
the visit

Vivian's POV//

Hello, my name is Vivian. Vivian Green. I live in New York City, by myself in a little appartment. I'm 19 and on my way to college. today is the first day of school. But I wasn't feelin too well so I had to go to an appointment with my doctor. As a kid I never liked going to the doctors and only went when I had to take shots for school. I'm such a germ freak so I don't have to go to the doctors. I think I have a cold and needed some medical help to get better, which sucks but I have to suck it up and get it over with.


As I enter, I feel out of place at such an early hour of the day. I sign in and they tell me to wait in the waiting room. I waited for about 15 minutes and was called back by a women who look to be in her late 40's. As we walk into a room, and the beautiful lady tells me that my doctor will be with me shortly. I nod and thank her as she walks out and closes the door behind her. It has been maybe 20 minutes and the doctor still wasn't here yet and I was growing impatient and was about to ask what's the hold up when a drop dead gorgeous tall man who looked to be between the ages 28 and 30 opens the door. He had to be at least 6'4 brood shoulders, dark intense grey eyes, black hair, and a scruff of hair on his sharp jawline. He was a living sex dream. He walks in and close the door behind him and smiles and says,"Hello, I'm Dr. Grey and I will be attending to you today. Sorry for the wait...ummm Ms.Green, but I just got done doing some surgery." The way he said my name had shivers down my back and all I could do was watch him with the same intensity he was giving me. "Ummm yes, I am indeed Ms.Green and understand that you were busy." He once again gave me his perfect smile and I nearly melted. "Okay Ms. Green" he began "I see that you're a perfectly healthy woman, judging by your medical history. So what may the problem be today?" He asked while looking at his clipboard. "Um yeah, as a little girl I always hated the thought of hospitals and being sick. But other than that, I've always kept myself healthy. But today I need medical attention." I say avoiding his eyes as he gives me those hot eyes again. "Well, Ms.Green would you mind telling me your symptoms?" he says still looking at me with intense eyes. "I've been having stomach pains and feverlike symptoms" I say as he writes something on his clipboard.

After a few minutes of him writing stuff down he walks over to his tool things and he grabs some stuff and walks towards me. He takes few steps from one side to the other, to get to me. As he's approaching my heart is getting louder and going faster. He looks dead ass like a sex goddess. I calm down because I don't want him to find me creepy or anything like that. He grabs his sliding stool and takes a seat right in front of me. He puts all his tools down but one and it's to check my heart beat. As his hand is getting closer to my chest I stop him and say,"I'm sacred." He looks at me with true concern and I shake it off, but all of a sudden I feel a big hand start rubbing my back, making my tits to weigh down and nipples harden at his tough. His touch felt too good. I was starting to get wet. Then all of a sudden I'm taking my jacket off, revealing my large boobs and tight red shirt. Dr.Grey then says,"it's okay, just relax and don't worry, I'm here to make you feel better, ok? So don't be scared." He now looks away and I say,"It's kinda hot in here, so I hope you don't mind." He nods in understanding and then puts the thing to my big chest and listens for my heart beat. He tells me to breath in and out and then presses the thing to my back and I once again take deep breaths. After he was done examining me, he ask me a question that I didn't want to answer, because it was too personal in my opinion. Dr.Grey asked me if I've been having unsafe sex or is sexually active. The way he asked the question was more directed at me as a demand. It takes me a while to answer but I finally say,"No, I'm a proud virgin. I'm waiting on either marriage or the right guy. As you can see I haven't done or found either." I say with a chuckle but by the way he's looking at me I start to shy up a bit more than before. He looks like he's thinking something for a bit, and then walks out of the room without a word. "Did I say something wrong?" I ask myself. But then he comes back, closing the door hard and has a determined look on his face. I start to get scared by his rough but clean actions, which turns me on a bit. Dr.Grey takes his stool and is typing stuff on his computer and then says that I have to take a urine sample to be tested of any infections. He gives me a cup in a baggie with a wipe and tells me to follow him to the restroom. As we walk out the room, eyes from every woman are on him and they are all filled with desire and lust for the man. I walk a good 3 steps behind him. Every one step he takes I take at least 3 to stay not too far behind. We reach our destination and he turns to look down at me because I'm hella short by maybe a foot and a half. He looks like he's having a hard time looking down at me so he leans forward and rests his forearm on the frame of the door to a more comfortable position. He looks in my eyes and I nearly drop dead because of his intense but gorgeous eyes. He then tells me to fill the cup up as much as possible and to wipe with the wipe and to place the container back in the bag and wait in the hospital room until he gets back. And when I'm done I wait in my room.

*End of Chapter*

My first book. How was is this chapter?