
Douluo Xiao Wu becomes evil and break off the engagement with tang san

Chen Feng travels through Douluo Continent, Ice and Fire Eyes, and meets Xiao Wu in a wedding dress, preparing to complete the final engagement ceremony with Tang San. Isn't this exciting for singles? Obtain the martial soul system at the critical moment, and awaken the god-level talent Wuhun Fang of the Zombie God at the beginning. A first-time servant with a gifted soul skill can make the soul master become blackened and surrender, and randomly obtain a martial soul fusion skill that can be used together with the blackened soul master. At the wedding scene, when Tang San handed over the bouquet, Heihua Xiaowu said: I'm sorry, I'm here to break off the engagement. Also, all my soul rings and soul bones will be returned to me. Tang San collapsed, Tang Hao and A Yin were dumbfounded. this is a translate Chinese novel so sorry if the grammar is a bit bad Original name: 斗罗:开局让小舞黑化,退婚唐三 Site: https://www.69shuba.com/book/53378.htm Original Author: 一滴老酒 (A drop of old wine)

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Chapter 2 First Servant Xiao Wu, divorced from Tang San

Chen Feng originally wanted to lure Xiao Wu to him, but he made a sudden attack and bit her smooth and white neck. He didn't expect Xiao Wu's vigilance. It's so strong.

  If it drags on any longer, it will be troublesome if Tang San and Tang Hao discover it.

  Chen Feng thought about it, looked behind Xiao Wu, and said in surprise: "Tang San?" he look behind her.

  The moment she turned around, a pair of huge wings of the Zombie God appeared behind Chen Feng. The wings shook, turned into an afterimage and rushed out, hugging Xiao Wu's delicate body from behind.

Covering her mouth with one hand, holding her slender waist with the other, his wings fluttered and shot straight into the sky.

  In fact, when Xiao Wu turned her head and saw no one, she already felt something bad in her heart.

But with the blessing of Chen Feng's second soul skill, Zombie God's Wings, his speed was so fast that she had no time to teleport.

  Now that her body is being held, she can no longer teleport.

"Invincible Golden Body!"

  Xiao Wu shouted in her heart, and she used her fourth soul skill, and a layer of golden light emerged.

At the same time, she mobilized the soul power in her body and began to struggle crazily.

  "The first soul skill, the body of the dead god!"

  Chen Feng's voice sounded in Xiao Wu's ears.

  At that moment, Xiao Wu felt the immense power coming from those big hands, restraining her tightly.

Even if she tried her best, she couldn't break free.


  Chen Feng's joking voice sounded from behind.

  What's the meaning?

  Xiao Wu was full of doubts.


  After waiting for a moment, Chen Feng said two words: "Disappear!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Wu's invincible golden body disappeared.

  Xiao Wu was shocked. The Invincible Golden Body was the fourth soul skill. It lasted for three seconds at the beginning and could be increased by one second every ten levels.

She is now close to level 60, and her invincible golden body can last close to five seconds.

  Except for Third Brother, even the other Shrek Five Monsters didn't know much about her soul skill.

  How could this strange man know her soul skills so well? Who is he?

"My name is Chen Feng, and I will be your master from now on."

  Chen Feng opened his mouth, revealing two stiff teeth, and bit down on Xiao Wu's snow-white neck.

  Innate soul skills, first time servant.

  Xiao Wu groaned, her body shook violently, and a dark aura came from her body.

Her soul is gradually transforming into a dark soul.

  After a while, Xiao Wu stopped struggling, and her soul had completely turned dark. At this moment, she has all the memories of the past, but has lost all the emotions in the past, and only obeys Chen Feng's orders.

  Of course, after becoming a blood slave, Xiao Wu's soul will turn dark and will be permanently locked in the body, unable to leave.

  This can be regarded as another way to resurrect the sacrificed Xiao Wu.

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  Chapter 2: First Servant Xiao Wu, Breaking Off the Engagement Tang San

  Chen Feng originally wanted to lure Xiao Wu to him, but he made a sudden attack and bit her smooth and white neck. He didn't expect Xiao Wu's vigilance. It's so strong.

  If it drags on any longer, it will be troublesome if Tang San and Tang Hao discover it.

  Chen Feng thought about it, looked behind Xiao Wu, and said in surprise: "Tang San   ?


Look behind you.

  The moment she turned around, a pair of huge wings of the Zombie God appeared behind Chen Feng. The wings shook, turned into an afterimage and rushed out, hugging Xiao Wu's delicate body from behind.

  Covering her mouth with one hand, holding her slender waist with the other, her wings fluttered and shot straight into the sky.

  In fact, when Xiao Wu turned her head and saw no one, she already felt something bad in her heart.

  But with the blessing of Chen Feng's second soul skill, Zombie God's Wings, her speed was so fast that she had no time to teleport.

  Now that her body is being held, she can no longer teleport.

  "Invincible Golden Body!"

  Xiao Wu shouted in her heart, and she used her fourth soul skill, and a layer of golden light emerged.

  At the same time, she mobilized the soul power in her body and began to struggle crazily.

  "The first soul skill, the body of the dead god!"

  Chen Feng's voice sounded in Xiao Wu's ears.

  At that moment, Xiao Wu felt the immense power coming from those big hands, restraining her tightly.

  Even if she tried her best, she couldn't break free.


  Chen Feng's joking voice sounded from behind.

  What's the meaning?

  Xiao Wu was full of doubts.


  After waiting for a moment, Chen Feng said two words: "Disappear!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Wu's invincible golden body disappeared.

  Xiao Wu was shocked. The Invincible Golden Body was the fourth soul skill. It lasted for three seconds at the beginning and could be increased by one second every ten levels.

  She is now close to level 60, and her invincible golden body can last close to five seconds.

  Except for Third Brother, even the other Shrek Five Monsters didn't know much about her soul skill.

  How could this strange man know his soul skills so well? Who is he?

  "My name is Chen Feng, and I will be your master from now on."

  Chen Feng opened his mouth, revealing two stiff teeth, and bit down on Xiao Wu's snow-white neck.

  Innate soul skills, first time servant.

  Xiao Wu groaned, her body shook violently, and a dark aura came from her body.

  Her soul is gradually transforming into a dark soul.

  After a while, Xiao Wu stopped struggling, and her soul had completely turned dark. At this moment, she has all the memories of the past, but has lost all the emotions in the past, and only obeys Chen Feng's orders.

  Of course, after becoming a blood slave, Xiao Wu's soul will turn dark and will be permanently locked in the body, unable to leave.

  This can be regarded as another way to resurrect the sacrificed Xiao Wu.


  Xiao Wu's body softened and she leaned obediently into Chen Feng's arms.

  The soft and delicate body, the sweet voice, and the look of being at the mercy of others all made Chen Feng's heart flutter.

  However, now is not the time to think about this.

  After the first embrace was completed, a stream of information poured into Chen Feng and Xiao Wu's minds at the same time.

Martial soul fusion skill: Zombie God Soft Bone Rabbit. The physical fusion of martial souls, with Chen Feng as the leader, and the superposition of soul powers, can use all the soul skills of the two people, and the power of all soul skills is doubled.

  This martial soul fusion skill is somewhat similar to Hu Liena and Xie Yue's martial soul fusion skill, but it seems to be more powerful.

  "Xiao Wu, what are you doing in the Ice and Fire Eyes?"

Chen Feng asked, holding Xiao Wu while suspended high in the sky.

  "Master, Tang San is going to Poseidon Island. Before leaving, he asked me to get engaged in front of his parents. Before I met the master, I was about to go to complete the engagement with Tang San." Xiao Wu said in a precise manner.

"It's an engagement."

  Chen Feng had actually guessed it a long time ago. He rolled his eyes and showed an evil smile on his face, saying: "Xiao Wu, go see Tang San and cancel the engagement." Break off the engagement.

What a cliched and bloody plot.

This time, he also pressed on Tang San, letting him taste the feeling of being broken off by his beloved fiancée.

  Unfortunately, judging from the current development of the plot, Tang San will never be able to say the classic sentence "Thirty years to the east of Hedong, thirty years to the west of Hexi, don't bully the young man into poverty."

"Yes, Master."

  Xiao Wu nodded.

  Chen Feng landed from the sky, let go of Xiao Wu, and said, "I'll wait for you here. Come find me after you break off the engagement."

  "Okay, Master."

Xiao Wu turned around and left, returning to the engagement site.

  Tang San, who had been waiting for a long time, saw Xiao Wu appearing in a wedding dress, and a picture of the first time he met Xiao Wu until now appeared in his mind.

  There was a happy and doting smile on his face.

Tang Hao on the side showed a happy smile, and the Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin on the side also moved her branches, happy for the union of her son and Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu's eyes were indifferent, and she walked slowly towards Tang San with elegant steps.

  "Xiao Wu!"

  Tang San came forward emotionally and presented the bouquet of flowers in his hand.

  Xiao Wu did not pick it up, looked at Tang San with indifferent eyes, and said lightly: "I'm sorry, I'm here to break off the engagement."

"Cancel the engagement?" The smile on Tang San's face froze, and Tang Hao on the side was also satisfied. With a surprised look on his face, all the branches of Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin shook violently twice.

After a moment, Tang San smiled again and said softly: "Xiao Wu, stop playing around. I know you are teasing me."

  Xiao Wu's expression remained indifferent, and she said calmly: "I'm not teasing you, nor am I negotiating with you. I'm here to inform you that I'm breaking off the engagement, and don't come to me in the future." After saying that, Xiao Wu turned and left

Tang San was dumbfounded, Tang Hao was stunned, and Blue Silver Emperor Ah Yin stopped shaking the branches.

  "Dad, Mom, I'm going to take a look."

  Tang San held a bouquet and chased after her.

  "Xiao Wu, why?"

He didn't understand why she suddenly became like this when everything was fine before.

  Xiao Wu ignored it and quickly rushed to the place agreed with Chen Feng.

Tang San chased after her all the way.

  Finally, Xiao Wu saw Chen Feng, a smile appeared on her cold and pretty face, and she flew away happily and threw herself into his arms.

"Master, I have broken off my engagement with Tang San."

  Xiao Wu said as if she was claiming credit.

Chen Feng lifted Xiao Wu's delicate chin, kissed her red lips, and said with a smile, "This is your reward." "

  Thank you, Master."

  Xiao Wu's face was full of shyness.

  And when Tang San, who had just been caught up, saw this scene, the bouquet in his hand suddenly fell to the ground, his body was shaky, and he felt a green grassland above his head, and asked with splitting eyes: "Xiao Wu, who is he?"

Xiao Wu snuggled into Chen Feng's arms and said, "He is my master, Chen Feng."

"Master?" Tang San felt a twinge of pain in his heart, and it became a little difficult to breathe.


  This is not true.

  Could it be that everything he had with Xiao Wu in the past was fake?

Not long ago, Xiao Wu took the initiative to sacrifice herself in order to save hinself. There is no way her feelings for me are fake.

  He looked at Chen Feng with burning eyes and asked with murderous intent: "What did you do to Xiao Wu?"

  (End of Chapter)

is it just me or almost all of the fanfic now a days is all about cucked someone?

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