
Doupo's Yibao System (Battle Through The Heavens)

Blue Star youth Xiao Se, unfortunately died suddenly because of reading "Douluo: Stealing the Ten Thousand Realms System" all night, and came to Douba World. Open the Yibao system. [Di, congratulations to the host for exchanging the seasoning jar for the palm bottle] [Di, congratulations to the host for exchanging Zhixuesan for the magic sword] [Di, congratulations to the host for exchanging the doll for the kitten] Nightshade: Brother, Nightshade Jaya don't leave you. Xiao Yan: Why did my incineration become a work of art? Where has the fire gone? ...where is my wife? Tang San: Why did my Eight Spider Lances turn into chicken feet? How did my God Zhuge Crossbow turn into a slingshot? My fairy grass...and how did my soul bone turn into pork ribs? Old Demon Han: How did my palm sky bottle turn into a seasoning jar? Dai Mubai: How did my Martial Soul White Tiger mutate into an Evil Fire Monkey? Yu Xiaogang: Why do you have an egg on your body? Hello, I am not the original author, I loved this novel very much, I wanted to share it for those who have not seen it and those who do not know. I don't own anything about this novel and the characters. Note; I do not expect any income from this novel. Original: https://www.69shu.com/txt/37953.htm https://m.qidian.com/book/1028582060.html Author: Fried green pepper with egg

Taddena · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

The Little Doctor Immortal Following

"Haha.. The little brother is okay, he can actually resist the attack of the scorpion-tailed demon wolf, that beast is a very powerful existence in the first-order monster, and it is almost rare in the same level. The enemy."

  "Such a young fighter is really terrifying." The

  surrounding mercenaries cheered Xiao Se from time to time.

  Just now, the herb collection team encountered the attack of the scorpion-tailed demon wolf. In the face of this first-order monster with both speed and strength, and the tail also contained toxins, several people were stabbed by the scorpion-tailed demon wolf's tail. , The poisoning passed out, but fortunately Xiao Se shot in time, pulled out the magic sword and smashed it, which saved the few mercenaries from the poison.

  Facing the applause of the surrounding mercenaries, Xiao Se smiled casually, without showing pride or arrogance, silently followed the herb collection team and went to the herb collection location.

  For him, the scorpion-tailed devil wolf could kill him with a single sword if it hadn't been for the magic sword to suppress the vindictiveness in his body, but that was not the case. , knock it back.

  This... is also part of the experience.

  "Everyone, there is still a long way to go before the medicine collection point. Let's take a short rest first!" After walking for a while, the girl's light voice suddenly sounded in the calm medicine collection team.

  Hearing this, everyone walked forward for a while, then stopped in unison, looked back at the girl with a gentle smile, and nodded.

  After discussing for a while, more than ten people were assigned to guard, and everyone took turns to rest and recover the fighting spirit consumed in the body.

  Xiao Se only made one shot in the audience, and the vindictive energy consumed was almost negligible. After he fully recovered, he greeted the mercenary beside him, and under the guise of convenience, he left the herb collection team and got into the woods.

  Go all the way along the place where there may be a cliff, and by the way, see if there are any needed medicinal materials around.

  Passing through the woods, Xiao Se finally found a steep cliff. Below the cliff, there were lush green forests, which were quite beautiful.

  Standing on the edge of the cliff, Bai Languo was directly ignored by him. Looking down, he glanced at the bottom and didn't see anything wrong. Immediately, he asked in his heart: "Song Kui, is there a cave under the cliff? Help me. Check it out."

  "Okay brother." In my heart, Solanum nigrum's response sounded suddenly. After a while, Solanum nigrum said: "Brother, there really seems to be a cave under the cliff."

  Hearing this, Xiao Se was overjoyed. It seemed that it was right to follow Wanyaozhai's herb collection team. A bundle of thick rope for rock climbing appeared.

  Binding the rope to a nearby tree trunk with the thickness of a thigh, Xiao Se tugged hard. After confirming that there was no problem with the rope, he tapped the ground with his toes, and then dropped it straight at the bottom of the cliff.

  Not long after the bleak went down, a pale cyan figure came out from the dim grove.

  Slowly walking to the edge of the cliff, looking at a pale white flower with vermilion fruits on the edge of the cliff, and at the climbing rope tied to a tree trunk not far away, Qian Ying whispered: "It is worth thousands of dollars. The golden coin's white orchid was not picked, but ran to the bottom of the cliff, do you not know the white orchid, or is there something below?"

  A breeze blew, and the sky was blown away, and the warm sunlight shone on the shadow with an ethereal aura. On the soft cheeks, it is a little medical fairy.

  On the other side, under the guidance of nightshade, Xiao Se finally came to the vicinity of the cave.

  Looking at the dark hole in front of him, Xiao Se still didn't breathe a sigh of relief, all the hair on his body suddenly collapsed, the top of his heart trembled violently, a faint sound of breaking the air sounded, and a black shadow suddenly ejected.

  Under the sunlight of "Rock Snake", Xiao Se clearly saw the figure of the sneak attack, and immediately raised his spare right hand, a bluish-white flame rose up, and slapped towards the rock snake.

  The flame collided with the rock snake, only to hear a crackling sound. Under the scorching of the beast fire, the rock snake struggled violently, and soon became a roast snake, fell down, and smashed into the deep. In the bottomless valley.

  After getting rid of the rock snake, Xiao Se breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but he did not rest assured of his vigilance. The soul force radiated out. After confirming that the dark cave was not in danger, the rope in his hand was slightly loose, and he stepped on the cliff. inside the cave.

  As soon as the toes landed, Solanum nigrum's sweet voice sounded in my heart again, "Brother, it seems that someone is grabbing your body rope and preparing to come down.

  " When I went to the ropes, I found a familiar pale cyan shadow emerging from the top of the cliff. A hint of surprise flashed in my eyes, "It's actually a little medical fairy?"

  "Brother, do you want to solve her." Red sunflower.

  Xiao Se shook his head and said, "No need, she is not my opponent because of her strength, and she is a kind girl, so there is no need to kill her."

  He walked towards the stone gate inside the cave, groping for a while, and pressed the stone gate. Switch, the cave door was opened, three boxes placed on the stone table, and the skeleton on the seat next to the stone table, were clearly revealed in front of Xiao Se.

  Without much hesitation, Xiao Se took the lead to walk to the skeleton and took out the residual image of the Jinglian Demon Fire hidden in the hand bone. Then he found the key on the skeleton, opened the second and third boxes, and put the flying combat skills "Wings of the Eagle" and the attacking combat skills "Wild Lion's Roar" into the ring.

  Only then did he run out of the cave to check on Xiaoyixian's condition.

  As a result, he saw a scene that made him cry.

  I saw Xiaoyixian grabbing the rope with all his strength, without any leverage under his feet, he was jumping up and down in a hurry. Under the light blue corset skirt, the spring was even more exposed, revealing a small white inner.

  Seeing this, Xiao Se couldn't help but feel a little curious, don't girls in Douqi Mainland like to wear pants? So did Xun'er, so did Xiao Yu, and so did Xiaoyi Xian.

  "Ah!" With an exclamation, Xiao Yixian couldn't hold it any longer, his hands were empty, and his body fell vertically to the bottom of the valley.

  Xiao Se shook his head helplessly, one jumped in front of the little doctor fairy, his right hand rudely embraced the willow waist that made countless compatriots in Qingshan Town mesmerized, and then his left hand grabbed the rope.

  And Xiaoyixian also seemed to be holding on to the life-saving straw, and the jade hand passed through the bleak right neck and left armpit, hugging tightly, not daring to open his eyes.

  The two of them hung on the cliff in an extremely ambiguous posture.

  "Hey, hey...it's all right now, you can open your eyes." Xiao Se gently shook the soft body of Xiao Yixian and reminded aloud.

  Hearing Desolate's call, Xiao Yixian slowly opened her closed beautiful eyes, looking at Desolation holding her in her arms, her pale complexion turned slightly red, and said: "Thank you"