
Dove's Cry The Series

Through The Silence - A girl who got kidnapped from birth and was raised in a basement and had never left. She was taken to be forced to marry the gang leaders son, he is meant to become the next gang leader. He doesn't want to be a gang leader and plans to take the girl and run away from it all and make a real relationship with her. But there's obstacles that get in their way and she is forced to make hard decisions and take initiative even if it could cost her, her life. Out Of The Darkness - Chloe and Colby finally got away from his abusive gang leader father in two towns over, now Colby's in the hospital with the help of a stranger, but once the stranger leaves she's all alone in a cruel foreign world. Survival becomes more of a priority then before and now she's full of rage and full of revenge, not only against Lucey, but against Colby's father as well. Breaking The Cage - Colby makes a move on his decision between his family or Chloe and her friends, Jason seems to be quite close to Chloe and he has his suspicions. Both Chloe and Colby had been fighting for their lives together but what happens when all their plans derail from the war that had been started? Hayley fighting to stay relevant now that Colby is back, and Jasper is making the biggest sacrifice, does he go undercover to unravel the secrets of their family, or does he lie to Colby, and stay true to Alistair to be the families gem, to get what he always wanted, and become Golden knives next leader?

Amanda Pearson · Urban
Not enough ratings
37 Chs


Jason came with me, there was no time to stop. "How would they know if she is here or not?"

"They have people who keep watch for Intel, give them some cash and people will do anything they ask." I explain, walking down the hallway.

"Yeah but wouldn't they need someone in the hospital directly, they didn't even know her name." He says quickening his pace to meet my stride.

"They don't need her name, they have a list of the infirmary, they steal babies and leave without a trace, how do you think they got Chloe in the first place, the hospital is like a candy store to my family they see a child they want and take them without hesitation, but in this case they are bound to making a mistake because they want Chloe dead." I explained as we got closer to her room.

A nurse was leaving her room and she took off down the hallway making me feel suspicious, I ran into Chloe's room as she was sitting up a bit with a juice box. "Colby?"

I ran to her side and checked her over making sure there weren't any changes or marks on her body. "Who was that?"

"You mean the nurse, she brought me a juice box, something about keeping sugar levels up?" She says taking another sip.

"Colby, if she's fine and they might be after…" My eyes widened at Jason's words.

"Shit. Jason, stay with your sister." I order placing a kiss on Chloe's head, and running back out the door.

'This can't be happening, they wouldn't.' I ran as fast as I could back to the infirmary where Hayley and Mrs. Bayleigh waited.

I ran into the waiting room, and saw Hayley and realized one thing, their arms were empty.

"Where are they?" I stalked in panic.

"A nurse came and said she had to run a few extra tests, don't worry dear." Mrs. Bayleigh says calmly.

"What did she look like, was she pregnant?" I asked her with crazy eyes.

"Actually she was, but how did you-." I cut her off.

"Fuck!" I yelled and began to pace. "You let them take both of them?"

"Well I figured if one needed the tests it would be normal for them both to be looked over. I don't see what the issue is." She raised her voice over the loud sizzling in my ears of pure anger.

I stopped pacing and sat down beside Hayley, a hand through my hair. "You're right you don't understand, you just gave my babies to my mother, the same woman who kidnapped your daughter." I say loud enough everyone in the lobby was beginning to stare.

Her unphased face turned into complete horror as she heard the words leaving my lips. "What, we, we have to call the police!"

"No, they won't do anything, they get paid off." I began to pace, there's no time to explain everything about my family's pay grade.

"I have to go, Hayley take Mrs. Bayleigh to Chloe, Jason you're coming with me. Hayley, I need your keys."

Hayley's eyes widened. "Colby, you can't drive, remember."

I growled in frustration. "Fine, Jason can drive. There's no time for all this, we have to go now!"

Without another word she threw the keys to Jason, and we started to head for the exit, I turned around walking backwards. "Hayley, Chloe's life is in your hands, protect her."

"I know that already." She called back as I turned back to chase Jason through the annoying hallways.

Left turn, right turn straight. Why are hospitals so large?

We finally made it to the front automatic doors, running towards the car, it was pretty dinged up but still manageable to drive we throw ourselves into the seats of the car, and put the keys in the ignition and turned on the car speeding off.

"I'm guessing we are heading to your place?" Jason asked as he turned the tight corner.

I thought about it for a moment as my father's words made their way into my mind. 'If you use a place, never use it again, find somewhere that hasn't been thought of.'

"No, that's not where they are taking them. They don't use the same place twice. Using the basement last time was even a risk." I explained as we continued to drive.

"That's just great, how are we going to find them then?" He yells angrily hitting the top of the steering wheel.

I could feel the frustration growing between us as I remembered a storage unit that had been emptied back when I lived at home.

"Stop the car, you have to let me drive." I ordered, turning in my seat.

"He glanced between the road and me. "Jason I know what Hayley said but I can't explain the way we are supposed to go. I only know how to drive there myself."

He sighed, finally giving into my request he pulled over and put the car in park and pulled himself from the car.

I did the same and made my way to the drivers side, once we were both in the car, I shifted and pressed down on the gas. "So where are we going?"

"There's a storage unit across town. My father was emptying it when Chloe turned eighteen, but wouldn't tell any of us why." I say placing on black rimmed sunglasses.

"Are you sure this is where they will be?'' Jason questioned.

"No but it's our only lead." I replied.

Chloe's P.O.V

I laid facing away from Hayley and Mrs. Bayleigh, my heart feels like it shattered and if they did anything to my babies I don't think that's something I can recover from, my eyes tired and sore from crying.

I didn't want to hurt anymore, I didn't want to cry anymore, I'm suffering more than I'm living, what kind of life is this, what have I done to be laying in a hospital bed. I haven't held them in my arms yet, I felt a sharp pain where my heart is.

I could feel their presence but they both sat quietly, I watched the tree branches sway with the wind.

If harm came to them I feel confident enough to say I'd rather be dead, morbid yes, but that would mean less suffering then please take me out of my misery.

I could feel a hand rubbing circles on my back and I closed my eyes. "When I lost you when you were born, it felt like the whole world was punishing me, like what was the point of living without my baby."

I tighter my hand in a fistful of the white burlapped blanket, I know she's trying to make me feel better but I didn't want anything but my babies in my arms.

A knock came to the door but I didn't move.

"Hey what's going on where are the-." It was Mr. Bayleigh's voice but his wife must have forced him to stay quiet because her hand on my back disappeared.

I still didn't move, just laid in my own lifeless body that my soul was just barely hanging on.

I rolled my self into a ball and after a few minutes my mind went blank.

Colby's P.O.V

We drove into the Storage parking lot while we sat in the car. I took out a handgun and passed it to Jason, and he took it without hesitation. "I learned not to ask questions anymore, let's go."

"Yeah, it's best you didn't." I replied getting out of the car and putting the gun in the waistband of my jeans.

Once we passed the storage employee, I slowly took out the gun aiming for the door, I looked back to see if Jason had his gun cocked and ready, I nodded at him to let him know what we were about to do.