
Dr. Damage

Christian was a retired criminal from the South Brooklyn Boys. He aspired to become a Medical Doctor to help the people around him, but he had done too many dirty deeds for the criminal organization. After being brought to a new world, there should be new opportunities, right? But at what cost?

JustaMemer · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Enemy Spotted!

The idea of fighting Slimes or Infested Rats would likely turn the average commoner away, but if anyone needed to go down then they could just hire a Blacksmith or any strength-based people. The sewer used to be a training ground until most adventurers left the city. The world is filled with monsters, but safe cities do exist. Can't have a stable society if there are monsters running all over the place.

Sarah and Bethany thought it would be a nice joke because NOBODY wants to go into the sewers willingly. The monsters are not even worth "farming" because they do not have anything that can be used for crafting. Most monsters are formed in unknown ways, but they tend to show up wherever people are.

Chris was literally buzzing with excitement. This was going to be a fun experience, hopefully…but he had hope as long as Sarah was with him.

"SOUNDS GREAT! Let's go!" Yelled Chris as he turned towards the door.

"Wait!" Said Sarah as she literally held him from leaving, "What is your rush? There is no way YOU would be able to stand the stench."

The pair of monsters laughed a little, then Bethany hopped off of her crappy stool and went to grab a piece of paper and a large book.

Sarah looked at Chris, "You really want to be an adventurer, don't you? What do you know about adventuring from your world?"

He nodded his head and looked down, "Well…I don't actually KNOW much, but I used to read comics and play video games back in the day. Basically, try to be a good guy and get strong to help the weaker folks, that is what heroes were usually depicted as in my world."

Sarah huffed, "Kid, it isn't far off of what most people TRY. But. I have rarely ever seen someone "play the Hero" for long. This world is not what you might think. I assume with your knowledge that you might consider us as being "backward" people."

Chris looked at her and opened his mouth, but nothing would come out. Then she put her hand up and said, "Save it. I am an elf. We invented Noldorin, you thought I would not notice the subtle reactions. You should have seen your face when you came back from your first bath…hehehe."

Sarah walked over to Bethany and helped her try to find her Class Selection Tool. It is a smallish golden orb that is distributed through official channels to keep track of class obtainment. The person has to be able to describe the actual details of their class or get some help. Classes can be fairly strong and letting just anyone have them is not recommended, ask the Fallen Empire…

As they rummaged, Chris just thought about his fighting style. He would have to pick a healer and he would be vulnerable so there might be a shield-like priest that can "bubble" to prevent damage. That shouldn't interfere with the curse as the effect is not healing, but it is a "healing" category spell.

[Wait! What if the bubble just absorbed healing? CRAP.] Chris stomped on over to Sarah and Bethany.

Chris spoke up, "Uh Sarah, I need to talk about my class." She turned to a sweating Chris. "Okay, what is wrong? Did you run into the problems yet?"

He nodded and spoke, "The shield, it would absorb the healing." She nodded and gestured for him to continue, but he had no more.

"Hahaha, kid, THAT is the least of your issues." Sarah was laughing at Chris while Bethany could feel the connection shifting. "Kid? Sarah? Do you feel that?" the older gnome was used to battle, but it had been many decades since she stepped on an open battlefield. Something was shifting in the room and it was near this "Chris".

Sarah looked at Bethany who was taking out her wand, something was off. [Does she feel something? But I don't…what is going on?]

Sarah readied her dagger and looked at Chris who was just looking confused when a burst of purple light shown from underneath his feet. Ethereal Chains shot out of the light and surrounded Chris' body. Each limb, joint, and even his chest was wrapped in less than a second as the blur of chains locked and held his body in place.

His mouth was closed but he was being lifted in a strange way. His eyes were bulging as the ground began to move under him.


Chris was unhappy to suddenly be a statue and it could be seen by his beet-red face.

Sarah was following as the giggling Bethany said, "Sarah, how did you let this Shifter get past you? He is clearly not human. Did your instincts dull in the seclusion?"

They opened a door in the back room. It was made of stone and had a strange carving on the wall. The enchantment was used to repel monsters, but also to reduce the likelihood of lying. The sigil, or Rune of Truth would cause people nearby to be subjected to the domain of Tyr, one of the minor Gods governing justice and "Truth." These are very common and are often worn by people in the Church. This Rune of Truth was created to be used on very high-level people, but it cannot be moved unless the "guildhall" is destroyed.

Chris was placed on the ground; he was staring at Sarah as she just shook her head.

"Beth, this kid is special. He isn't a Shifter or anything else, I questioned him while he went through awakening..."

"WHAT?! This kid is already awakened. But he hasn't even been in combat yet?" Shouted the gnome.

Sarah just shook her head, "I know, I know, not standard practice, but I had a similar issue. This kid is God-touched and Blessed…"

The gnome had a look of shock and confusion. Then she asked, "Why him? What could a weak dwarf do to impress the Gods?" and Sarah responded, "He is special. I swear it on my motherhood."

The gnome looked at her in shock, [That is her highest oath…she wouldn't say that if it weren't true.]

Bethany nodded and undid the spell.

Chris came crashing to the ground as his muscles were not prepared for sudden release.

He stood up slowly and said, "Please…can we stop the dwarf abuse…" the anger had flooded him, but he was just sad that it happened. He had that feeling that something was moving within him, but he couldn't really tell EXACTLY what it was.

Chris hung his head and silently forgave the gnome; she would be important, and he couldn't stay mad if this relationship was going to continue.

"THERE! THAT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Said Bethany as she looked at Chris, he was no longer showing up on her "radar" of enemies, everything was fine.

Sarah noticed that Chris wasn't making an outburst like usual and decided to ask him, "Chris…you aren't angry?"

He looked at her and said, "She is your friend, right? Well, there ya' go!" and started to walk off, but in his mind he was thinking, [That was…sucky…but kinda' cool...I guess.]

He had a half-smile forming. The feeling of surging energy was washing over his body even after the spell was dissipated. He couldn't move a muscle during it, HOW AMAZING IS THAT?

The gnome was about to go insane, she shouted, "KID! Something is wrong with you!" but Sarah said, "Wait, I will explain it. I think it is something from the Gods…it is just a theory, but I have never heard of anything like it. Can we go somewhere private?"

The gnome nodded and said, "Follow me." as she led them down a steel hallway that was shrinking before sealing off.