
Matthew 19




Date: January 26, 2020, Sunday

Today's Lesson: Matthew 19:1-15

* Discussion About Divorce and Marriage

1. Give 2 important statements Jesus said regarding divorce and marriage.

Answers: God didn't intend it that way. You cannot divorce your wife to marry another girl then you are unfaithful. Your wife have sexual sins outside the marriage, then you should divorce her.

2. What is the difference between divorce and annulment? Answer: annulment is separation, divorce is divorce bill.

3. What does divorce and annulment tells us about marriage?

Answer: only people who would stay single and happy as single can accept Jesus's teaching about marriage.

* The Little Children and Jesus

1. Why do yo think the disciples rebuked those who brought the children to Jesus?

Answers: because Jesus is still preaching during that time.

2. Have you ever been in a situation where you were like the disciples and hindered children from coming to Jesus? No.

3. In what way do we unintentionally hinder children from coming to Jesus?

Answer: out of respect for Jesus who is busy preaching with the crowd, I could be like the disciples who would hinder them to come to Jesus.

4. What did Jesus mean when He said that "the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as this"? Answers: because the children are still young and they have big faith on Jesus

What Lesson did you learn today?

I would let the children learn more about Jesus.


