
Dovahkiin - Skeleton Knight in Another World

Guy does a survey and gets reincarnated with the powers of the Dovahkiin into the world of "Skelton Knight in Another World" and replaces Arc as the protagonist. harem members are Ariane Glenys Maple, Chiome (real name is Mia), and Felfi Visrotte (Dragon King/Lord)

Knight_Riku · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

sorry - Hiatas until 15th October

sorry everyone, but this fic will be on hiatus until 15th of October.

from 15th to 22nd October I will be posting 4 volumes worth of chapters which is 50% of the whole fic at once.

reason why I'm doing this is because due to all my chapter delays I have decided to go over and create a timetable of literally everything I do. turns out i don't have alot of time, especially since that is lessening more and more the closer November gets.

in November my Brother's and Sister-in-law's child will be born and I am the only house member who can care for my disabled bedbound 70ish year aunt with Multiple Sclerosis as well as helping my 70ish year old father while also doing house chores and working. my brother does work, but he is the main source of income for the family so he is taxed after work and can't do these other things, which is where I come in.

for this fic, I would need to read the novel and manga since the anime doesn't go beyond volume 3 and skipped alot of scenes such as the Port City which is one of my favourite moments in the novel for the first 3 volumes.

such wasted potential Skelton Knight is.

since it ould need to take the time to read the novel, then change and adapt it into my own story so it is original and not 100% copy and paste, it takes alot of time which I am growing to have less of.

but 15th to 22nd October I will have the whole week dedicated to this fic and maybe I might be able to finish it if my writing speed goes beyond 9000...<I sent your memes here that I will never see cause I hate Dragonball>

anyway, I had made this fic mostly to prepare for my Skyrim fanfic.

most of you most likely came here solely to read Dovahkiin fanfics with the name in it.

then if that is the reason you were reading this fic, you will be glad to hear I am finally going to start preparing and soon posting chapters of my Skyrim fanfic where the MC is a Falmer.

quick info of plot.

will take Inspiration from the fanfic "Dragonborn Saga".

will be a Snow Elf (Famer) MC like the Arch Curate and Paladin Falmer Brothers located in Forgitten Vale Dawnguard DLC.

mc will be in Imperial City so he is pretty much f@<&£4 right from the start and needs ro stay hidden.

thsie that don't know, a Snow Elf genocide was carried out thousands of years ago before Skyrim's timeline of Alduin's return. thus he will most likely be killed or experimented on if his skin and ears are revealed to be that of a Snow Elf.

mc is there for a good reason and not just dumped there.

20 years before Alduin's attack on Helgen and return.

mc travelling all over to get strong while staying hidden Assassin's Creed style.

mc will travel to other continents like Solstheim, Red Mountain, Daggerfall, Cyrodiil, Skyrim, Elsewyr, Summerset Isle (F%£# those Thalmer skum!), Argonia and possibly Atmora and Akaviir (the last two i will have to do research on though).

plus original and online mod stories and alterations to the overall world of Nirn.

this fanfic will most likely be 500 to 1500 chapters long and definetly 1 million words. though it depends if I am not dead by then.

u may be suprised but I am able to write 70,000 words in single month if I dedicate to few fanfics and I can write 120,000 words if I dedicate to a single fanfic.

at the start updates will be slow like one chapter every 2 or 3 days, or maybe one chapter daily.

then when my other fanfics get completed in few or 6 months time, then I can dedicate solely to my skyrim fic.

I will then be able to post possibly two or three Chapters a day, and will be posted advance on my pat reon I will make soon.

I will continue to post for free on webnovel site, I ain't no money hungry author.

this is my most anticipated fanfic I wanted to get started months ago and now I will be.

If u look on my profile u will see I said as my quote that I would never drop a fic when i start it. that is true, I only put this on pause temporarily and will complete it on One month's time when my nephew would soon be born and my he duties schedule clears up allowing for more free time for me to return to this side project fic.