them appeared and he selected yes and returned to his occlumency books.

By the time he was a year old, Draco was able to talk and walk a bit. He'd also spent 100,000,000,000 Karma to get a soulbound Grimoire as a quest unlocked requiring him to read all the year 2 school books. He couldn't write in the grimoire the way typical witches and wizards from the east do. Because he bought the most expensive Soul Grimoire, it could grow with his magic stat, and with his insane growth rate in it, he imagined that eventually he'd get some out of the world abilities that he wouldn't otherwise be able to achieve.

Well, he could hope, at least, since he spent 100,000,000,000 karma to get it.

Finishing the Year 2 vooks was borderline torture, Draco thought, especially with Gilderoy Lockhearts books. He really had not wanted to do it, but wanted to complete the quest, so he had too. He could only hope that over time the Gri,oire would prove to be worth the price of it's purchase in karma.Around his first birthdau, Draco was able to talk properly, walk, and even dress himself without the help of the house-elves. On the mental side of things, this was because he was a reincarnator. Even if he did not have his memories from his previous life, he still thought very much like an adult, so to begin with the only thing stopping him was his physical limitations from being so young.On the physical side of things, his Strength, Speed, and vitality increased at a rate of 500% greater then normal, which was like a x6 multiplier. This resulted in his muscles in his legs former faster and being naturally denser then usual.

Understanding how weird it would look, Draco spent the second year of his life pretending to learn to read, with the house elf Dobby as his tutor, that way when he asked for books it would not seem so strange, andd he'd just seem like a little genius, thirsty for knowledge.During his second year of life, the Potters died, along with Voldemort. It bothered draco that he was powerless to do anything about it since be still couldn't even use magic yet, despite all his training. It seemed some things were unavoidable.


Name : Draco Malfoy

Sex : Male

Age : 1 year, 0 days

Species : Human (Wizard)

Strength : 18

Speed : 13

Vitality : 26

Magic : 73

Karma : 244,809,497,559

Wand :

Loyalty : 100%

Soul Wand Attributes : Magic Growth Rate +1000%, Magic Power +100%

Yggdrasil Heartwood : +1000% Magic Growth Rate, Potions +100% potency/accuracy

Seraphim Feather : +500% Speed Growth Rate

Nemian Lion Whisker : +500% Strength Growth Rate +250% Charms potency/accuracy

Hydra's Heartstring : +500% Vitality Growth Rate

Philosopher's Stone : +1000% Transfiguration magic potency/accuracy, +500% all other magic potency/accuracy

Grimoire :

Loyalty : 100%

Soul Grimoire

Inventory :

Strength Enhancer (SSS grade) x1 : This pill can be used to permanently increase the users Strength stat by 200%

Speed Enhancer (SSS grade) x1 : This pill can be used to permanently increase the users Speed stat by 200%

Vitality Enhancer (SSS grade) x1 : This pill can be used to permanently increase the users Vitality stat by 200%

Magic Enhancer (SSS grade) x1 : This pill can be used to permanently increase the users Magic stat by 200%

Library :

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of AzKaban

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Basic Wandcrafting

Advanced Wandcrafting

Mythical Wandcrafting

Basic Occlumency

Advanced Occlumency

Year 1 School Books

Year 2 School Books

Year 3 School Books

Year 4 School Books

Year 5 School Books

Year 6 School Books

Year 7 School Books


For his second birthday, Draco awoke excitedly and got up and started getting dressed and ready for the day. His godfather, Professor Snape, was coming today, and he had been making a plan. While his magical container had been developing at an incredible pace, he still couldn't cast proper magic, but he could learn potions!

Once he was changed, Draco started leaving his room and met ine of the house-elves right outside "Good morning, Dobby."

"Dobby greets the Young Master Draco, good morning." Dobby replied to Draco "Master Lucius is waiting for you. You have company in the Parlor"

"Thank you Dobby" Draco excitedly left the house elf and speed walked from his room to the stairs, and held the rail as he made his way downstairs, assuming that his godfather arrived early.

Instead, however, when he entered the parlor, an unfamiliar man and woman, and a pair of little girls, one was about his age while the other, carried by her mother, looked to be about ahalf a year old. All these people were there with Draco's parents.

"Draco, come here." His father called Draco, and he jogged over "I'd like you to meet Connor and Hannah Greengrass, and their daughters Daphne, and little Astoria.

Hannah looked surprised. She wasn't exactly showing signs yet.

Draco looked at Daphne "Hello, Daphme, I'm Draco."

"Hewwo Dwaco" Daphne answered him cutely.

"You are right." Mrs Greengrass admitted to Draco, then looked at Narcissus "It's hard to believe little Draco is nearly 5 months younger then our Daphne. He is unusually intelligent for being so young"

"Yeah, our Draco is an unusually gifted Genius." Lucius said with a chuckle.

"Our Daphne was born on February 14th of year before last, and our Astoria came to us on the 19th of December" Connor explained to the Malfoys.

The Greengrass couple chuckled in amusement "So, what did you ask your parents for as a birthday present?" Connor asked Draco.

"Potions supplies." Draco said probably "Since I can't learn magic yet, I want to learn potions. I'm going to ask my godfather to give me lessons." he declared proudly.

"My, aren't you an ambitious one." Connor chuckled in amusememt "I think that you will go far, my lad!" Draco wore a huge grin and nodded once. He couldn't say what he really thought because he was still too weak, but someday Draco was determined to be the most powerful in the world, and with his system, he thought that should be easy enough, as long as he was willing to work for it.

Draco looked again at Daphne and smiled, thinking that if she ended up being cute when she got older, then it wouldn't hurt to start befriending her now "Daphne, do you mind if I come to your next birthday party?"

Daphne's cheeks pinkened a bit in embarrassment "Otay."

Draco understood that at 2 years old it wasn't normal to be able to speak as well as he was able too, so he was understanding and had patience, it was normal for her to speak few words. He was the one that was out of the ordinary, after all, not Daphne. Draco looked at his parents "It's alright, isn't it?" Draco asked.

"I don't see why not, since little Daphne agreed to it." Narcissa agreed, grinning, she was of course thinking that Daphne was a good pure-blood girl and would be a good match for Draco when he grew up, though it was still a bit too early to think about that, at least for now.

"Certainly, you are welcome to visit Daphne for a play date any time you want." Hannah giggled, having similar thoughts to Narcissa at that moment. After the dark times that they were previously living in, Hannah was relieved to see the innocent interactions of these children."I'll come over lots, then, as long as it doesn't interfere with my training." Draco agreed proudly, and then received a hug from his mother, who was drawn to how cute she thought that her son sounded.

Nobby the House Elf appeared near Lucius, submissively "Master, Nobby asked to say when Mister Severus arrives, Sir. He is entering now, Sir."

Lucius merely nodded to Nobby, who then vanished a moment before Snape entered the parlor.

Draco slipped out of his mothers arms "Godfather!" he called out excitedly and jogged over to him.

"Happy birthday, Draco." Snape greeted the boy and nodded before offering him a small box.

"Thanks!" Draco answered while accepting the box "Can you train me in potions?"

Snape actually chuckled at that "You're still a bit young for that, but when you can finish that gift, I'll give you a few lessons when I have time." he offered before looking at Lucius and the two men greeted each other warmly.

Draco got the commitment that he wanted from Snape, so he decided to let the grown-ups talk, and took Daphne's hand to lead her around the house, giving her a tour. He'd also plan to encourage her to study a bit, to learn to speak better and to read, but that was a matter for another day. For ow he just showed her around the house cheerfully.

Hereafter when stats appear in the story I will not eveal the library section, I was just making it clear that it exists and it can be assumed that it still appears whenever Draco checks his Stats/Inventory, but he just disregards it as he usually wont be looking through his books there.

Additionally, for the sake of simplicity I put Year 1 books, year 2 books, etcetera, but it can be assumed that the books are written there individually when Draco looks at it.

Oh, and with the SSS rank enhancer items, those literally increase a stat one time by 200 percent of the original stat amount, making it effectively a x3 multiplier that can only be used one time for each enhancer, which is why it is beneficial to leave them sitting in inventory until he is much stronger.

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