
Matthew 27:27-44




Date: February 10, 2020, Monday

Today's Lesson: Matthew 27:27-44

* The Soldiers Mock Jesus

1. List down all the mockeries the soldiers heap to Jesus.

Answer: stripped Him, put a scarlet robe on Hin, twisted a crown of thorns & set it on His head, put a staff in His right hand, knelt in front of Him, mocked Him

2. Do you think these soldiers would still be eligible for salvation after what they did to Jesus? Yes or No? Why?

Answer: Yes, I think these soldiers would still be eligibelle for salvation after what they did to Jesus; because it depend on the person if they wll accept

* The Crucifixion of Jesus

1. Aside from the soldiers, what group of people mocked and heaped insults at Jesus?

Answer: mobs or Israelites from the crowd...during Jesus's crucifixion.

2. List down the summary of each group's mockery and insults at Jesus.

Answer: hail, king of the Jews!

3. Who was the man forced to carry Jesus' cross? Are the soldiers abusing their authority by doing that? Yes or No, why?

Answer: Simon... It was Simon not Peter who carry the cross. Roman soldiers just do their job, but they are abusive

4. Why do you think Jesus refused to drink the wine mixed with gall offered to Him?

Answer: it is not healthy to drink.

5. What is your reaction after reading the shame and suffering Jesus had gone through to provide salvation for all of us, including yourself?

Answer: Jesus doesn:t deserve that

What verse made an impact to you today?

Answer: Woman, this is your Son. Son, this is your Mother.


