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of reading
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it's Miltank, but I agree that it's pretty hard to read, though I like the concept very much and am interested in seeing if it gets a better translation to make it more readable. This at least lets me know what to look for later.
Yancy from Black 2 and white 2
in the wild, maybe fear of predators killing it during the vulnerable metapod stage caused it to resist the urge to evolve? just a guess.
Or Totem Steelix
No. Jump good. I wonder if anyone will get that reference lol
wrong chapters it seems
That sucks man. Actually I hit an idiot pedestrian on a bike Sunday, but it was just a bump and he wasn't hurt. Basically there is a long line of tall shrubbery that blocks me from seeing people on the sidewalk just outside of the complex where I live, so as I approach the exit I can only pull forward very slowly. Now, while it is typically the duty of the driver to pay attention, Mr Pedestrian was riding a bike on the sidewalk, and would not have been hit if he was in the bicycle lane, but admittedly lots of bicyclists ignore that rule, but ar least most bicyclists recognize that people emerging from my complex literally can't see them until they are basically right in our path. Actually, my situation ended well, all things considered. It was early morning and still dark out, the bike was dark and had no safety lights, and the bicyclists was wearing dark clothes, and it happened so fast that I didn't see it. I just heard something and tried to figure out what happened, and luckily I looked around thoroughly and wasn't in a rush and eventually saw the bicyclists sit up and saw the top half of his head appear over the hood of my car. If I had been more impatient, I easily could have run over him. It all worked out in the end, so the idiot pedestrian I bumped into got maybe a few scrapes. Obviously it sounds like much worse happened to you, but I randomly decided to share my own story. I hope you recover quickly.
The trace is placed when they enter hogwarts. After all, Hermione was able to practice a lot of spells before starting her first year because the trace was not in place at that time.
Fireball is probably an AoE while Wind Blade is single target, so Fireball may be more useful against swarms of enemies in the future or something.