
Dr. Player (DP)

Raymond, a lowly illegitimate son. He was born as the son of a noble, but he was nothing but a filthy man in the eyes of many. Even his qualities as a natural healer are the worst of the worse: Grade F. It was an irredeemable talent that was worse than the lowest class, indeed. But one day, a miracle happened to him. [You awakened as a player!] [Occupation: Surgeon] It was the beginning of a great legend. Disclaimer: I do not own the novel, the owner of the novel is Yuin (Story), Rikodaram (Art). The Reason why I'm translating this novel because I like it and I hope people too. I'm new in translating so pls help me along the way. Thank You

SEven20 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Chapter 11

Tsk, tsk.

Was it after the patient was cured? A timid instinct rose in Raymond's mind.

"What if I get it wrong?

The urgency of the situation made it impossible to think about it, but how strange would it look to the people here?

They might even accuse him of murdering a royal.

He stammered out an excuse for his behavior.

"Oh, this. I was trying to save the princess. I never meant to harm her. Now that she's recovered, let's get her to the healing room...."

Fortunately, Raymond's fears were unfounded.

He heard a voice say

"That's enough. I know you didn't mean to harm the princess."


Raymond's eyes widened to the size of fire glasses.

As big as Seitil's and Sophia's.

No, more than that, because it was a voice he would never forget.

King Auden.

The man who had been Raymond's father, and the cause of all his misfortune, stood before him.

Thump, thump, thump!

Raymond's heart pounded frantically in his chest.

Anger, hatred, whatever it was, swirled uncontrollably.

"...Greetings, His Majesty the King."

Raymond dropped to his knees, forcing his emotions to the bottom of his chest.


King Auden stared down at Raymond for a moment.

"Why does he look at me like that?

After a moment's puzzlement, the king spoke up.

"This will be the end of the banquet."

He turned to Raymond and said

"Raymond, you will wait until Jim calls you back."

All eyes in the room turned to the king.

"I will reward you for saving the princess."

* * *

Raymond felt an indescribable surge of emotion as he was reunited with his father after all these years.

It was definitely not a good feeling.

It was more like hatred.

King Auden was the root cause of all of Raymond's misfortune.

If only he hadn't been born the illegitimate son of the noblest of kings, Raymond wouldn't have had to suffer so much.

'I would rather have died then, why save me.'

As Raymond lay dying in the slums, motherless and alone, Auden came to him.

He looked at his son, skinny and dying like a skeleton, and brought him back to the palace.

"To save him.

"Your Majesty?

"I don't care how you do it, just do it!

It was the first and last time he heard the warmth of his father's voice, and he had never heard anything like it since.

Raymond is an unholy bastard who should not exist. He hadn't even spoken to her since he'd grown up and left the palace to live on his own.


Raymond took a breath to calm his shaking mind.

Just then, a message appeared out of thin air.

[You have successfully completed the quest: 'Guardian of the Banquet'].

[You are rewarded!]

[You will level up!]

[You are leveling up!]

[You are leveling up!]

[Gain 30 skill points!]

The promised quest reward!

A whopping three levels up and 30 skill points.

And that wasn't all.

[Achievement: 'One who saved the noble'].

[You get a bonus level up!]

[You get 30 bonus skill points].

[Perk: Your reputation increases!]

Another level up and another skill point.

Raymond felt his heart warm as he realized that he had gained a total of four levels and 60 skill points.

'Yes, my father... No, my father doesn't give a shit. There's no reason for him to care that I met the King. Me and the King have nothing to do with each other.

Yes, the king is not his father.

He had to suffer the consequences of having blood in his veins, but never mind.

He couldn't argue with him, and he didn't want to argue with him.

"You're going to eat well and live well without looking at the palace. I'm going to be the best healer I can be, and I'm going to have as much fun as the king.

No, I'll be much better off than the king. I'll have all the riches in the world.

Raymond thought to himself.

"Anyway, it's the future that counts, and I need to get the most out of this.

Raymond was no saint.

He didn't have the slightest intention of saying, "I'm satisfied that the princess is safe and sound, hehe.

I was going to pluck the mulberry as hard as I could.

"What kind of compensation should I ask for, money money money money?

But Raymond quickly shook his head.

"No. It's too much to ask for money. Once I'm a respected healer, I'll be able to sweep up the money.

"You must ask for more than money.

A special reward that only a king can grant.

"What do you suggest?

Raymond's head whirled.

This is an opportunity that will never come again, so I must think carefully.

Just then, a servant approached Raymond.

"His Majesty the King wants to see you."

Raymond followed the servant into a magnificent realm.

Raymond swallowed hard, nervous about meeting the king face to face.

The door hissed open,


The king, with his steely features, was waiting for him.

"Greetings, Your Majesty. I am Raymond, His Majesty's lowly servant."

"Raise your head."

"Thank you."

Fortunately, because he had composed himself beforehand? There was no great stirring of emotions.

I just felt a tinge of nervousness at the realization that I was face-to-face with the most powerful man in the kingdom.


For a moment, there was silence in the room.

It had been five years since the two richest men had met face to face.

They hadn't seen each other since Raymond had left the palace, and they hadn't been in the same room when he was there, so it had been decades since they'd been face-to-face.

Still, there was no small talk.

Raymond stiffly awaited the king's command, and the king only asked about the business at hand.

Despite the blood between them, they were as different as strangers.

'Perhaps the king has forgotten that I am his child.

Raymond shook his head at the fleeting thought. None of that mattered now.

All he had to do here was get the reward he wanted.

"Why did you do that to the princess?"


Raymond opened his mouth cautiously.

This should be explained well.

CPR was a very bad idea for a stranger to see.

It was easy to get caught doing it the wrong way.

"Given Princess Mama's condition, I didn't think the Healer would be able to cure her, so I used another remedy I knew."

"A remedy other than healing?"

King Auden frowned in incomprehension.

The only healing here in Leipenthaina was the heal.

"Yes, it is a mysterious treatment called 'medicine'. It's a secret art from the distant past, and I was able to learn it after accidentally visiting an ancient ruin."


The figures beside the king were stunned by the incredible story.

Ancient, said to have shone in the distant past!

An ancient cure, shrouded in mystery, intrigued them.

'... It's a lie I came up with, but it's very plausible. An ancient cure, who can argue with that?'

Once again, Raymond marveled at his lie as he watched people react.

"There was a cure for that in ancient times?"

Raymond was slightly surprised to see who had said it.

The Duke of Galman!

A close friend of King Auden and arguably the second in command of the Huston Kingdom.

"Yes, with the help of the heavens, I was able to master it."

"That's interesting, I don't recall anything like that in any of the ancient books I've read."

Raymond frowned, but dismissively.

"It must be a secret technique, lost to time."

Fortunately, the merchant didn't press further.

"I see. Then I'll reward you for saving the princess's life. Your Majesty, what reward do you have for this man?"

King Auden asked briefly.

"Is there anything you wish?"


"If you want gold and silver treasures, I will give you enough to live on for the rest of your life."

"I don't mind such a reward."

Raymond shook his head.

As he'd thought earlier, asking for money here was sewage.

It's money you'll earn when you become a successful healer.

He should be rewarded as only a king could.

"I'm a healer, so the only thing that matters to me is taking care of my patients, first and foremost. I don't need gold or silver."

A 100% lie, of course.

But Raymond was trying to sound as sincere as possible.

Fortunately, it worked, and he could feel the admiration of the king's entourage.

"Heh, heh. What a remarkable young man, to have an opportunity like this, and to think only of his patients.

"A true healer for our time.

But Raymond's story didn't end there. It was just the fodder to get to the point.

"That's why I want to do everything I can for my patients throughout my life. I want His Majesty to ensure that I do my best for my patients."

People scratched their heads at Raymond's request.

A guarantee to see patients?

But only two people.

King Auden and Chancellor Galman understood what Raymond meant.

"You want me to guarantee that you will heal them in Jim's name."

"Yes, sir."

Raymond inclined his head.

"More precisely, I ask that medicine be recognized as a legitimate form of treatment in His Majesty's name."

Recognizing medicine in the name of the king!

That was a big deal.

There wasn't much friction now, but as he continued to treat patients, it was bound to come up.

"I'm sure there will be opposition, especially from traditional healers.

At worst, it would be seen as bizarre 'witchcraft' and banned by the Tower of Healing.

No, it would happen.

'The Tower of Healing has always ostracized new therapies and labeled them as heresy.

This was why other treatments remained primitive.

If someone came up with a treatment other than heels, the Tower of Healing would rush in and persecute them.

To maintain their vested interests.

"It's said that in places like the Iron Empire, where the Tower of Healing's influence is weaker, other treatments are more advanced, but the Iron Empire is not a place for foreigners.

So, if you don't make arrangements like this in advance, you'll be under intense scrutiny from the Healing Tower.

Fortunately, King Auden nodded approvingly.

"That's not difficult. If we don't recognize the healing that saved the princess, we won't recognize any healing. As long as you don't harm your patients, I, Auden de Houston, will recognize your 'medicine' as a legitimate healing art."

Raymond clenched his fists in approval.

"That's it!

A very important matter had been settled.

He would be able to practice medicine with impunity from now on.

"But I suppose this is not enough of a reward for saving the princess. Is there anything else you want?"

Of course there is.