
Dove's Cry The Series

Through The Silence - A girl who got kidnapped from birth and was raised in a basement and had never left. She was taken to be forced to marry the gang leaders son, he is meant to become the next gang leader. He doesn't want to be a gang leader and plans to take the girl and run away from it all and make a real relationship with her. But there's obstacles that get in their way and she is forced to make hard decisions and take initiative even if it could cost her, her life. Out Of The Darkness - Chloe and Colby finally got away from his abusive gang leader father in two towns over, now Colby's in the hospital with the help of a stranger, but once the stranger leaves she's all alone in a cruel foreign world. Survival becomes more of a priority then before and now she's full of rage and full of revenge, not only against Lucey, but against Colby's father as well. Breaking The Cage - Colby makes a move on his decision between his family or Chloe and her friends, Jason seems to be quite close to Chloe and he has his suspicions. Both Chloe and Colby had been fighting for their lives together but what happens when all their plans derail from the war that had been started? Hayley fighting to stay relevant now that Colby is back, and Jasper is making the biggest sacrifice, does he go undercover to unravel the secrets of their family, or does he lie to Colby, and stay true to Alistair to be the families gem, to get what he always wanted, and become Golden knives next leader?

Amanda Pearson · Urban
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37 Chs


I nodded towards the door gesturing to Hayley to follow, we went into the hallway walking in the direction of the infirmary, as the directions on the wall states.

The closer we got to the infirmary the more my heart was rising into my throat.

"Colby." Hayley grabbed my arm, forcing me to face her. "Do you really not feel anything about this?"

I was red-faced as we made eye contact I couldn't hold back my tears any longer, I began to shake as I hiccupped through my quiet sobs.

That's when Hayley did something unexpected, she pulled me into a hug and I leaned into her shoulder, tears soaking not only my face but her shoulder as well.

All my emotions had hit me all at once, like a tidal wave hitting the shore.

Just like it that night I had officially asked Chloe to marry me, all those months ago.

'Please Chloe, come back to me, I can't do this on my own.' I thought to myself, I yearn for her, I'd do anything to go back to that moment on the beach.

To hold her, to touch her soft skin, to tell her I love her I'd do anything, absolutely anything to have her again to go back to that night and do it all over again.

Hayley rubbed my back as I shuddered in her arms, I felt small, like a child wishing for to be held and comforted.

I remembered my babies alone in the infirmary, I let go of Hayley and wiped my tears away.

I am a father now, it isn't just about me and Chloe anymore it's about them, I am a man, I do not show my emotions, not in public, not in front of strangers unless it's Chloe.

I took a deep breath collecting my bearings. "-Are you okay?" Hayley asked as she wiped her own tears from her eyes.

'Am I okay? No.' "I'm okay, I'm just worried about Chloe." I say clearing my throat.

Hayley nodded as we continued on to the infirmary, a small woman around 4'5 was caring for a baby trying to calm it down.

I walked through the glass and put a fake smile on my face. "Hi, my fiance just had a set of twins, I was told to come here by the nurse?"

She turned to face me.

She seemed quite young to be a nurse, maybe about twenty three. "Ah, the unnamed girl, right?"

I forgot she didn't have any ID or health card. "Yes, that would be her."

"I'll be right back." She says eyeing Hayley and taking the baby back to its bed.

After a few minutes another woman and Sandra came back with two little bundles in their arm, she carefully passed me one. "Here's your little boy, and Bella has your daughter, I'm guessing she is taking her for now?" I carefully took the baby into my arms, and I nodded for Hayley to take the other.

He felt so tiny and breakable in my large hands, I could hold him with one if I was confident enough.

He was beautiful, surprisingly he had a head full of hair, dark brunette like his mother's, but his facial features were mine.

I looked up to see Hayley in awe at the small thing in her arms, my baby girl was a lot smaller than her brother.

"Have you picked out their names yet?" Sandra questioned.

"The-Their names?" I thought for a moment and looked at him as he stuck his tiny tongue out.

I glanced at Hayley, but she was too busy watching her sleep calmly. "I'll give the two of you a few minutes to think it over."

I sat on a bench behind us as I caressed his tiny face. "What do I call you little man?"

Hayley came and sat next to me. "When we talked about it before you woke up she was deciding between Jade and Zayne."

I nodded as I thought about it.

"How about it, do you like Zayn?" I asked the baby as he pouted his lips, I nodded. "Yeah I like it too."

Sandra came back with two baby bottles, passing one to each of us, I took it gratefully putting the nib of the bottle to Zayn's small lips. "Have you decided?"

"Yes, Zayn, and Jade."

"Last name?" She questioned writing it down on the birth certificates.

"Mendez." I swallowed hard using my father's last name, it was a curse but it was also my last name.

"Okay, all done I will give you their birth certificate shortly, just have to finish some paperwork." I nodded.

I brought Zayn up higher and placed a kiss on his forehead.

My heart felt like it was swelling looking at their tiny faces, these beautiful and healthy babies.

He began to sulk at the lack of the bottle and I placed the bottle back to his mouth.

A knock on the glass behind us, and I turned to see who it was, it was Jason at the window waving for me to come out.

I put Zayn to my chest as I stood up and I followed Hayley out the doors. "Hey, how is she doing?"

"She's asleep, but she's stable." Jason says quietly not to disturb the babies.

"Where is Chloe, where is she?" A woman's voice screaming.

We walked out and into the waiting room where Jason's mom was yelling at one of the triage nurses.

"Mom?" Jason asked, you can see the confusion on his face.

"Jason, where is Chloe, where is your sister?" She put her hands on his shoulders.

I sighed, so now she believes Chloe is her daughter?

She looked over at me, noticing the babies in my and Hayley's arms, she gasped holding her hands covering her mouth. "Are they…?"

"Yeah, they are our twins." I say rubbing Zayn's head softly, he felt so delicate in my large hands.

"Chloe is asleep right now and she's stabilized for now." I repeat what Jason said prior.

That's when I thought of my parents and how they kidnap babies for their sons.

They wouldn't do that with their grandkids, would they?

"I have to go." I say placing Zayn in Jason's arms.

"What, where, take me to Chloe?" Mrs. Bayleigh ordered.

"I can't, it's too dangerous." I glanced at Jason, and he nodded understanding.

"He's right, mom, take the baby, we'll be back shortly." Jason says passing Zayn now to his mother.

"Hold on a second, you don't think they would come here do you?" She asked, whispering lowely.

"Who, who is coming?" She asked quietly, but took the baby anyway.

I put my hands into my pockets exchanging glances between the four of us before I answered. "My parents."