
Dr. Damage

Christian was a retired criminal from the South Brooklyn Boys. He aspired to become a Medical Doctor to help the people around him, but he had done too many dirty deeds for the criminal organization. After being brought to a new world, there should be new opportunities, right? But at what cost?

JustaMemer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


They stood under the cloak of darkness in a calming embrace. Chris was okay with the way she had handled the bandits but too much had gone unsaid.

"Sarah, remember how you asked me those questions in that hole?" Asked Chris as she nodded in confirmation. Then he continued, "I came from that other world and…I remember dying. I KNOW what death felt like. I was betrayed by my friend and ever since I got here, it has just been a rollercoaster of emotions for myself. I was scared but I was happy on the inside. I don't know how to say it, but this body wasn't really mine, not truly."

She looked at him and was wondering what a "rollercoaster" was, but she wanted him to clear his mind, so she nodded her head.

Chris looked at his dwarven hands and rubbed the palms together.

"I felt like my brain split from that blue orb. Something happened, it is why I have been passing out and losing my thoughts…hell, I would have probably tried to run from you after that. At least that is what I did back in the city. The dwarf's soul or I don't know…but whatever it was, it wanted to have a mother and I think we found one."

Chris let out a big smile and said, "A completely murderous mother-duck'er, and I wouldn't change it for the world."

Sarah laughed at his statement and said, "I did go a little too far, but I was trying to stop my blade from chipping. Human bone is hard to cut through with a thinner blade, vital points are much more efficient."

She turned to walk away, "You could learn a thing or two from Alice."

Chris was confused at her acceptance of his gut spilling.

"Wait, aren't you going to say anything about…my speech…" then as he walked behind her, she turned, "Kid, I am not sure there is anything I can say. I know that I am supposed to help you. I know that I saw a sign tonight, and to me that means a lot." They kept walking back.

"Kid, this world is full of mystery and there is ENOUGH to go around. I have lived longer than any human and look at what a wonderous child fate has brought me. I have felt something shifting inside of you, but if you can control it then you might be able to help yourself and your family."

Chris stopped.

[I guess I really do have a family…I…]

He was stuck. There was nobody other than the old guys and gals in the gang and down at the shelter. Of course there was Chad, but that ship was sunk when he made his choices.

[Do I get a second chance at having a family?] Chris was about to fall apart when he felt Sarah drag his arm forward. He was stumbling and tripping on roots, sliding on mud, and getting cut by bushes that he wasn't avoiding.

Chris' eyes picked up the light coming from camp and he saw all of the little ones playing about.

[This is what is important. We are not bound by blood, but by fate.]

He walked over and sat to have a think.

[A second chance in a fantasy world. It really is like those Japanese manga-books that Stanly read back in Junior-high, but there is so much more here than big boobs and dragons. I wonder how they all turned out? God…it had been so long. I should have known better than to be a "tech guy" for the mob, but NOO…it will all be fine! Ah…Chad…poor Chad. At least I got some revenge…hopefully.

I really miss the noise of the City. Everything is so…natural, yuck.

I really feel much better, I wonder if our souls really did settle, or maybe I ate his soul :O, no that is stupid. We probably had some form of soulogical-merger. OH!]

Chris sat up and thought, [Maybe it is like Vanishing Twin Syndrome, where one twin is reabsorbed by the mother. That makes so much more sense, first, the body had a soul, but then I came along and took residence postmortem. Maybe the neurological wiring is BOUND TO THE SOUL?!!?!?!?! HOLY SHIT!!!] Chris got up and fist pumped the air but got a confused look from Sarah. He waved and then sat down.

[Okay, okay, I can't prove it but those feelings were so strong. If my brain is the same, minus the high-velocity lead poisoning, then I would be me in a new meat-suit. BUT, the aftereffects were persistent ONLY after the orb, so souls have to deal with the idea of "awakening?" BUT, wait…OH!]

Chris walked over to Sarah, "Hey, are there like uh, undead people in this world. Ya' know, like face rotted and mumbling about BRAIIINNNS and stuff?"

She laughed at his little impression and nodded, "There are Undead Humans and various races, why?"

Chris looked at her and said, "I have a soul persistence theory that is partially dictated by the magical awakening in this world. The dwarf's previous thoughts had to have continued even when I was downloaded into his brain, SO, it follows that the brain and soul are not mutually exclusive, AND that one can override with enough force."

Sarah looked utter lost with the conversation, but she was married for multiple decades. She nodded naturally.

"That means that I am like an undead, but also, we never truly die! All, well, MOST humans should be able to become undead or live without their bodies in some Supernatural form.

That is amazing in itself, but this has implications for my previous world too because I REMEMBER IT.

Souls are independent of the essence or mana! Thus, they are parallel to the Gods."

Sarah caught that last statement and gained a twisted expression. She was waiting for a Divine Punishment to befall Chris, but nothing came down from the sky.

"Chris do not speak of this again. The Gods are supreme here. Your understanding is limited, but the souls do exist outside of the realm of control. They take on their own fate, this is known, and it is taught by the Gods. You are lucky to not have been struck down by a God, men have turned to ash for less…"

"Wait, people get SMITED for talking bad about the Gods?" He realized his predicament, being an Atheist but in a world with actual Gods.

[I think I am probably still correct…souls should be independent of power and are probably out of their domain other than blessings and curses..] Then a lightbulb clicked in his mind, [That is why they have to do "quality control" on their Heroes, they don't choose. They are NOT all powerful, but I probably shouldn't say that out loud. Am I safe in my mind?]

He looked around and up at the sky for a bolt.

"Nada…that is good." Chris said with a chuckle.

She squinted an eye, "Were you thinking blasphemous thoughts?"

He smiled, "Nope, wouldn't dream of it." And she couldn't read him.

Sarah cocked her head, "Is your name Chris?" and he laughed, "Of course!" then she got a worried look on her face.

"I-I can't tell if you are lying. There is no feedback at all. Did you get a skill or something?" then it occurred to her and she said, "Wait, are you? Are we Allies?"

She was baffled. Her skill only worked on people she did not know very well or enemies, an ally would not be subjected to it.

Chris shrugged, "I am your ally, duh? Hahaha!" He laughed while walking back to bed.

Sarah was thinking, [That…isn't possible, it takes months and YEARS to become recognized Allies. He can't just decide it for himself-] She cut herself off, [The trait said he would choose his friends…interesting.]

She laid down and went to sleep thinking about the Heroes and guides of the past. [A blessing, a curse, and a trait.]

She was working out ways to make it work and it clicked.

[If he can select his Allies, then he would be able to use healing spells on them when they are not in his party. Making him able to use healing spells to hurt others…

She was thinking and pulled out a piece of leather with all of the details written down in elvish.

[No mana cost, damage? Healing, choosing Allies…I think I might have found his first path.] She looked to the sky and saw the clear night.

[We need to get to the city; the war is about to start.] The silence reigning supreme over the forest let everyone sleep peacefully.