
Spirit hunting forest

Because of Zhao Lei's strong display, Ye Han and others can be said to be comfortable returning home. After all, no force will deal with the titled Douluo for the golden soul coin.

After leaving Heaven Dou Imperial City for a while, Ye Han and others have resumed their travel style of eating, drinking and playing.

But even so, everyone quickly returned to the college.

Early in the morning of the day after his return, Ye Han got up early and began to exercise. Such a situation made Esdeath and others doubt whether they were dreaming.

In fact, after fighting the spirit king of the White Tiger Sect, Ye Han felt many shortcomings of himself. Obviously, he obtained such a powerful martial soul as the treasure of the king, but as a result, he put his skills behind him, which basically could not control the war situation at all.

All this was attributed to Ye Han's lack of strength, so Ye Han suddenly began to practice.

The time of practice is always fast. Ye Han soon came to level 20 and it was time to get the soul ring again. However, in order to wait for Maple and Yoruichi , the time to obtain the soul ring also slightly receded.

It's not that these two people are not talented. Yoruichi has been studying her zanpakto. The most fundamental reason is that Maple has been learning pharmacy.

And just after everyone level 20, the long-lost system speaks again.

[Trigger Sideline Mission: Obtain Spirit Ring]

[Mission Description: Everyone Gets Soul Ring]

[Mission Reward: A mysterious treasure map of Spirit Hunting Forest]

This task stunned Ye Han. The Soul Hunting Forest did not enter as much as you wanted. Entering the Soul Hunting Forest required a warrant, and Ye Han did not have such a warrant at all.

To be honest, since he came to the Star Forest, Ye Han felt that he would not go to the Spirit Hunting Forest, but now that he saw this task, Ye Han felt that it was necessary to go in once.

It happens that Ye Han and others are only the second soul ring. The limit of the spirit ring is still a hundred-year-old spirit ring, and the soul hunting forest is naturally possible.

Ye Han: "Is there anyone! Take a look at the group. The system gave a task. It happens that we need to get the spirit ring, and the soul hunting forest is also fine, so I think how about we go directly to the soul hunting forest to get the spirit ring?"

Esdeath: "Finally getting the soul ring, it doesn't matter where I go, as long as I can become stronger!"

Altoria : "I can do it. Anyway, we have a soul ring liberation device, as long as the age is right."

Kurumi : "As far as I know, you need a warrant to enter the Soul Hunting Forest. Ye Han, do you have it?"

Ye Han: "No!"


Maple: "..."

Aoi: "Go and have a look first. Anyway, everyone's cultivation has reached a bottleneck."

Ye Han: "Yes! The boat will naturally go straight to the bridge. Let's go and have a look. If it really doesn't work, let Uncle Zhao take us in."

After saying some basic information, Ye Han began to pack up and went to Zhao Lei.

To be honest, Zhao Lei can be said to be unrestrained during this period. After all, he is the only teacher in the college who has golden soul coins, and others who watch it are envious.

Zhao Lei is not a stingy person. From the two spirit bones he earned 1 million gold soul coins, and it is more than enough to take the teachers in the college out unrestrained.

However, this situation only lasted for a day or two. When the fresh end passed, everyone was at ease.

"I said, you little monsters, can you stop for a while! I've just recently been back after half a year, and I have to go out again!" Zhao Lei said speechlessly.

Ye Han could only shrug his shoulders: "There's nothing we can do, but you will be much easier this time. This time we go to the Soul Hunting Forest, most of which are century-old spirit beasts, so we will solve the soul beasts ourselves at that time!"

Hearing that Zhao Lei didn't have to do his own efforts, he smiled and said, "What do I want to do?"

Ye Han rolled his eyes when he heard this, "What do you think? Although the spirit beast in the soul hunting forest is not strong, it is not big after all. It is easy to meet soul masters. In the spirit hunting forest, spirit masters are more horrible than soul beasts!"

The spirit Hunting Forest is not far from the Star Forest, so the group of people soon reached their destination.

"The place has arrived! Where is the token?" Zhao Lei said boringly.

Ye Han said directly, "Who has the token?"

"Then how can we get in?"

Looking at Zhao Lei with an incredible face, Ye Han pointed to the people over there, "We can be like them."

Everyone's eyes moved in the direction pointed by Ye Han. A group of people gathered together, and some people shouted, "In the soul hunting forest, people with tokens can help obtain the soul ring for free."

In this way, everyone understands that it is to rub other people's tokens.

Ye Han was also unambiguous. He took Zhao Lei directly and said loudly, "In the soul hunting forest, there are few people with tokens that can help obtain the right century-old spirit ring. If the soul beast is not suitable, you can always look for it!"

Ye Han's words fell, and the surroundings were quiet. After all, most of the people who came here to shout were ordinary spirit masters, basically great spirit masters, and few spirit masters, so no one dared to guarantee that they would get the hundred-year-old spirit ring.

"I said that you are a little kid and can also help people get a hundred-year-old spirit ring?" The soul master around said with a smile.

In this regard, Ye Han naturally knows that his level is not very convincing, so isn't he with a tool man?

"I can't, but Uncle Zhao is the spirit king! Isn't the soul hunting forest sprinkling water anymore!" After all, the Hunting Soul Forest is the territory of the Empire and the Martial Soul Hall. It was only half a year ago that he made such a big noise that the spirit King could not only deter these people, but also not attract the attention of the Martial Soul Hall.

When it comes to Zhao Lei being the spirit king, there is silence around him. Then someone sneered, "Spirit King, you can become an aristocrat when you arrive at the Soul Sect, and there is no token here?"

Ye Han saw someone picking the thorn and said disdainfully, "I can't forget to bring it!" I really don't know the courage you came from there! I guess it's over thirty! He is a great spirit master!"

"You!" The great spirit master who originally wanted to say something felt the horror of Zhao Lei for a moment. Although there was no spirit ring, it was so overwhelming that people could not breathe. Maybe he was really the soul king.

Such a situation really surprised him. He directly launched the secret technique and urinated. "I suddenly wanted to go to the bathroom. See you later!"

The others were soon a little farther away from Ye Han and others. After all, they were a soul king who couldn't do it.

After waiting for a while, a boy ran over and said, "Is what you true?"

"Of course it's true, as long as you have a token!" Ye Han looked at someone being hooked and said with a smile.

"Okay! My name is Xiao Chenyu. I have a token, as long as you can help me find the century-old soul ring!" Xiao Chenyu's name, Ye

Han instantly thought of a familiar person.

"Isn't your father the owner of Notting City? Do I need to get the soul ring by myself?" Ye Han asked tentatively.

Xiao Chenyu was shocked and said in horror, "Are you sent by my father to catch me back? I'm telling you, I won't go back until I get the spirit ring!"

Looking at the child, Ye Han had no choice but to, "Can your father let the spirit king arrest you? Think about it with your brain!"

"Then how do you know that my father is the owner of Notting City?" What Ye Han said made Xiao Chenyu think what he said made sense. After all, his father is just a level 42 soul sect. How can he send the soul king?

Ye Han said with a bad smile, "I don't know you, but I know Tang San. By the way, according to your talent, you should not get the level 20 soul ring so quickly!"

As soon as he heard the name of Tang San, Xiao Chenyu subconsciously stepped back. After all, he was beaten up at the beginning and easily survived until graduation. Unexpectedly, he came out to get the spirit ring and met someone who knew Tang San.

"I can reach level 20. That's my talent. I have a good talent and naturally upgrade quickly!" Xiao Chenyu, who was originally a little flustered, said unhappy when he heard Ye Han question his talent.

In this case, Ye Han didn't believe it at all. Before figuring out how Xiao Chenyu was upgraded, Ye Han did not intend to accept him. After all, there are evil soul masters in the world. Ghosts know whether Xiao Chenyu has anything to do with evil soul masters.

However, while Ye Han was thinking, Maple said weakly, "The cultivation piled up on the drug pile is not good for the future!"

Hearing this, Xiao Chenyu seemed to be a cat with a tail stepping on. He said excitedly, "I'm not. I don't have it. Don't talk nonsense!"

After listening to this Maple words, Ye Han suddenly realized and said with a smile, "Ok, it's you. Let's go in and find the soul ring for you. Although your soul power is piled up, I'll find you a powerful soul ring!"

Being poked to the sore spot again, Xiao Chenyu simply did not explain, and followed Ye Han and others into the soul hunting forest with a depressed face.

"Xiao Chenyu, what soul beast are you looking for?" Ye Han looked at Xiao Chenyu, who was curious about the baby, and asked with a smile.

"I, I don't know. Anyway, just find me a hundred-year-old spirit ring!" Xiao Chenyu didn't know what soul beast knowledge he knew about. He only knew that he was at level 20. It was right to find a soul ring for a hundred years.

Listening to such a little white speech, Ye Han asked curiously, "You don't know anything. Where did the ten-year soul ring on your body come from?"

Hearing this, Xiao Chenyu said excitedly, "Did Tang San tell you?"

"Is this? Just think of it, right? Normally you are the son of the city owner, and it can't be a ten-year spirit ring anyway!"

Speaking of Xiao Chenyu, I was a little embarrassed. "I killed a pig behind my house. At that time, I didn't know anything and absorbed it!"

Originally, Xiao Chenyu thought that a soul ring was very handsome, no matter whether it was ten years old, but later he saw that Xiaowu and Tang San, as civilians, were both 100-year-old spirit rings, which could not be accepted for a while, and they were also very resistant to his first ten-year soul rings.

Xiao Chenyu came here this time because he was at level 20 and found his father, but the latter was really busy recently, just let Xiao Chenyu wait and so on.

This has been more than a month since his father hasn't reacted. How can Xiao Chenyu stand it? Finally, I reached level 20 by relying on drugs, so I packed up and set off by myself.


Since many people have been asking even though i already shared the link

Also idk if i'll be uploading in the future cuz of school so u can always read the raw

And apparently if you have chinese or korean names in a chapter you will not be able to be voted upon

