
Dovahkiin - Skeleton Knight in Another World

Guy does a survey and gets reincarnated with the powers of the Dovahkiin into the world of "Skelton Knight in Another World" and replaces Arc as the protagonist. harem members are Ariane Glenys Maple, Chiome (real name is Mia), and Felfi Visrotte (Dragon King/Lord)

Knight_Riku · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 12: Before the Raid Part 1

I forgot to mention yesterday, but from Chapter 10 onwards I will be copy and pasting some parts from the novel into here. 70 to 80% is original and written by me. The only parts that are really copy and pasted in are minor things like some dialogue that would still happen in the timeline, description of character appearances or what they do. Example, I did a 2600 word chapter, but only 400 or 700 words were copy and pasted while the rest was original. I just wanted to let u guys know. It helps to cut down my writing time by alot, when it reaches the Hot Spring, then there will be less copy and paste and nearly 98% original work and only 2% copy from novel. Cya.

OI!!! dont think im done with u lot yet!!! why is it that a half assed novel like this has more collections and is more popular then my Borderlands novel?!?!?!


Ariane: "Well then, first, I'm going to join Danka who'd already infiltrated Diento. Follow me."

Artorias: "We're going to walk the whole way there?"

Arianr: "Yes, we better start walking now if we are to reach Diento, the forest will already be dark the time we arrive."

Artorias: "You know of Teleportation Magic, yes?"

Ariane: "…? I know of it, but what does that have to do with anything?"

I saw slight traces of caution spreading in her eyes. Teleportation Magic is a well guarded secret amongst the Elves since the first chieftain Evangeline, who was an reincarnater, had the skull of Teleportation just like Arc, and was able to make it in the form of runic engravings. This allowed fir Teleportation pads which linked one location to another, of course this had been a secret for 800 years, maybe 700, but I knew die to my past life knowledge of this world.

Artorias: "I'm capable of using it, it would be allow us to travel faster and reach Diento in a few minutes then in hours."

Ariane: "Transfer magic!? No way?! An individual being able to wield the power spoken of in legends?! Even us elves relying on the use of magic tools are barely able to invoke such magic…!!"

Both of her golden eyes widened; her expression was one of obvious shock as she rapidly rattled on. After a while, in a fit of sudden realization, she flusteredly covered her mouth with her hands.

Exactly as planned, perfect Blackmail material now to use on her parents, hehe, I'm such an evil guy.

Ariane: "Forget what you just heard! No…prove that you are able to use transfer magic. Supposing it's true, we won't reveal it, but you also must promise not to disclose that thing from earlier!"

Her speech and conduct was relentless, with an intensity that didn't allow refusal, demanding from me an immediate reply.

Artorias: "And what if I can't use Transfer Magic? That would make your promise to keep my Non-existant Transfer Magic a secret null, I would hold the advantage. And I don't actuallymind if you reveal it to the whole world even. So what would you offer then?hmmm?"

Ariane's eyes widened even further as she realised from my emotionaless poker stare, that I truly meant what I said.

That even if I did reveal what I could do, I wouldn't care if she exposed my capabilities to use Transfer/Teleportation Magic single handedly.

She was at a loss on what to do, she knows she can't kill me to keep the secret hidden, also I had helped free her kin so she can't do something like murder me when she owes me a favour fir my goodwill act.

It was amassing as she didn't realise how long she had stood there frozen like a statue at trying to salvage the situation, of her having exposed her race's closely-guarded secret.

Artorias: "Hahaha! No need to get so worked up! I was only joking! I will help you and help your race's Transfer Magic a secret. Come, touch my shoulder and hold on and we will be on our way."

Ariane: "Y-Y-Yes! O-Of Course!"

This is too easy. She's falling for me already because I am doing such a "Selfless" act of not extorting her and the Elven race over their exposed Secret.

I used the Teleportation Magic of the Mysticism school and we zipped across the forests and plains to Diento's forests outskirts in Exactly 2 minutes.

Ariane: "I'm surprised… No, for there to truly be a person capable of using transfer magic without chanting…even now, I feel like I'm dreaming… This certainly is the best power for rescuing my brethren."

While looking at her surroundings with an appearance of continual admiration, she turned around and gave me a broad smile. She seemed to be honestly pleased that prospect of the upcoming rescue mission was brighter.

Artorias: "We should get going. The sooner we free the Elves, the less time they will be exposed to the horrors of corrupt society's abuse and lust."

I began walking of at a quick pace out if the forest's edges and headed towards Diento.

Ariane was a suprised and soon had a smile that I was concerned more about their mental and physical welfare then about her having learned of my Teleportaion Magic and I showed no care if she would expose it or not.

Crossing over the bridge, we passed through the first gate along with the stream of people until we came up to the second gate. Walking while being fully armed and covered head to toe in a black cloak somehow led to the crowd parting before me. Since it wasn't a particularly troubling thing, I silently advanced towards the second gate.

While showing my Silver Passport, I spoke up for the fully covered Ariane.

"Behind me is my companion. How much is the entrance tax?"

The gate guard stiffened at the sight of the Silver Passport, afterall only Nobles could have a Silver Passport.

"Non at all Sir! The Silver Passport is enough! You two may pass! "

And with that, both of us walked past the frightened guard. He probably thought I was angry at him nit realising I was a Noble.

It wasn't his fault, my Light Weight Armour, Muramasa and cloak made me look like an Adventurer or a Mercenary.

Artorias: "Where to now?"

Ariane: "Passing through the gate right after crossing the bridge should exit into a plaza… This is the meeting spot where I'm supposed to wait for Danka. I guess he'll find us here."

As such, we followed the directions as Ariane had been provided prior, and we waited on the side, just within an alley.

Soon a male voice spoke out from behind us.

I had noticed his presence since I was constantly casting [Detect Life].

Danka: "Ariane, why is this man here?"

The man in the beige colored cloak asked Ariane that question in a low voice. The voice was familiar; it was Danka, who i had met before the rescuing of the Elf children.

Ariane: "It's just a little development… This time, I employed an adventurer for a little help."

Danka: "Are you serious?!"

Danka's voice was filled with surprise and reproach.

It can't be helped; the act of hiring a self-proclaimed human to rescue elves captured by humans was something that can't be understood.

Especially due to a war taht had happened between the Elves and Humans hundreds of years ago. This had eventually caused the signing of a Treaty between the two.

The Elves are long lived so they don't forget these things so easily and still hold onto their emotions of hostility and caution, even if slight. Whereas Humans would forget after several hundred years due to their low life span compared to an Elf.

Artorias: "Let's find a place to discuss this properly, we look shady and conspicuous gathered here."

no chapter for next few days maybe since i need to catch up with the massive delay on my Soulsborne System fanfic and make chapters for it.

Knight_Rikucreators' thoughts