
Douluou Dalu : The Monarch of Thunder and Lightning

After being reborn into his most favorite fiction what action will he do to shake the heavens with his loved ones and companions.

Erased19 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Time Skip/The beggining

In the middle of the forest two youths wearing plain linen clothes are battling each other and neither are gaining any advantage because the other one has superior speed, tactics and technique and the other even if he has a crude way of fighting and just straightforwardly charging toward his opponent and not having a tactic and technique in mind has the advantage and superiority of having a great deal of stamina and endurance and because of this neither are gaining any advantages and after a while of battling the two are gasping for breath and drop down on the ground ending the fight in draw. they just stay on the ground resting and recovering their stamina before they stand up and dust away the dirt in their body before walking out of the forest.

"Tang san you win this time but I will definitely defeat you next time and be the strongest child in the village." The boy strongly says.

Tang san is a boy with a height of 33cm with a wheat color skin has blue eyes and dark hair with a average face. Tang san just shakes his head and replied, "Our fight just now ended with a draw you know you don't need to challenge me every single day just to beat me Chen ming."

The boy whose name is Chen ming replied, "No I lose if it's not for my strong endurance and stamina I've had long lost to you." Chen ming is a boy with a height of 38cm, a pale white skin with a silver hair and dark purple eyes that does not lose to a amethyst and have a handsome face.

After a while of walking they can see the silhoutte of a village and walk faster to the village gate and after they reach it they can see an old man patrolling the village and greet him.

"Good morning Grandpa jack." The two courteously said.

"Good morning to you two as well. "Grandpa jack smilingly said.

After they greeted him they got ready to leave only to hear grandpa jack's voice behind them and saying something Chen ming.

"Chen ming your breakfast is ready at home eat after you go home." Grandpa jack softly said to Chen ming.

"Okay grandpa thanks and bye."Chen ming said smiling and wave to grandpa jack before he and tang san walk away and parted later to go home.


It's been 4 years since I got reincarnated into this world and meet tang san and to meet him I challenge every child in our village to train and to challenge tang san and gain fighting experience.

I think while while walking home, "I must say im really weak compared to tang san and im not worried because im only just starting to train and tang san has a whole life of fighting experience and after I get my spirit essence in the spirit awakening that will happen 2 years later and get my soul ring and a few years of training my body and technique I can defeat him albeit not in his peak form but I still will beat him hahaha."

After I think for a while I go inside my home and go to the bathroom to wash my body before eating. after I take off my clothes I wash my body thoroughly and wash every nook and crook of my body.

After washing my body I got up to dry my body with a towel and go out to have my breakfast and said while eating, "It's really good to have your breakfast after a training and a good bath."

After a while I finish my food and wash the dishes before I go out to the woods to train my body. this is my routine after I start training my body 1 year ago and btw I go with the saitama training push-ups, sit-ups, squats, running and a basket with rocks behind me that weight 10 catties (catty=0.6) (10catties=6kg) but on a smaller scale because my body can't still keep up with that kind of training.

After I finish my training my body is full of sweat and sit up to meditate for a while before standing up and go to the village to go to the market and see if there is something good with my observation ability and resell it again to make a quick buck and save money to have Uncle hao tang san's father to make me a staff to train my body and also to train and get familliar with it because my first spirit will be a spear. ( you question why I use staff instead of spear I also don't know I only got the idea on the novel Tales of herding god) after a while of shopping in the market and see that the sky is also going dark I prepare to go home but stop when I look in one of the stall and see a fruit that is like a chico in appearance but big in size the size of an adults fist and if it's not for my observation ability I will be mistaken it as a expired fruit with its annoying sour smell. I go near to the stall and pick it to see it's information.


Name: Spirit strengthening fruit

Age: 423 years

Details: A fruit that strengthen the body and cleanses the impurities in the body and meridians to have a smooth pathways when you circulate your spirit power in your body. can only be use by spirit Master and below.


I was excited when I saw the info of the fruit but compose myself first before asking the stall owner what is the price of the fruit.

The stall owner replied, "The price is just 20 copper coin if you want to buy it."

I take 20 copper coins in my pocket and give it to the stall owner and after paying for it I walk faster excitedly and got home fast to eat the fruit but not before eating dinner and after I eat I wash the dishes before going to my room to eat the fruit.

I compose myself first and meditate for a while before eating the fruit. it tastes so bitter and if not reminding myself quickly that this is a spirit fruit I will definitely spit it out. after eating it I feel my body so hot it's like my body is on fire and I sweated a lot before feeling the pain but I persevere and endured the pain and after a full 20 minutes the pain stopped and I gasp for breath and rest for a bit before exhaling a large mount of impurities and I look at myself only to find out a layer of black sticky liquid sticking to my skin and a smell that attack my nose by it's annoying and bad smell. I immediately go to the bathroom to clean myself and after a while I exited the bathroom and sit on my bed to check my body.

I feel myself stronger than ever before my body becomes more muscled and tone my face becomes more defined and handsome except for the baby fat that is still on my face. I feel excited on my newfound strength and can't help but thank the gods for my luck. I can't wait for tommorrow and beat tang san and after I beat tang san I will start training and just wait for the spirit awakening that will happen 2 years later.

After thinking for a while about my plans for the future I lay on the bed and sleep to rest my body but can't sleep because of being excited and after a few moments my eyelids became heavy and sleep to go to the dream world and enjoy myself.