
Douluo V: I, Huo Yuhao, won't be a Coward

Transmigrated into the world of Soul Land II, I became the protagonist Huo Yuhao, accompanied by a system. The White Tiger lineage is fated for destruction. And Tang San, the ice-cold, pure, and noble figure, who relishes in controlling the fate and destiny of others, is, in his own words, digging his own grave. ... This is a translation, and a version of Soul Land II's "What If?" The Synopsis is vague and quite a bit meaningless but should be simple for the experienced ones. Also, this is not a fanfic of Soul Land V, it's a fanfic of Soul Land II. So yeah, don't expect..I don't know why the author named it "V". Peace~

Karma_shi · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 22: Facing Ning Tian


During lunch, to make up for the previous day, Huo Yuhao painfully treated Xiao Xiao to a meal and specially grilled fish for her. Xiao Xiao was finally in a good mood, and the three of them headed to the afternoon competition.

At this point, there were fewer participants left in the freshman elimination rounds, but the number of spectators had increased significantly. After a quick draw, the trio checked out their opponents.

"Three girls," Huo Yuhao noted, recognizing their identities. The short-haired blonde at the front was likely Ning Tian, the young master of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, who, unfortunately, later turned into a male. The red-haired girl beside her was probably Lara, who had a crush on Ning Tian. As for the light-green-haired girl, she looked familiar, but Huo Yuhao couldn't quite place her.

"Your eyes are about to fall out," Wang Dong said coldly. He had been forced into an intimate situation with her last night, and now he was eyeing other girls. He was truly shameless.

"Cough, cough! I was just assessing the enemy," Huo Yuhao quickly snapped back to reality, sensing Wang Dong's killing intent.

The referee announced, "Both sides, step forward and introduce yourselves."

The six contestants then revealed their levels and specialties.

"Thirty-one levels? You must be joking," Xiao Xiao almost cursed upon hearing their introduction. All three of them were just over level 20. How were they supposed to compete?

It wasn't just Xiao Xiao; the surrounding spectators and teachers were equally shocked. For an auxiliary spirit master, reaching level 31 at such a young age was unheard of. She was a true genius.


At the referee's command, the six contestants summoned their martial souls. Wufeng's clothes tore at the arms, revealing red scales that transformed her hands into claws—her martial soul, the Red Dragon.

"Seven Treasures, Glazed Tile," Ning Tian chanted, summoning her martial soul, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, with two yellow and one purple soul ring rising around her.

"First Soul Skill: Speed," Ning Tian called out, sending two dazzling lights to fall on Wufeng and Nanmen Yun'er.

"The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda!" Wang Dong exclaimed in surprise. It was the strongest auxiliary martial soul on the Douluo Continent. Though amazed, she wasn't afraid.

"First Soul Skill, Wing Blade," Wang Dong activated her skill, forming sharp golden edges on her wings, and engaged Wufeng in battle.

Nanmen Yun'er's speed increased dramatically, leaving afterimages as she charged at Xiao Xiao.

"First Soul Skill, Cauldron Tremor," Xiao Xiao knew the power of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. Despite being startled by Nanmen Yun'er's speed, she managed to block the attack with Huo Yuhao's spiritual detection.

"Don't underestimate me," Xiao Xiao shouted, using her Three Lives Soul Calming Cauldron to send a powerful shockwave that stunned Nanmen Yun'er, knocking her back.

"Seven Treasures, Second Name: Solution," Ning Tian quickly responded, casting another light on Nanmen Yun'er to clear her mind, allowing her to dodge Xiao Xiao's cauldron.

Sparks flew as Wang Dong's wing blades clashed with Wufeng's dragon claws. The battle between two powerful attack-type spirit masters was intense, with light and fire colliding.

Though Wufeng's speed had been enhanced, it was no match for Wang Dong, especially with Huo Yuhao's spiritual detection aiding her.

"Something's off with their strategy," Huo Yuhao noted, confused by Ning Tian's actions. It didn't align with what he remembered about Ning Rongrong.

"Yun'er, target the one in the back," Ning Tian commanded. Despite the speed boost, their opponents were holding up too well. Something was fishy. The only logical explanation was that the one at the back had a special ability.

"Understood," Nanmen Yun'er said, accelerating past Xiao Xiao to attack Huo Yuhao.


I was just watching the fight. Why am I suddenly being attacked?

"Second Soul Skill, Jade Slash," Nanmen Yun'er activated her martial soul, the Jade Bird. Her first soul skill, Jade Blade, transformed her arms into blades, and the second skill, Jade Slash, combined with the first to create green light blades that slashed towards Huo Yuhao.


"You're quite passionate, aren't you?" Huo Yuhao smirked, blocking the attack with a light sword formed in his hand.

"Second Soul Skill, Cauldron Ripple," Xiao Xiao was furious that their captain was being targeted and launched her attack, causing black ripples to emanate from her cauldron and knocking Nanmen Yun'er back, stunning her.

"Justice's Light," Huo Yuhao decided to end this swiftly. He concentrated the holy light in his eyes and fired at Nanmen Yun'er.

"Not good!"

"Seven Treasures, Second Name: Solution," Ning Tian tried to intervene, but it was too late. Although she managed to clear Nanmen Yun'er's mind, Huo Yuhao's attack had already hit.

"Ah!" Nanmen Yun'er screamed as Justice's Light, a spiritual attack, overwhelmed her. Despite Ning Tian's efforts, she couldn't resist and collapsed, her head throbbing painfully.

"Get lost!" Wufeng activated her second soul skill, Dragon's Fury. Her attack and defense power surged, and her first soul skill, Dragon Fire, was enhanced.

A wave of intense heat forced Wang Dong back. Wufeng took advantage of this moment to charge at Huo Yuhao.

"Not so fast!" Wang Dong understood Wufeng's intent and activated her second soul skill, Butterfly God's Light. Dozens of small golden light clusters shot towards Wufeng.


The light clusters exploded on Wufeng, but she pushed through the pain, her red figure leaping towards Huo Yuhao with her dragon claws raised.

"First Soul Skill, Slow," Xiao Xiao quickly switched her martial soul to the Nine Phoenix Greeting the Dawn Flute and played a tune, sending invisible sound waves that slowed their opponents.

"Twin Martial Souls!"

Ning Tian and the spectators were shocked. The team had two members with twin martial souls.

"Sorry, but you came to me," Huo Yuhao said with a smile, grabbing Wufeng's face and slamming her to the ground.

"Wufeng!" Ning Tian's eyes burned with anger.

"Seven Treasures, Third Name: Strength," Ning Tian used her third soul skill, a millennium ring, to boost Wufeng's power.

"I won't let you off!" Wufeng's strength surged, her hands gripping Huo Yuhao's arms as intense flames burned.

"Stay down, insect," Huo Yuhao's hair and eyes turned icy blue, his aura freezing cold. Wufeng's flames extinguished instantly.

"Extreme Ice Point."

"Ahhh!" Wufeng screamed as an overwhelming cold froze her. She tried to ignite her flames, but it was futile. She gradually weakened, her voice fading as she turned into an ice sculpture.

"Twin Martial Souls!!"

The crowd shouted in astonishment. A team with two members possessing twin martial souls was unprecedented.

"How is this possible?" Ning Tian couldn't believe it. Even with her support, Wufeng couldn't resist.

"How strong is this guy?"

Ning Tian stared at Huo Yuhao, knowing that even with twin martial souls, his power was extraordinary.

"We surrender," Ning Tian said after a moment of hesitation. Although Ximen Qing'er was still standing, the battle was lost. She herself was no longer in any condition to fight.