
Dr. Damage

Christian was a retired criminal from the South Brooklyn Boys. He aspired to become a Medical Doctor to help the people around him, but he had done too many dirty deeds for the criminal organization. After being brought to a new world, there should be new opportunities, right? But at what cost?

JustaMemer · Fantasy
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32 Chs

What they don't tell you...

Chris sat on the ground and waited for a few minutes until his savior arrived. She saw him sitting with his legs crossed in mud and covered in mosquitos and let out a few giggles under her breath, then she skipped over to him.

"Hi there Mister Dwarf. Mommy says you need help because you're an idiot." Said the little girl as she leaned over and untied the knot on the rope in a matter of seconds.

Chris scratched the back of his head, "Thanks, I owe you one." and then they slowly walked back to the cottage.

The Sun appeared to be falling to Chris and his clothes were now in dire need of a washing.

The went past the fence and into the house when Sarah popped her head out and told Chris, "Go wash, dinner will be done soon." and then brought Alice inside.

She shut the door and Chris banged on it for a second until she opened it back up and said, "Oh, right…it is behind that tree line." as she pointed over his shoulder and into the trees.

Chris walked over slowly and thought about his day. [Skin ripped off? Check…STABBED? Check…CURSED? Check…I just need a good bath and I can relax a little.]

He walked over the hill and saw a fast-moving stream, it had quite a lot of water in it. He walked to it and felt the icy chill then thought, [Wait…FUCK. Nope, I am inventing a hot water heater, fuck that. NOPE.] Then he rubbed his crotch and it stank to high heaven.

He dreaded the fated battle between the cold water and his junk…

[This is the part they don't tell you about…the cold…it changes a man.] Thought Chris with chattering teeth as he used the sponge sitting in the bucket to wash off. He was nearly waist deep in just over 2 feet of water.

After washing himself, he put his dirty clothes back on to not die of hypothermia. He would have to get another pair or get a replacement soon.

Then he took the walk of shame back to the cottage. His hair was slicked back and put into a ponytail just like the old days, but of course, it was a massive amount of hair, so it parted and fell where ever it pleased and undid all of his hard work.

Chris walked over and opened the door by using the small bit of rope coming through the gap, then he stepped inside.

"Welcome back, how are your wounds?" Asked the one who STABBED him!

Chris ran his hand over his armband wound and it was nearly gone, then he felt the stab wound on his chest and it was already mostly healed? Chris asked, "What the? Why am I healing so fast? This has to be DAYS of healing progress in like hours or something, how is that possible?"

Sarah nodded as she understood where all of his confusion came from and waved him over to eat.

As they dug into the food, the little ones were giddy at the now "cleaner" Dwarf that was stinking up dinner last night. The kids didn't know all of the details of the day's events as they were in their "secret" hideout incase of bandits or slavers, so they held no animosity towards the new addition to their team.

Chris looked at his new food and saw that it had meat, ACTUAL meat!

He chomped away, finishing way before everyone else that was trying to savor their last chickens and pig.

"So, are you going to explain how the wound healed, or?" Asked Chris as he hunched over his plate.

She nodded and said, "Your body is now awakened." To which Chris nodded his head at and asked, "What does that mean?"

Sarah was contemplating the best method for explaining how mana impacts the body, even she had trouble learning as a young elf.

"The orb that you held has been blessed by the Gods to give people the ability to use mana. So, when you absorbed the blue air it became a part of you. It represents a lot of things but mostly it represents how well your body handles mana, and for you, it was a lot of "essence" that you absorbed." She continued, "Okay, the mana essence within your body will allow you to collect more over time and it can be added to the mana that is made by yourself. Do you understand?"

Chris was thinking, "But I saw the other type of essence as well…what is that for?" and Sarah shook her head, "I am not really sure." as she ate a piece of pork.

Chris asked, "So what can you do with mana?" and the kids started to chuckle amongst themselves.

Sarah smirked, "Anything."

Chris was blown away, "Anything? Like, seriously?"

She nodded, "There have been very powerful people born, some have conquered Kingdoms and others have formed Empires. Why do you think we live out here?" Then she realized what she said, "Well…lived out here." Then she let out a large sigh.

Chris was taken aback, "Wait, where are you guys going?"

She looked up again, "We have to move to the city. The war will start anytime now and it is looking to be a bloody one, or so my friends say."

Chris asked, "The Federation and the Empire, right…but how would that impact you?"

She replied, "Because I was an active soldier…a long time ago, and people have grudges to with me, long lived individuals are a pain in the arse."

"But, these are kids…they would be okay." As Chris looked around, he saw sad faces.

She shook her head, "Bandits are all too common in distant villages. Slavers, something you SHOULD know about do not discriminate. Besides, Alice is going to be awakening soon and wants to be an adventurer." Said Sarah with a large smile.

Chris shook his head, "But! She is just a little kid!" to which Alice punched his thigh in response.


"Because she has been training since she was 5-years old, she will be strong if she keeps going and trains properly." Said Sarah with a large smile.

[Wow…they let a little kid become an adventurer?]

Then Chris asked, "How old is she?" To which he was punched again…

"She is a human-dwarf child you fool." Said Sarah as she covered her face with her palm.

"She is nearly 15 years old!" added one of the boys.

[15? 15!? No, (X) doubt.]

Chris was looking at the little girl, she was about his size, but she should be taller if she had human in her, right?

Chris said, "I can't really believe it but I will take your word for it." then he continued, "Ya' know, I would like to be an adventurer too, or I was planning on it until…ya' know." Said Chris as he gestured at Sarah near the end.

Sarah had a look of seriousness that crept back on to her face.

She said, "Kid, I am not sure if you would make it, but you can try, anyone can try. Power and effort rule in this world, so, if you work hard enough, even with your "situation" you could become powerful."

Then she returned to a non-serious expression and finished eating.

That night was a quiet one. New things were learned, cold was conquered, and Sarah was understanding the Gods' plan a little bit more.

She laid awake at night, [He wants to be an adventurer by default? Just like the Heroes…and that light…would any God choose me to be a Guide?] She pulled out the orb, rubbed it, and felt the residual energy that remained. It was without a doubt, Divine.

[I will do my best to lead him down a good path.] She thought as she closed her eyes, needing sleep for the morning trip.