

The next day, Jayden Nite was scrolling through his phone until he came across some news that happened nearby, not too far from where he lived, as he read the text below the news he felt himself nearly threw up his breakfast.

"Allison Walter and Jamie Walter were found dead inside of the home, possibly cannibalism."

Jayden felt sick at the thought of a human eating another human, it disgusted him, but he was keeping track of the cannibalism deaths around the city and it was usually a pattern, a person would be killed every two weeks with signs of Cannibalism and another killed using Cyanide injection.

As he sat at the bus stop he couldn't help but think about how sick people were to do this to others, was it for satisfaction or to deal with certain people? Jayden wasn't sure of what the person's goal was, however, he was determined to find them, no matter how long it was going to take.

Snapping out of his thoughts, he saw the bus roll up to the bus stop where he had stood upland stepped, he was on his way to hang out with his 2 friends at the mall. While sitting on the bus he heard chatter about the recent breaking news, and how the famous little girl, Allison Walter had died in her home, and how it was Allison's Modelling Manager that found them dead that morning.

"Hey, Jayden!" A familiar voice spoke, snapping him out of his thoughts about the recent news, looking up he saw a friend of his from the basketball team.

"Allen, what are you doing here?" Allen shrugged as he looked at Jayden, "Just thought I'd go out today, it's the weekend so… I was thinking about hanging out with the team, what about you?" he asked as he looked at the strawberry-blonde-haired male.

"I'm going to go hang out with my other two friends, the ones that graduated last year," Jayden spoke as he smiled at Allen, who got the idea of the two friends he was talking about, "The hot one and the freaky one?" Allen questioned as he looked down at Jayden while standing.

"Remind me, who is the hot one, and who is the freaky one," Jayden chuckled as he looked at Allen who stood up and shrugged, "I forgot their names, that's why I called them that, but the hot one is hot and the freaky one is freaky… well… freaky to me," Allen shrugged his shoulders as he thought about Jayden's older friends.

"Oh, did you hear about the Allison Walter case?" Allen asked as he looked at Jayden with a curious expression, "Of course… it sickens me how someone could do that to another human being," Jayden shivered as he thought about the case, 'signs of cannibalism.'

"Yeah, it grosses me out, I kinda don't feel safe at home… which is why I'm going out with the team… I really don't want to be next," Allen spoke while he shrugged. It seemed obvious he was disturbed by the news of Allison Walter and Jamie Walter.

"Yeah, well, hope and pray you won't be next… maybe start treating other people better so you don't get on the mystery killer's bad side," Jayden chuckled as he looked at his teammate brother standing up and patting Allen's shoulder.

"This is my stop, see you later, Allen," Jayden chuckled as he stepped off the bus. He began walking towards the mall where he had agreed to meet his other two friends, walking in silence he put his airpods in and blasted music, he didn't feel like listening to the crowd converse about the up-rising case of Allison Walter.

As he walked, he counted each step he took, looking at the cement ground before he was yanked back from the hoodie, he quickly took his airpods out and looked to see who had just saved him from on-coming traffic.

"Demi! You scared me…" Jayden sighed as he shook his head, looking at his friend before laughing and hugging them, "Alright, alright… I know you miss me, but I'm not in heaven," Demi laughed as they looked at the younger male, he was taller but still younger than Demi.

"I didn't mean to make it look like I was trying to kill myself," Jayden chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his head. Demi smiled and nodded, wrapping an arm around Jayden before guiding him across the street with the crowd, "Jade's going to say we're late…"




Boy was Demi right.

"You're late, if you're going to waste my time, tell me ahead of time," Jade uttered as she sat in the booth they all used to sit in, 'Sorry Jade, but Jayden just tried to kill himself… it was crazy, I had to pull him back or else he would've died," Demi spoke dramatically as they faked a faint.

"Jayden, is this true? Did you try killing yourself?" Jade raised a brow as she looked at the strawberry-blonde male. "Demi's being dramatic, can't you see that?" Jayden crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

"Well… Obviously, I can't pick up on Demi's humor," Jade rolled her eyes as she looked away from the duo. Jade knew she was out of place, she never understood why Demi and Jayden stuck around, and everyone else was too intimidated by her.

"Yeah, I forgot, you were a r-o-b-o-t," Jayden snickered as he teased Jade, which only made her eyes roll again. Jade never understood their humor and wasn't interested in learning it, "Anyway… Jayden how are you feeling… do you feel safe at home?" Jade questioned, her green eyes staring into his hazel eyes.

Jade's question caught the attention of Demi, causing Demi's onyx eyes to fall onto Jayden as well, "Well… if I'm being honest… not really, which is why I'm out here… with you guys," Jayden smiled nervously as he thought about the newest breaking news.

"I see… I'll assign some of my security from the hospital to your place tonight… for some extra money, I can't have my friends feeling scared," Jade spoke, the tone in her voice as cold as it ever was, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't show emotions in her face or tone.

"Thanks, but I'll be fine, I don't think I'm as scared as my teammates, I believe they're planning to have a sleepover," Jayden spoke as he shrugged his shoulders, he knew he was safe, he treated everyone fairly and never harassed women by hitting on them… unlike his teammates.

"Suit yourself," Jade spoke as she shrugged her shoulder, leaning back against her seat. "Speaking of safety… do you think I'm safe? Have I been bad to others?" Jayden asked, looking at Jade and then at Demi.

"You're so cute! You're like my little brother," Demi exclaimed as they hugged Jayden tightly, squeezing him before they had to stop because Jade cleared her throat, "You've been great… I don't know how I got a friend like you, Jayden," Jade spoke, though her tone was empty.

Jayden didn't know how to react, it was the first time in 8 months since the last time Jade had said something like that. Jayden soon pulled away from the hug Demi had dragged him into, "Thanks… but you really didn't have to say all that…" Jayden chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I'll refrain from saying such things then," Jade spoke as she shrugged her shoulders, the silence from the 3 fell heavy, though it didn't bother Jade, she preferred the silence over constant yapping.

"So… have you guys heard about the sudden news of Allison Walter?" Jayden asked as he looked at Demi, then at Jade again. "Yes, we have, we're not born under rocks," Demi huffed as they rolled their eyes, "Yeah… how could someone do that to a father and a child," Demi proceeded, acting hurt and disgusted before looking at Jade as she flashed a smirk.

Jade only glared at Demi before taking a sip out of the drink she wanted, "Yeah… it grosses me out to think cannibalism is involved," Jade spoke as she shook her head, pushing her drink away from herself, "Makes me sick just thinking about it," she said, shooting a look at Demi.

Jayden didn't notice the looks the two of them were sharing, he was lost in his thoughts. "Do you think I can find the people that did this?" Jayden asked as he looked at Jade who was glaring at Demi, soon looking back at Jade.

"I'm sure you'll find them… but you won't catch them… not right now…" Jade spoke, her green eyes looking into his hazel eyes, "I'm saying this because it's too soon for you to catch them… you're still in high school," Jade added, explaining what she meant not to hurt his feelings.

"Yeah, I got the point, but I still can't determine any possible suspects…" Jayden sighed as he shrugged his shoulders, "When I'm a detective, I'll make sure to find them, I'll keep you two safe," Jayden smiled before choking as Demi pulled him into a tight hug.

"Awh! I look forward to you keeping us safe," Demi smiled as they hugged Jayden, their strength to Jayden seemed inhuman, he hated thinking about it, but in his head… He suspected Jade Williams and Demi Cupiditas.

Jade observed Jayden and Demi, her eyes narrowing as she saw a slight change in Jayden's expression go from joyful to a shift in seriousness, her grip on her cup tightened immensely to where the paper broke and imploded making a mess of the drink she had.

Jade stood up and sighed while shaking her head, "I guess… that's the end for me, I have another shift at the Facility again," she spoke before walking away and paying for all the food and drinks they had while sitting there, she wasn't about to get caught by Jayden, of all people.

While Jade stood up and walked away, Jayden watched her movements, he couldn't read her, he couldn't find anything about her that would indicate her as a suspect, as for Demi, there were a ton of indications, dark humor going too far, intense/inhuman strength and a constant unsatisfied hunger.

Demi then let go of Jayden and smiled at him, "So, do you have anything to do?" They asked as she looked at the hazel-eyed male, curiosity spreading across their face. 

Jayden nodded and got up motioning Demi to move out of his way, "It was nice talking to you guys for a bit, but I thought about 2 suspects in the time we spent here, so I'll be on my way to update the list," Jayden smiled at Demi before walking away himself.

Demi was left alone, her stomach growling with hunger, sighing while pulling out her phone and texting Jade, 'Hey… I'm hungry, but I'm busy with family tonight, do you think… you could get me some food, I'll clean up after you.'

'Yeah… I'll do it, but we have to be careful, Jayden is suspecting us.' Jade texted back, looking at her screen with a blank-expression while her mother was driving, sniffling.

"What's got you crying?" Jade spoke, glancing at her mother as she drove. "I'm just heartbroken… Allison Walter and her Father from last night is tragic, Baby… I love you, I don't know what I would do if that were you.." Cristina spoke as she struggled to compose herself.

"Do you love me?" Jade asked as she looked at her crying mother, without a second thought Cristina nodded her head, "See Jade… how can I not? You're my first-born.." Cristina spoke again in a shaky manner.

"Then you won't cheat again…" Jade spoke as she looked at her mother who froze and shut her mouth, Jade only giggled at the sight of the fear in her mother's eyes, "If you don't snitch on me… I'll keep you alive, and don't try being sneaky, you're a klutz…" She spoke before grabbing her mother's phone.

"Recording? How foolish," Jade spoke before opening her window and throwing it out as they crossed a bridge, it fell into the water, "Now… when dad comes home, you'll tell him that you dropped your phone when on a jog on the bridge…"

"Do you understand?" Jade spoke as she threatened her birth giver, now her mother was a tool she needed, "You'll vouch for me when people suspect… and I'll guarantee your safety… you don't want your baby in prison do you?"

"N… No, I don't…" Cristina managed to get out, her bottom lip trembling as she thought about what her daughter could do to her, "di… did you eat him?" Jade sighed and sat back before shaking her head, "No, it's gross, I had someone else do it, they were getting hungry…"

"Why?" Cristina asked as she drove, it was obvious she knew how to act under such pressure, but finding out her daughter turned out like this, scared her, spending every minute in the car with her daughter felt like an eternity, and jumping every time Jade spoke, so chilling and empty.

"Mother… I can't have you acting like this in front of Father, so… smarten up and act like you're still hiding your affair," Jade spoke as she looked at her mother who was visibly stressed and trembling in fear, "Yes, Jade… of course.." Cristina uttered before jolting up as Jade slammed her fist on the dashboard.

"When it's just me and you, it's yes ma'am, got it, Cristina?" Jade spoke up, "Now say it clearly," she threatened, it was obvious she was losing her cool due to Jayden's suspicions. She didn't need to be caught by an amateur like him.

"Yes Ma'am!" Cristina cried out, the stress she was feeling was too much, the man she loved, Jamie Walter was dead, and she was sitting in a car with his murderer, Jade Williams.