
Chapter 31: Almost Ate a Rabbit, Zhu Tian Sword's Exclusive 100,000-Year Red Soul Rings!_1

Translator: 549690339


Luo Yu burst out of the Evil Moon secret chamber, controlling the little reason he had left, and raced back to the Empress's Sleeping Palace like the wind and lightning.

"Faster, even faster!!"

Luo Yu clenched his teeth, veins bulging on his forehead, his face red as a boiled shrimp, every joint trembling as he desperately endured the surge of evil fire within him.

Just a sip of the Spiritual Wine would bring the dead wood of others back to life, but Luo Yu, already extraordinarily talented, had gulped down a whole bottle; the consequences were arguably catastrophic, with his blood racing through his veins.

If he had been any less extraordinary, he would probably have taken advantage of Hulena in the secret chamber.

Luo Yu was not a pedant, but in such a situation, he truly could not bring himself to take a girl.

What he didn't expect, however, was that his unintentional actions had gained Hulena's admiration, showing her a shining aspect of his character, causing her to silently pledge her heart.

At that moment, the System kept prompting him with task completion notifications, but Luo Yu had no mind to check them. His remaining rationale knew only that he needed to rush back to the Empress's Sleeping Palace, or else the consequences were unthinkable.

Soon, he arrived at the Pope's Sleeping Chamber.

Luo Yu forcefully pushed open the grand door, his throat parched, his eyes red as he prepared to commit slaughter, only to find that Bi Bidong had not yet returned.

Damn it!

Luo Yu cursed inwardly.

The last shred of his reason was about to be devoured by the heat in his heart.

"Benefactor, what has happened to you!"

A Wu's cry of alarm came from inside the room.

Pink glow twirled, as the Charm Rabbit transformed into human form.

A fragrant breeze swept in, and a mature woman with light pink eyes appeared beside Luo Yu, grabbing his arm with her jade hand, her face filled with concern and anxiety.

At that moment, Luo Yu was like a bomb that could ignite at any second.

The woman's heartbreaking gentle curves and faint body scent completely set him aflame.

The inviting pink pupils at such close range, lips like rose petals, so vivid and tempting, and that smooth white skin filled with an invisible lure, especially that mature charm.

"Benefactor, what's wrong with you, don't scare A Wu!"

The woman shook Luo Yu's arm, perplexed.


His lips were attacked, and A Wu suddenly widened her eyes, her words cut off.

"Benefactor, you can't do this…"

A Wu twisted to dodge.

But Luo Yu caught her squarely.


Fabric flew.

A delicate cry sounded.

A Wu's cheeks flushed a deep red as she exclaimed, her Soul Power gently setting up a barrier between herself and Luo Yu.

"Hot...I'm so hot!"

Luo Yu let out a low growl.

Seeing the man's discomfort, A Wu's heart softened.

The benefactor had saved her life; what was a little sacrifice on her part?


A Wu's lips were bitten, her eyes shimmering with hesitation.

Looking at the man's stunningly handsome face, already thoroughly flushed.

A Wu made up her mind, never mind!

If the benefactor wanted it, then she would give it to him.

She shed her torn outer garments, revealing her perfect figure clad in undergarments, her slender waist devoid of any excess fat, her jade legs white and flawless.

She released her control of Soul Power on Luo Yu, shyly opening her arms.

"I can't stand to watch this!"

"You're not needed, step aside!!"

A Wu's delicate body was repelled by an invisible force from Luo Yu's side.

A silver gateway appeared in the room, and an irritated female voice came through.

Then, graceful jade feet stepped out, ankles adorned with delicate silver bells, cascades of silver hair falling down, the girl's purple eyes full of reproach as if stifling frustration.

"My lord! Please help the benefactor, what's wrong with him?" A Wu looked up as if seeing a savior.

With a cold snort, Gu Yuena said, "What else could it be, he was drugged by a foolish woman."


Silver light twinkled, space elements converged.

The room returned to tranquility once again.

Luo Yu and Gu Yuena had both disappeared.

A Wu looked bewildered, "My lord, it seems like you have forgotten me here!"


Time had passed, but no one knew how long.

"Cough, cough."

Luo Yu slowly opened his eyes, seeing the rugged rocks around him.

With a grasp of his hand, he realized he was lying on a soft fur blanket.

As he got up and looked around, he found himself in an unfamiliar cave, about sixty to seventy square meters in size.

Where am I?

Luo Yu touched his forehead and immediately remembered what had happened before.

He hurried back to the Pope Hall, raising and lowering both of his hands to A Wu in a gesture.

The last appearance of A Wu, yielding and submissive, also surfaced in his mind.


"What a sin."

"Instead of harming the innocent, it would have been better to execute the saintess on the spot in the secret chamber."

Luo Yu hesitated for a moment. Wasn't he taken away by Gu Yuena in the end?

Wasn't she in the Aquipeia Forest? How did she end up at the Pope Hall?

Could it be that Gu Yuena was the one who resolved his problem in the end?

No way.

Luo Yu's expression froze, and the corner of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

The proud Silver Dragon King personally took care of his fiery problem?

It felt like a damned dream.

Impossible! Absolutely impossible, how could Gu Yuena possibly do that kind of thing with him.

Luo Yu looked down at his own clothing. It was intact and neatly worn; he breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed there wasn't a big problem. With Gu Yuena's cultivation level, she definitely had other ways to help him detoxify.

Most importantly, Luo Yu felt no tiredness at all like he would have expected from doing "that sort of thing." On the contrary, he felt unusually energetic, and even his soul power had made a breakthrough.

His skin was even glowing, seeming tougher than before.

It seemed that this Dragon's Head Raising, apart from its side effects, really did strengthen the body.

He glanced at the system panel.

Luo Yu was surprised; when had he also completed the mission?

[Mission objective: Capture the heart of Saintess Hu Liena!]

[Current mission progress: 100%]

[Host has successfully captured the heart of the saintess!]

[Mission reward: The first exclusive soul ring for the Nine Heavens Execution Sword.]

[Hundred-thousand-year soul ring: Frostbite to the Bone, Red Lotus Ice Phoenix!]

"Red Lotus Ice Phoenix?"

Luo Yu's eyes sparkled with thick curiosity as he pondered over it.

The system had said before that the Executioner Sword must have a martial soul attached to reveal surprises and show its divine effects.

It was touted to be miraculous, and he was eager to see just how miraculous it could be.


The clear sound of the sword rang through the cave, creating echoes.

A simple four-foot, three-inch longsword appeared in Luo Yu's hand.

The sword looked like it was made of stone; unimpressive and ordinary.

However, the blood soul ring twining around the longsword was quite striking.

Luo Yu's eyes showed appreciation as he felt that the blood soul ring was so profound and noticeable; it seemed to contain another world waiting eagerly for his activation.

He circulated his soul power to activate the soul ring.


A burst of red and blue light exploded, dazzlingly bright.

In an instant, it was as if a red lotus blossomed and an ice phoenix cried out.

A deep blue chill overflowed, and the surface of the rocks inside the cave instantly formed a thin layer of frost.


Luo Yu's face was dumbfounded as he stared blankly at the Zhu Tian Sword in his hand.

Even though he was mentally prepared, he had never expected the longsword to undergo such an astonishing transformation after activating the soul ring.