
Dove's Cry The Series

Through The Silence - A girl who got kidnapped from birth and was raised in a basement and had never left. She was taken to be forced to marry the gang leaders son, he is meant to become the next gang leader. He doesn't want to be a gang leader and plans to take the girl and run away from it all and make a real relationship with her. But there's obstacles that get in their way and she is forced to make hard decisions and take initiative even if it could cost her, her life. Out Of The Darkness - Chloe and Colby finally got away from his abusive gang leader father in two towns over, now Colby's in the hospital with the help of a stranger, but once the stranger leaves she's all alone in a cruel foreign world. Survival becomes more of a priority then before and now she's full of rage and full of revenge, not only against Lucey, but against Colby's father as well. Breaking The Cage - Colby makes a move on his decision between his family or Chloe and her friends, Jason seems to be quite close to Chloe and he has his suspicions. Both Chloe and Colby had been fighting for their lives together but what happens when all their plans derail from the war that had been started? Hayley fighting to stay relevant now that Colby is back, and Jasper is making the biggest sacrifice, does he go undercover to unravel the secrets of their family, or does he lie to Colby, and stay true to Alistair to be the families gem, to get what he always wanted, and become Golden knives next leader?

Amanda Pearson · Urban
Not enough ratings
37 Chs


The girl 'Lucey' came back with our meals. She placed mine in front of me; which had bacon, French toast, and two hash browns.

Then she placed everyone's plates in front of them and then sat beside Colby pushing me into the wall.

I stayed quiet and ate my meal as they talked among themselves.

I looked backover at Lucey, her red fiery hair was wild around her face, which was paler than mine; I didn't think it was possible.

Her blue eyes were piercing and full of life, Lucey looked at Colby the way Colby looked at me, making me uncomfortable.

"Lucey, I'd like you to introduce you to Chloe," Colby spoke with a gigantic smile plastered onto his face. "-And Chloe, this is my best friend Lucey." I smiled and said a courteous hello.

"Oh right, Bride-To-Be or whatever right, it's nice to meet you," Lucey said loosely.

What did she mean by 'Bride-To-Be'?

Looking at the smiling people around the table after those three words made me uncomfortable, 'bride' means a woman getting married doesn't it?

So wouldn't that mean I'm marrying someone, they began changing the subject, and once I clued in I got the courage to ask.

"Who am I marrying?" My brows furrowed in complete confusion.

Everyone but Colby started laughing, he looked into my eyes apologetically and took my hand taking a long, exasperated breath.

I looked back at him trying to make sense of what was happening.

"Chloe I'm about to ask you a life changing question, which you have to answer yes to." Colby said in an apologetic tone.

"So what you're saying is it's more of a statement than a question," I said, getting more nervous.

"Yes, pretty much." He shrugged awkwardly, still holding my hand.

"Okay," I agreed.

Lucey placed her head in her hand looking away while rolling her eyes.

I looked back at Colby, one hand still in mine and the other in his pocket looking into my eyes.

"Do you remember that note I gave you?" He asked again, I looked back at him in confusion.

"Yes," I said slowly.

"So do you trust me?" I just nodded in response.

"Is that your question?" I was confused. He gave me a slight smile.

"No, my question is," He held my hand tighter before continuing. "-Will you marry me?" I blinked, once, then twice.

"Can you ask that question again, I don't think I heard that right," I said nervously, he smiled softly.

"I'm asking you to marry me," Colby whispered.

"Oh so I did hear you right," I said under my breath.

Everyone is staring at me, waiting for my answer. I know what I am supposed to say, but the words won't form on my lips so here I am gaping like a fish.

So instead of giving him an out loud answer I just nodded, hoping that is a good enough answer.

He took something out of his pocket and slid it on my ring finger, and when he let go there was a ring left in place. The band was a beautiful pinkish gold and the stone was see through and large, how do people wear these big bulky rings?

I just smiled and said thank you, but before I saw it coming he placed his soft looking lips on mine.

It was a short kiss, he leaned away with a smile.

I don't know what to do or say.

"Is it okay if I go to the bathroom?" I asked breathlessly.

"Yeah sure," Colby said, tapping Lucey on her shoulder to let me out.

"Where's the bathroom?" I asked.

"It's on the right," Lucey said uninterested.

"Oh okay, thank you." I replied and walked into the bathroom.

I stood at the mirror looking at myself for the first time; I took off the sun glasses.

So this what he meant when he asked if I trusted him, I know I already said yes, and not like I had much choice over my answer either way.

I took a deep breath, this whole relationship is going way too fast or maybe this is normal; it's not like I would know, I've never been in one.

I heard the bathroom door open and close and saw Lucey's reflection in the mirror.

"Don't take him for granted," She said harshly.

"For granted," I repeated. I'm a bit confused as to what she means.

"He's better than you; you don't deserve him. The only reason you're here is because his parents picked you," She said coldly.

"His parent's picked me?" I repeated again trying to make sense out of it all.

"Anyway, don't say anything about this, they think I'm checking up on you. I should probably mention, if you do say anything I will kill you." With that she walked out.

That was a threat I'm used to, and what did she mean by his parents picking me?

I guess it would make sense now that I think about it. Why else would I be here, and why would Colby and Carolyn fight about the fact he wasn't allowed to talk to me until I was eighteen?

My birthday was yesterday, which means the reason why we met today is because I am now eighteen.

Colby asked me to marry him, because like me I didn't have a choice; looking down at the sparkling diamond on my finger, Lucey is right.

He is better than me. I live in a basement without any education and without any idea of what love is.

Gripping my hands together I took another breath before heading out to join the others.

Now I understand, he's only with me because he has to be, I walked out and Lucey was nowhere in sight.

I looked around for a moment looking to see where she went.

Colby walked up to me, placing an attempted reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"If you're looking for Lucey, she went back to work, she took her break early," Colby explained and I nodded slowly then walked back to his parents and sat back down in the booth.

For the rest of the time we were at the diner I moved the food around on my plate.

I lost my appetite learning the truth, my mind felt heavy in thought and zoning out.

"Are you finished?" Carolyn said with a smile.

"Yeah, I am sorry I didn't eat it all. I guess my eyes were bigger than my stomach," I joked lightly.

"It's fine, it was quite a lot on your plate," She said figuratively, to me it's both figuratively and mentally, I just smiled in response.

We packed up our food and on the way out Colby wrapped his arm around my shoulders at the same time finally making eye contact with Lucey.

Mentally I tried to tell her that I get it, he doesn't truly want me, and it's all an act but for once in my entire life I feel wanted. I know it's fake; but can't I enjoy it for a little while at least until I know he can't pretend anymore?

With those thoughts running through my head, the sunglasses back on my face, we exited the diner and I leaned into his embrace realizing one thing.

Just because his feelings aren't real doesn't mean mine aren't; I meant everything I said when I told him I trusted him. I can't admit I love him like he did to me, but maybe it's because what I feel is real.

We walked to the car and he held the door open as I sat into the leather seat and did the seat-belt all by myself.

Colby closed the door and went to the other side and got in beside me in the driver's seat, but before putting on his seat-belt he turned toward me.

"I'm sorry about what happened in there," Before he continued I cut him off.

"Don't be, I understand you didn't have a choice," I smiled lightly.

"I would have asked you regardless, I just wouldn't have asked you so early." Colby explained.

"You would have asked me anyway?" I asked.

"Of course I would have, did you not take that letter seriously?" He sounded hurt.

"I did, but I figured you'd rather be with your friend Lucey." I said honestly.

"She may be my friend, but she'd never be someone I'd fall in love with. We might get along and all but I'm just not into her that way." Colby explained.

"Oh, I see." I said thinking; he looked into my eyes with sincerity.

"Unless you don't feel the same way, if that's how you feel I'd understand,"

I took him by the collar of his leather jacket and kissed him, I wasn't thinking about Lucey or his parents. All I am thinking about at this moment is Colby; and his soft lips against mine.

Blushing, I let go and then realized Lucey was watching us from inside the diner.

I can tell in his voice he wasn't lying; maybe his parents picked me, and maybe he is better than me and that he deserves better.

If the only reason I am here is because I'm supposed to be with Colby, then so be it.

I will make him my life, and like her protects me I swear I'll do the same.

I looked at Colby again, entwining my fingers with his.

"Are we going home?" I questioned.

Colby's face was red from embarrassment, swallowing hard before nodding, starting the ignition putting his seat-belt on.

"Do you mind if I smoke?" He asked me to rub his thumb on the back of my hand.

"It didn't stop you before," I joked.

"Yeah but we are holding hands, I don't want to let go," He said in a shy tone.

I smiled, and let his hand go.

"Go ahead you can hold my hand again afterwards,"

He took out the pack of cigarettes and placed one between his lips and took an inhale.

"So when we go back, do I have to go back to the room?" I asked.

Exhaling, he answered. "No not until late tonight, unless you'd like to,"

"Not particularly," I spoke honestly.

"Then we can spend as much time as you'd like today," He said, taking another puff.

"Really?" I asked excitedly.

"Of course," He replied, blowing smoke out the window.

I took a look out the window watching the other large houses go by, then a park with a multi-colored playground.

I was enticed; obviously I've never been to one. Suddenly we came to a stop, confused. I looked over at Colby who was undoing his seat-belt.

"What are you doing?" I was confused.

"We are going to play," He said simply.

I took off my seat-belt as he opened his door and got out, running around to my side and helping me out.

"Okay," He said, rubbing his hands together in anticipation.

I stood there not understanding, waiting for his instructions.

"We are going to race from here to the swings," He said, making an invisible line with his foot, and then got into a running stance.

"Are you ready?" He asked with one hand on his knee.

I mirrored his stance before he counted to three.

"One," He counted starting off. "Two," he added in anticipation before continuing. "Three," We both bolted to the playground to the swings on the other side of the abandoned playground.

Passing slides; and jungle gyms until one of us got to the swings, which surprisingly was me, Colby out of breath finally caught up.

"Wow, you're fast and beautiful," He laughed, cornering me against the swing behind me, wrapping his hands on my waist, kissing my lips gently.

Giggling I got out his grasp by leaning back onto the swing and began swinging back and forth.

"Hey, that wasn't fair!" Colby said grinning ear to ear.

He ran to the next swing and began swinging beside me.

"I bet I can swing higher than you," He said, pushing himself off the ground.

"No way," I said back.

"Fine challenge accepted," He laughed.

I began swinging higher, and higher until I could see over the metal bar.

"No, how do you keep winning at these things?" He said mockingly frustrated, he stopped trying to catch his breath.

He got off the swing and held out his hand helping me off the unstable swing.

"Shall we try the slides next?" He asked curiously.

I nodded my head quickly and ran to the biggest slide climbing up the spiraled feet bars to the very top.

For a kid's playground this is a pretty big slide, sitting at the top I pushed myself off, down the slide that spiraled down into the gravel.

No wonder children loved playgrounds, I ran to the monkey bars staring at the profusely.

I don't know how these ones work, I only know about all this stuff from pictures and books I read once.

I looked over at Colby, who was watching me from afar.

"Would you like me to show you how to play on these?" Colby asked, walking over to my side.

I nodded as he placed his hands on the metal bars, never noticing how tall, yet lean he was.

Looking at him his height seems to be around 5'9, and looking back at myself I'm probably around 5'5.

Lifting his feet off the ground he began swinging side to side on the bars and then moving his hand to the next, he got to the middle before putting his feet back onto the ground.

"You basically move to each bar without touching the ground until you get to the end." Colby explained.

"After a while your hands will get sore so be careful okay?"

"Okay," I replied, placing my hands onto the metal bars as he backed away.

"I'll watch you from over there, I'm just going to sit down and have a smoke," He said, heading to a nearby bench.

I followed his directions. I swung my body back and forth until I had enough momentum to grab the next bar but my hand slipped and I fell backwards onto my back.

All the air out of my lungs, Colby ran towards me with his cigarette in tow.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked to help me sit up.

"Yeah, it just scared me," I admitted breathlessly.

"I think that's enough playing for now," Colby said slowly.

I got up and my clothes were full of dust and dirt; I attempted to dust myself off.

He took my hand and we walked to the car and helped me in.

"That was so much fun!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, I feel like a kid again," He said, taking a breath and smiling.

"Now, to the next place," He said with a smirk.

"Where are we going now?" I asked, excitement filled my voice.