
Douluo V: I, Huo Yuhao, won't be a Coward

Transmigrated into the world of Soul Land II, I became the protagonist Huo Yuhao, accompanied by a system. The White Tiger lineage is fated for destruction. And Tang San, the ice-cold, pure, and noble figure, who relishes in controlling the fate and destiny of others, is, in his own words, digging his own grave. ... This is a translation, and a version of Soul Land II's "What If?" The Synopsis is vague and quite a bit meaningless but should be simple for the experienced ones. Also, this is not a fanfic of Soul Land V, it's a fanfic of Soul Land II. So yeah, don't expect..I don't know why the author named it "V". Peace~

Karma_shi · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 19: The Perverted Duo



The pitiful screams echoed throughout the entire arena, causing all the girls to instinctively cover their heads.

Too brutal!!!

Everyone had only one thought in their minds.

The twin sisters sat on the ground, staring blankly at the two bundles of blue hair on the ground.

"This is bad!"

Huang Chutian's face turned dark upon seeing this scene. The twin sisters' martial souls were their hair, and now it had been completely cut off.

"Don't lose focus, I'll send you out first."

Huang Chutian snapped back to reality, only to see a shadow looming over his face.


A foot slammed heavily into his face, sending a tooth flying as he staggered back several steps.

"You're dead!"

Huang Chutian glared angrily at Huo Yuhao. Even if he lost, he wanted to drag someone down with him. His body swelled to twice its size, gathering all his soul power into his fists. He leaped into the air, his arms descending like iron hammers towards Huo Yuhao.

How dare he kick his handsome face! This was intolerable.

"Holy Light Strike."

Huo Yuhao watched the descending Huang Chutian and smirked evilly. He aimed the light sword in his hand at a certain part of Huang Chutian and threw it.

"You think this can break my defense? Impossible."

Huang Chutian sneered at the incoming light sword, showing no intention of dodging.

"Wait! No, no, no, no!"

Huang Chutian's expression turned strange as the light sword's trajectory became clear. It was aimed right at his nether regions. By the time he realized, it was too late.

All his soul power dissipated in an instant, his body lost balance mid-air, and his hands reached downward in agony. The mixture of confusion, sourness, and pain created an incredibly strange expression.


Huang Chutian crashed to the ground, unconscious, his face still contorted in an indescribable manner.

Wang Dong: ...

Good heavens, he's worse than me.

Xiao Xiao: ...

She covered her face with both hands. Do all boys behave this badly?

Wang Yan: ...

He instinctively covered his own crotch. Too terrifying.

"We surrender!"

The twin sisters, seeing their teammate Huang Chutian's miserable state, quickly chose to surrender.

"Huo Yuhao's team wins."

Wang Yan awkwardly announced the result, looking helplessly at Huo Yuhao and his team.

Everyone was petrified!

"This is...!"

Wang Yan was completely stunned. He instinctively looked down, only to see Huang Chutian lying in an extremely awkward position with the light sword still embedded in a crucial area.

Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao were at a loss for words.

"Ahem, are you alright?"

Huo Yuhao retrieved the light sword and gave Huang Chutian an evil smile.


Xiao Xiao burst out laughing, while Wang Dong was completely petrified.

"What kind of scene is this?!"

Not only the two of them, but everyone present was utterly stupefied.

Medical personnel rushed in to take Huang Chutian away for treatment. After all, the injured area was too important.

After the match, Wang Yan walked over, curious. "Huo Yuhao, I'm very curious about you. Can you tell me what your martial soul is?"

"It's not convenient."


Wang Yan was taken aback. Normally, people would be willing to share this information, wouldn't they?

"Mr. Wang, if there's nothing else, I'll be leaving now."

Huo Yuhao didn't play by the rules, turning around and walking away.

This old pervert had been spying on him, always paying him extra attention. It gave him the creeps. Making Wang Yan feel awkward was his way of getting back at him.

Wang Yan forced a smile, awkwardly saying, "Alright, you all go rest."

Great, how am I supposed to respond to that?

The recent battles had left Wang Yan thoroughly impressed with Huo Yuhao's strength. He had thought himself strong, but today he realized just how far he had to go.

His heart was filled with curiosity about Huo Yuhao, but he knew he might never get the chance to understand him fully.

While he was lost in thought, Huo Yuhao had already walked away, disappearing from his sight. He could only smile bitterly and shake his head, wondering, "What kind of person is this Huo Yuhao?"

Everyone present was equally astonished by Huo Yuhao's dominance and Huang Chutian's miserable state. They all silently speculated about how many more secrets Huo Yuhao might be hiding.

"Yuhao, you're so bad! Seeing Mr. Wang so awkward made me want to laugh."

Once outside, Wang Dong couldn't help but laugh heartily.

"Didn't you notice he's been spying on me? He made my skin crawl."

Huo Yuhao waved dismissively. If someone kept watching him, they had no right to complain.

"I can't believe it. He's a teacher. Would he really do that?"

"Maybe. We are pretty handsome, after all. What soul master wouldn't want to take a few extra glances?"

Huo Yuhao smirked confidently, hands in his pockets. His self-assured demeanor made Wang Dong pause.

"Being handsome won't feed you. Stay realistic."

Wang Dong looked at Huo Yuhao, unsure if he was being sarcastic.

"Xiao Xiao, don't you think I'm handsome?"

Huo Yuhao suddenly turned to Xiao Xiao.

"Ugly as can be!"

Xiao Xiao blurted out, looking at Huo Yuhao with feigned disgust.

Of course, she was lying. Huo Yuhao was actually quite handsome.

"And you have the nerve to talk! You cut off the twin sisters' hair. They were furious when they left."

Huo Yuhao couldn't help but sigh, thinking about the twin sisters who were practically bald now.

"I had no choice. Their martial soul fusion skill was too troublesome. I had to take the quickest route."

Wang Dong shrugged helplessly. The hair had been really bothersome, and he had no other option at the time.

If he had waited for them to recover, he would have been entangled in that hair again.

"But their martial soul fusion skill was quite impressive."

Huo Yuhao nodded, remembering the troublesome skill.

"Finally, we're at the dorm. Let's change clothes and go eat."

The three chatted as they reached the dormitory building, with Xiao Xiao heading to her own room first.


Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong responded and went to their dormitory.

In the dorm, Wang Dong changed clothes and lay down on his bed. He was exhausted and needed to rest.

Huo Yuhao, on the other hand, leaned on the balcony, enjoying the distant scenery.

"Yuhao, do you think we can defeat all our opponents and become number one?"

Wang Dong lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Of course we can."

Huo Yuhao answered without hesitation, his confidence unwavering.

"But it's strange to hear you, the great Wang Dong, questioning yourself."

Huo Yuhao found it odd that Wang Dong, usually so confident, was expressing doubt. It was out of character.