
Chapter 19 - The Final Knock Out

Never in all of his life had Dante felt more of a rush as he knocked a fourth year out of a levitating ring. The crowd roared in both amazement and horror. If he had any, Dante would flex and kiss his muscles right now. The same way some weight-lifters do on TV. He cheered with the crowd as Yohan announced "Dante moves forward to round two!"

He confidently took the ladder down to meet his class, who surrounding him and practically drowned him in praise. John gave him a wink "You're looking like a real fighter up there Fairheart!"

Dante smiled. Finally he felt a little less like a bug on a windshield. Yohan called for a second year against Leon. The class all gave him thumbs up and 'good lucks' as he nervously approached the ladder. Huh, Dante had never actually seen Leon so nervous before. It was as if watching him throw that fourth year out of the ring like a ragdoll finally gave the fiston the wake up call he's been needing.