
Doupo's Yibao System (Battle Through The Heavens)

Blue Star youth Xiao Se, unfortunately died suddenly because of reading "Douluo: Stealing the Ten Thousand Realms System" all night, and came to Douba World. Open the Yibao system. [Di, congratulations to the host for exchanging the seasoning jar for the palm bottle] [Di, congratulations to the host for exchanging Zhixuesan for the magic sword] [Di, congratulations to the host for exchanging the doll for the kitten] Nightshade: Brother, Nightshade Jaya don't leave you. Xiao Yan: Why did my incineration become a work of art? Where has the fire gone? ...where is my wife? Tang San: Why did my Eight Spider Lances turn into chicken feet? How did my God Zhuge Crossbow turn into a slingshot? My fairy grass...and how did my soul bone turn into pork ribs? Old Demon Han: How did my palm sky bottle turn into a seasoning jar? Dai Mubai: How did my Martial Soul White Tiger mutate into an Evil Fire Monkey? Yu Xiaogang: Why do you have an egg on your body? Hello, I am not the original author, I loved this novel very much, I wanted to share it for those who have not seen it and those who do not know. I don't own anything about this novel and the characters. Note; I do not expect any income from this novel. Original: https://www.69shu.com/txt/37953.htm https://m.qidian.com/book/1028582060.html Author: Fried green pepper with egg

Taddena · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Xiao Yan, who is getting more and more autistic

The next morning, the sun was shining brightly.

  The warm sunlight shone through the vents of the stone room and fell on the bleak and white cheeks.

  Xiao Se slowly opened his eyes, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help rising.

  Last night, Xiao Se had a dream, a very beautiful dream, he dreamed of his favorite goddesses Yun Yun, Medusa, and Bibi Dong in his previous life

  . Xiao Se, a student of the "Su Yuntao Martial Spirit" in two generations, had a sweet dream.

  Waiting for something

  not quite right ,

  as if something was pressing him

  , "Damn it!" Looking down, Xiao Se almost shouted.

  I saw Nightshade leaning on Xiao Se's chest, and Xiao Se wrapped her hands around her slender waist.

  It was Hong Kui, right.

  I carefully recalled what happened yesterday in my mind:

  daily combat with Hong Kui, daily beatings, but This time, he seemed to be a little more impulsive. With the strength of a four-star fighter, he sent out a red flame sword that was comparable to the low-level fighting skills of the earth - Poji.

  After that, his fighting qi was exhausted, and he was affected by the explosion of 'Poji', and fainted. It should be Solanum nigrum who sent him back to the stone room. Could it be that   a drop of cold sweat dripped

  from his bleak forehead last night , he no longer dared to think about it.   He let go of the hands that hugged Hongkui and put them on her thin and fragrant shoulders. Xiao Se pushed it and said softly: "Longkui.. Nightshade"   Hearing Xiao's call, Hongkui rubbed the slightly hazy Opening his eyes slowly, he saw himself lying in the bathtub, recalling what happened yesterday in his mind, and his pretty face flushed with a blush.   "Brother, I." Hong Kui's pretty face flushed, her eyes dodged, and she didn't dare to look back at Desolate.

  Looking at Hongkui, who was already red to the back of his ears, there was an embarrassing wry smile at the corners of Xiao Se's mouth, "We didn't have anything happened last night.

  " Pinch up.

  Hearing this, Xiao Se let out a sigh of relief, and said inwardly fortunately, "Well then, I really don't know how to face the blue nightshade. Although the personalities are different, the body is the same."

  But Hongkui's next sentence, It made Xiao Se almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

  "My brother also took advantage of Solanum nigrum to wipe his back, and then"


  Desolate social death.

  Putting on his clothes, Xiao Se took a drop of Primordial Spiritual Liquid and began to practice "Burning Jue" and "Returning Soul Soul Jue".

  An hour later, after more than a month of ascetic cultivation, the cultivation base finally broke through to the fighter five-star.

  But bleak just couldn't be happy.

  Although they did not break through the last step, they learned from Hongkui that the two seemed to have had some relationship beyond friendship and family last night. Lan Kui didn't know about this.

  After putting on the clothes, Hongkui directly entered the pattern of the magic sword in Xiao Se's hand.

  The two tacitly did not mention what happened last night, but the "brother and sister" relationship seemed to be slowly deteriorating (ps: In particular, Solanum nigrum is the heroine, but not the protagonist's biological sister)

  to leave the cave, bleak and went straight to I rushed in the direction of Mittel Auction House.

  Because he was addicted to cultivation, he had not been able to pick up the ten bottles of Primordial Essence that he had entrusted to Mittel's Ranking auction last time.

  Passing by the Xiao family's house, Xiao Se chose to keep a low profile as always.

  Walking on the alley of Qingshi Square, today's Xiao family seems to be particularly deserted. Usually there are many Xiao family teenagers and girls doing exercises in the square at this time, but at this moment there is no one.

  "Desolation, Desolation!" A familiar call sounded behind the sudden bleak, and the voice came from far to near.

  When Xiao Se heard the words, he turned his head and looked from a distance to see who was coming. A strange look flashed in his eyes, "Xiao Ning?"

  After a while, Xiao Ning finally ran up to Xiao Se and put his right hand on Xiao Se's shoulder, annoyed. He panted and said: "Huhu. I finally found you. If you don't come, I plan to go to the back mountain to find you."

  "What are you looking for?" Xiao Se was slightly taken aback and asked in confusion.

  Because of Xiao Yu's relationship, Xiao Ning is one of the few acquaintances in the Xiao family who are not too familiar.

  Moreover, Xiao Se has never shown any admiration for Xiao Xun'er, and knowing that Xiao Se is strong, Xiao Ning's attitude towards him is still relatively friendly.

  "Hey, you spend every day cultivating in the back mountain. Maybe you don't know it yet. Since the end of the last Dou Qi test, a lot of big things have happened in the past two months." Xiao Ning smiled and said.

  "Major event? What major event?" Although he knew that the major event the other party was talking about was the disappearance of Xiao Yan's vindictive energy, Xiao Se still pretended not to know.

  "Hey, you'll find out later, come with me first, today the patriarch and the three elders held a clan meeting, and all clan disciples must attend." A mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, Xiao Ning put his bleak shoulders, and went straight to Go to the Xiao family discussion hall.

  Following Xiao Ning across the Qingshi Square, he finally stopped outside the solemn discussion hall.

  Xiao Ning naturally took on the task of knocking on the door, "Grandpa, the head of the house, the two elders, I brought Xiao Se."

  "Come in, Ning'er." An old and kind voice came from the house.

  "Let's go, my grandfather let us in." Xiao Ning patted Xiao Se's shoulder proudly and said.

  "Yeah." Xiao Se nodded casually. He had long been tireless of such a sudden and nutritious clan meeting.

  Pushing the door and entering, the hall is very spacious. When Xiao Se and Xiao Ning entered, the hall was almost full of people.

  Sitting at the top are Patriarch Xiao Zhan and the three elders.

  On the lower left of the four of them sat some elders of the Xiao family who had reached the strength of Dou Shi, and beside them, there were also some outstanding family members including Xiao Mei.

  On the other side, there were also several seniors from the Xiao family who had reached the strength of Dou Shi and some outstanding family juniors, but only the first seat was vacant.

  There, it was usually prepared for Xiao Yan, the first genius of the Xiao family.

  He glanced around vaguely, and at the farthest corner of the door on the right, Xiao Se saw Xiao Yan's lonely figure.

  At this moment, he was no longer in high spirits, bowed slightly, crossed his fingers, covered his tender face, and put his elbows on his knees, as if no strangers would enter. There was an air of decadence all over him.

  Not far to Xiao Yan's right, there was a vacant seat, and next to the vacant seat was Xiao Xun'er.

  Seeing Xiao Ning and Xiao Se coming in, the first elder spoke first, pointed to the vacant seat beside his right hand, and said with a smile, "Ning'er, sit next to Grandpa."

  "Here" Xiao Ning glanced at the vacant seat next to Xun'er, Glancing at Xiao Se again, after hesitating for a moment, he nodded with difficulty, and said, "Yes, grandpa."

  Since Xiao Yan's talent disappeared, Xiao Ning knew that his grandfather, the elder of the Xiao family, intended to support him to replace Xiao Yan's previous position. . But if you sit in that position, you can't sit next to Xiao Xun'er.

  In the face of "love" and "filial piety", he finally chose the latter.