
Dr. Damage

Christian was a retired criminal from the South Brooklyn Boys. He aspired to become a Medical Doctor to help the people around him, but he had done too many dirty deeds for the criminal organization. After being brought to a new world, there should be new opportunities, right? But at what cost?

JustaMemer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Cheetos dust

The darkness was familiar to Chris, but this was fading. Reality was pouring back into him as he woke up in a metal box.

[I am back? That was fucking intense.] He thought as he felt his hands and stroked his hair, his body was drenched in sweat.

He placed his hands forward and felt the absence of the material, then he gave it a large shove and it slowly opened.

People were sitting and watching the box, Chris had just walked inside and now he had chosen his class.

"CHRIS?!" Yelled Sarah as she grabbed him a wet cloth. His body was drained, and it looked like he had lost a few pounds…

"Ahhh! Hey, Sarah, that was a long ass time, wasn't it?" Chris was stretching and feeling his body. The world was a little brighter to him, but it was probably the sensory deprivation.

Mathias spoke up, "Chris? What did you mean by that being a long time? That was probably the shortest class selection I have ever sat through." He once again seemed to forget his accent.

[Maybe he only has an accent when he is drunk or smithing? Weird…but..nice.] Chris thought as he shook his head and said, "To be honest, I have no idea, that was actually crazy. I think I probably learned more about the human body than anything."

Sarah pulled over a chair and was thinking about the class selection that he went through, [He seems physically drained? Maybe it is a specialized class, he shouldn't have experienced anything too unsettling.]

Sarah pulled out the small orb and rubbed it with her thumb.

"Chris? What class did you pick or get?" Said Bethany. She seemed to be excited about the situation, but Chris had a frown on his face.

"I am not really sure, I heard something, but after the "cellular-experience" I am not too confident." He shook his head and was looking at Sarah for some sort of answer.

She smiled at him and then handed him a different orb, one that Bethany had prepared. It was around the size of a basketball and weighed quite a lot. The orb instantly lit up with yellow light as soon as Chris laid his hands on it.

Sarah gave a look to Bethany and then Chris saw the interior of the orb split, the yellow fog or mist was being displaced by a blue fog.

"Uh, Sarah, the HELL is going on?" Said Chris as the orb began to split once more, this time it was into 4 sections. The section under the yellow half was becoming green while the section under the blue half was becoming orange.

Bethany walked over and felt the orb, it was cool to the touch.

"Kid, it seems you got lucky. Your class is stable." She said as she took the orb and placed it inside another large metal box.

As she walked back, she noted, "Your class seems to be in the domain of [Light] magic. You are lucky to have gotten a healing class. It uses standard mana, and the potential is incredibly high…actually, that is the highest I have ever heard of…"

The gnome had a thoughtful look on her face as she stared at Sarah, she knew that this class would become very special given the importance the Gods have placed on it.

Chris was sitting there, [Yellow=light, Blue=mana, Orange=legendary?????, and Green=healer, interesting.]

"Chris, do you feel okay?" Said Sarah, she was wanting to see what he had, but he would probably need a while. Mana manipulation with the body is always difficult right off the bat. Most people take at least a week to get their status screen back up without the help of an orb, and that is with years of training.

Chris looked over and nodded, "I feel pretty good. A little thirsty, but pretty good." He was flexing his muscles and closing his grip, he had changed again.

[I just wish my mind would follow my body…] He thought as he let out a sigh.

After he stood up, he noticed that the room was exactly as he left it, the sun was even beaming in from the same angle.

"Huh, Sarah, how long did you say I was in the box for?" Chris had a confused look on his face.

"Mere moments, it was incredible. It was the shortest selection, I, or anyone here has probably ever seen. You were in for less than 10-seconds."

Chris felt a little dizzy, [I watched a man go through his life, in seconds? That's impossi-...well, fuck. I guess anything is possible with magic, but….why? I hope that man wasn't real.] He shook his head and said, "Sarah, I need to speak with you." as he pulled her over to the backroom.

"What is wrong?" Sarah clearly picked up on his shift.

"I saw a lot of IMPOSSIBLE things in that box. I must have been in there for decades, but I feel fine, how could that be?"

Sarah had a confused look on her face, "Chris, it might take a while, but we will figure it out, so don't worry. I had a similar experience. It was me and my tutor sparring for days, but I kept losing. Eventually it changed, I had to fight my mother and it was even worse. I was cut and cut, but I did not give up. I felt something shift within myself and I knew that it would never work, so I changed. I became nibbler and used the environment to my advantage; it is how I received my class." She had a large smile on her face.

"Sarah, how long did you train before attempting to get your class?" She chuckled, "I trained for many years. It is taught by the Elves that one's potential is limited by the class they receive. There are common classes, [Swordsman], [Axewielder], [Spearman], and so on, but you received a class that must be special."

Chris nodded, "Do you know the classifications of rarity for the classes, that is familiar to me. Back in my world, we had games that were very similar in some ways."

An eyebrow was raised but she continued, "Yeah, there are common classes that show up as white, uncommon classes that show up as green. The uncommon classes usually involve an element or a "Domain", but they are still common. Shay is actually someone that has an uncommon class. The rarer classes are represented by blue and the very powerful are purple."

It looked like she was finished, but Chris knew that orange was probably next, "Let me guess, orange is for Heroes?"

Sarah just smiled and nodded.

"Has anyone other than a Hero ever received an Orange class?" Asked Chris.

Sarah nodded, "It is possible to gain an orange class through leveling and advancing, but only the Church of Light has ever reported it."

[Makes sense, they would want to demonstrate power.]

Sarah continued, "But, that was many, many years ago. Plus, the man was human and has already died."

Chris nodded and let out a sigh of relief, "That is pretty lucky, I definitely don't want to run into any "powerful old men." He said as he checked the room for an old bald man with a long beard.

Sarah continued, "Rufus was very powerful, he had a purple class. Even in his old age, he could take a battalion of Infantry on." She winked, "Don't look down on the Elders of this world, they will kick your ass, Kid." Then she walked off chuckling, she had a plan to put into action for Chris.

He tried to stop her, "Wait, Sarah, how do I see what my class does?"

She handed him the orb and said, "Try to pour your mana into this, it won't be like last time. The first time, it was instant because the System was recognizing you, then the orb is usable to those that have been Primed with mana. You must recreate the process within yourself if you wish to be rid of the orb." She chucked and said, "It will take a while!" as she walked back into the main room.