
Chapter 17 The Blatantly Biased Empress Makes the Elders Cry with Jealousy!_1

In the square, Luo Yu tucked all four soul bones given by the Empress snugly into his bosom.

His face betrayed no flush of exertion, and his breathing remained even, his demeanor calm.

"Huff, huff!"

Seeing this scene, heavy breaths came from all directions.

That was the gaze of countless eyes, green with envy, fixed dead on the soul bones in Luo Yu's embrace, emitting a strange glow.

The higher-ups of the Martial Soul Hall were about to die of sourness!

So jealous they wanted to cry!

Especially at the sight of Luo Yu's composed manner, it was a heavy blow to them, making them want to howl in despair.

In countless hearts a cry rang out, four soul bones, that's four soul bones!

Are you accepting them so nonchalantly? Can't you at least crack a smile?

If it were me receiving the award, I'd be grinning wide as a pot, smiling even in the grave, alright!

Pray tell, how do you perform that look of reluctant acceptance on your face as you receive treasures.

This is too showy, too crushing!

In truth, Luo Yu wasn't pretending; he truly wasn't interested in soul bones of eighty or ninety thousand years.

But the others didn't think the same.

Having one soul bone could greatly enhance one's power, and having four was like soaring on the spot!

Among the Titled Douluo present, despite years of struggle, there were few who possessed four soul bones.

Yet this guy casually receives four as a reward, and with two more could complete a set!

Who wouldn't turn green with envy?

The people admired and mumbled among themselves.

In their hearts, they all harbored the same crazy idea, to swarm over and rob him clean.

However, the sanity that remained in their minds reminded them, unless seeking death, who would dare to steal.

Hulena was also burning with envy; after all, they were soul bones, and who wouldn't want them?

Though she was a goddess, she had yet to obtain a soul bone, and it might take another two years of effort to possibly receive one.

Despite her envy, there was no jealousy.

Even knowing the full story, she had no thoughts of stepping forward to expose the relationship between Bi Bidong and Luo Yu.

For some reason, seeing the man receiving so much attention and rewards, she was happy for him instead.

Especially at the prospect of him potentially staying at the Martial Soul Hall for cultivation, she was even more thrilled.

The opportunity was here.


Suddenly recalling the bet she had made with him earlier, she clenched her long, slender legs, her face burning with embarrassment, unsure what to do.

On the stage, Luo Yu's eyes brimmed with mischief as he softly called out.


"You… what is it?"

Bi Bidong cursed inwardly, stinking man, so falsely proper, better at acting than she was.

Just a moment ago, he was in the bedroom, touching all over and sweetly calling her Dong'er, and now outside, he started calling her Empress again with all seriousness?

"Now that I've received my reward, may I go back and rest?"

The moment Luo Yu finished speaking, a dissatisfied shout came forth.

The Seventh Elder said furiously, "Retiring early has never been part of the awakening ceremony, and we haven't even started the ritual to honor the ancestors and the oath-taking. Are you, young man, intending to break the rules?"

Honor the ancestors? Pay tribute to the old ghosts of previous generations from the Martial Soul Hall?

And the oath-taking, it's nothing more than swearing loyalty to the Martial Soul Hall.

The already bored Luo Yu, thinking of this, was even more reluctant to stay.

Luo Yu completely ignored the Seventh Elder, who repetitively jumped out to shout and find fault. Clearly, he was a thickheaded fool; there was nothing worth engaging with.

He turned his head and gave Bi Bidong a subtle wink.

The Empress, as if she heard nothing, glanced askance with dignity. "Seventh Elder, in this Martial Soul Hall, who holds the greatest authority?

The Seventh Elder bowed his hands, "Naturally, it's under Your Holiness the Pope."

Bi Bidong nodded satisfactorily, "Good that you know."

"Nana, take your friend down first. If he is unwilling to participate in the remaining procedures, there's no need for him to do so."

The Seventh Elder became anxious at once, "Your Holiness the Empress, we must not break the hierarchy, nor the rules!"



Her aura surged, the Empress's eyes flashed with murderous intent, a cold laugh followed.


"I am the rules."

The surrounding crowd kept silent, none daring to speak.

But everyone felt that the Empress seemed a bit strange today, though no one could really pinpoint what was odd.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Luo Yu bowed to Bi Bidong and then glanced at the Seventh Elder with a smile, infuriating the old fellow so much that smoke seemed to come out of his nostrils and he almost fainted.

He walked to the side, took Hulena's hand without any hesitation, and strode away.

The Seventh Elder raised his trembling hand, pointed at Luo Yu's back and said, "How dare he… how dare he be so presumptuous!"

The Empress snorted coldly and ignored him, directly announcing that the ceremony would proceed to the next stage.

However, Luo Yu was not concerned with any of these boring subsequent stages as he had already taken Hulena and run out.


The two of them moved swiftly without using their Soul Power.

"Slow down! Slow down!!"

Hulena was panting, finding her slender, snow-white legs struggling to keep up with the man's pace.

The guy's frequency was too fast, too impressive; her current physical strength seemed barely able to keep up.

Luo Yu stopped and found himself in a spacious garden with beautiful scenery and the ground neatly paved with green stone slabs.

Turning back to see Hulena drenched in sweat and breathing like an orchid, Luo Yu smirked and said, "Hey, aren't you exaggerating a bit? Just walking a few steps and you're like this?"

Hulena, seeing Luo Yu's face not even a bit red or breathless, was shocked.

"You, do you not realize how fast you are?"

Luo Yu spread his hands. "Isn't it just a normal speed?"

Hulena's lips twitched. "You call that normal speed? I was almost lifted off my feet by you."

Looking at the girl's resentful eyes, Luo Yu coughed awkwardly. "Maybe it's because I've just awakened my Martial Soul and my body has improved a little bit in quality."

Hulena looked at him as if he were a monster.

"Just improved a little bit? I think it's by a billion bits."

After saying that, she curiously sized Luo Yu up and down, looking left and touching right.

"What are you doing!" Luo Yu guarded his shoulder and stepped back three steps.

"I'm checking out what kind of soul beast you transformed from, how your Martial Soul awakening is so abnormal, with even Twin Martial Souls; it's too terrifying!"

"Get away, get away." Luo Yu pushed Hulena away with a look of disdain, preventing her hands from wandering.

Hulena also realized her behavior was inappropriate and her face turned red.

She lowered her head, tiptoed, and started drawing circles on the green bricks while the sunlight shone on her cascading golden hair, making her appear ethereal and mesmerizing.

The girl stuttered, "Um... that…"

"Which one?" Luo Yu was baffled.

Hulena extended her hand to brush her golden hair behind her ear and looked at him with enchanting eyes. "That is, can you summon your Martial Soul again for me to see?"

"Why?" Luo Yu raised an eyebrow.

Hulena stamped her foot, pouting prettily, "I'm just a bit curious."

Luo Yu folded his arms. "Hey, Little Nana, aren't you forgetting something?"

"What's that?" Hulena widened her innocent eyes, looking harmless.

"Alright, stop pretending. If you can't remember, then why are you blushing?"

As her secret was uncovered, Hulena quickly turned away, covering her face with her hands.

It was all over; what was inevitable had finally arrived.

"Cough cough, I recall a certain young lady making a bet with full confidence. What was that bet about?"

Luo Yu teased as he drew near to Hulena, speaking leisurely. "I had advised you not to bet, not to bet, but you wouldn't listen…"

"Stop it! Meanie, don't say another word!!" The girl's face was so red it could drip water, and her fluttering hair wished for nothing more than to dive into a hole and disappear.

Luo Yu sighed deeply. "Never mind, never mind, I wasn't serious anyway. It was just a jest."

Hulena turned back, and between her fingers covering her face, she opened a small gap, seeing the man's disappointed sighs, she suddenly huffed,

"What jest? I, Hulena, the goddess of Martial Soul Hall, always keep my word! A promise is a promise!!"

"You wouldn't really call out, would you?" Luo Yu looked at her with a strange expression.

Hulena dropped her hands, revealing her stubborn little face, "I'll call! So what if I call? It's nothing to admit defeat!!"

"Then… then go ahead."

Hulena lifted her chin, her neck flushing slightly, "I… if I call you, will you respond?"

Luo Yu teased, "How can I not respond to someone's earnest request?"

"You… you're too bad!"

"Don't try to throw the blame on me; I've never actually proposed anything."

Hulena gulped down her words. "Who knew you'd be such an oddity?"

"Alright, hurry up; I'm pressed for time." Luo Yu grinned. "Are you calling or not? If not, I'm leaving."

Blushing, Hulena cried out, "I'll call! Isn't that okay!!"

Her playful voice carried far, and as it happened, two men were walking nearby, both of whom were closely related to Hulena…