
Refining the heart

Although it's amazing to see the combat prowess of Esdeath and the others, but if you think about it, they are all geniuses. How could they be called geniuses if they can't do this?

Ye Han and others also obtained the soul ring very fast because they were in the spirit hunting forest. It took only five days to get everyone's second spirit ring.

The second spirit skill acquired by Estes is very interesting. It is called Breath of Ice. After it is opened, the enemy who is hit by ice or near Estes will be slowed down.

At first glance, it seems that this skill is not very powerful, but after specific experiments, this ability slows down not only the movement speed, but also the attack speed and casting speed.

This is a little scary, especially when others are not clear, and the unexpected effect is even more obvious.

Artoria's second spirit skill is relatively simple and unpretentious. The barrier of the wind king, the liberation of the wind king's barrier condenses the air, sweeps the enemy, and shows the true face of the sword of promised victory. Her spirit power increases by 20% and its attack power increases by 20%.

The second spirit skill of Yoruichi is the skill Utsusemi of Sifengyuan.

Maple her second Spirit skill is called cover. Its ability is to replace neighboring teammates to withstand attacks, and the defense is increased by 10% when launched.

If this 10% alone does not seem to be much, but all the attribute points of Maple itself are ignified, it will be horrible.

The remaining two people are Aoi and the other is Kurumi. Since Aoi's second soul skill is called calmness, and the ability is only to forcefully calm down.

This made Ye Han think that the spirit ring liberation device was broken. After asking about the system, the answer he got said that there was no problem. In this case, Ye Han could only ask Aoi.

I didn't expect the latter to like this skill very much.

As a person who masters time, Kurumi's skills naturally come from the engraving emperor, the bullet of the engraving emperor, and your speed after being hit increases by 20%.

However, what disappoints this time is that there is no spirit bone. Ye Han thinks that it may be because the spirit beasts in the spirit hunting forest are all kept in captivity.

Although there is no spirit bone, Ye Han has an extra treasure map in his hand at this moment.

[Complete the side task: get the spirit ring]

[Reward: A mysterious treasure map of the Soul Hunting Forest]

"Brother Han, you have all got their own soul rings. Won't we withdraw?" Xiao Chenyu looked at Ye Han doubtfully and asked.

Ye Han also avoided and directly pulled Xiao Chenyu over, "Hey hey! Today, I will take you to look for treasure. Have you seen this? The treasure map is located in the Soul Hunting Forest!"

As soon as he heard the treasure map, Xiao Chenyu was excited. After all, he was a child, and he was irresistible for this kind of thing.

The soul hunting forest was not big, and soon everyone came to the place shown on the map.

However, it's a pity that there is only a tree around, and there is nothing else. Ye Han carefully confirmed the location and found that there was no problem and a little depressed.

Xiao Chenyu looked at the tree, patted the trunk, and then asked doubtfully, "Brother Han, you're sure it's here. I feel like there's nothing here!" Will it be underground?"

When Xiao Chenyu said this, Ye Han took out a spade directly from his backpack and handed it to Xiao Chenyu.

Xiao Chenyu, who was enthusiastic, took the spade and incarnated as the strongest toolman, and began to keep digging down.

"Why not?" Xiao Chenyu, who was originally enthusiastic, is now a little desperate, because he has dug higher than him.

In this regard, Ye Han could only let Xiao Chenyu come up first. Instead, Ye circled around and slowly said, "The spirit fluctuation of this tree is very strange!"

As soon as he heard the clue, Ye Han was energetic and quickly asked, "Are you sure that's it?"

He pulled out the soul chopper and stabbed it directly into the trunk. A huge force began to spread around in an instant. After a while, a hollow hole formed in the middle of the trunk.

Several people looked at each other and dragged Xiao Chenyu, who was afraid of death, directly into the cave.

The moment of entry, there was a dazzling light. The next moment, the surrounding environment changed greatly, the simple breath came to my face, and a stream of energy suddenly converged.

The sudden change shocked everyone. Zhao Lei quickly rushed over to cut off the energy, but found that it could not be interrupted.

"What's going on?" Artoria looked at Ye Yi, who was sitting on the ground, and asked worriedly.

Ye Han thought of something and quickly said, "I have a way to try!" With that, he opened the guild group directly.

Ye Han: "@Yoruichi, is it there?"

Yoruichi: "Don't quarrel. This energy is a pure soul power. He seems to be absorbed by my soul-killing knife. I'm going to hurry up and start digesting it now."

Seeing Ye's words, everyone was also relieved. Since there is no big danger, you can rest assured.

"There are a lot of herbs here! Just bring it back to make the medicine." Maple looked at a stored herb and said excitedly.

Not to mention, there are really a lot of good things in the palace, such as herbs and weapons.

After searching, Ye Han found a jade box in the center. After identification and checking, it is an elixir that can improve the innate soul power. Unfortunately, this is a defective product.

With unacceptable side effects, people who have taken this elixir need to spend 10 years of life to consume the power of elixir.

After talking about the effect of the elixir, others were not interested in it in an instant.

"Brother Han, can you give me this?" Xiao Chenyu hesitated for a moment and said solemnly.

Ye Han was stunned, and then said seriously, "Xiao Chenyu, you'd better not take this elixir. It's not a joke to lose 10 years!"

As if Xiao Chenyu had made up his mind, he said seriously, "Brother Han, if I don't improve my innate soul power, I will be the Soul Sect at most!" But with this time, I can also upgrade to the soul king.

Looking at the desire in Xiao Chenyu's eyes, Ye Han also knew that although he loses 10 years, this is Xiao Chenyu's desire to become stronger, which may also be one of his few opportunities to become stronger.

Ye Han closed the jade box, handed it to Xiao Chenyu, and then glanced at the statue farthest.

A breath of danger came to his face. Ye Han didn't have time to say more. A powerful force enveloped everyone in the whole space.

A cold voice slowly came in the void, "7 qualified people were detected, and 2 were not qualified."

For a moment, Ye Han only felt the rotation of heaven and earth, and he came to a blank space. There was nothing around, which was quiet and frightening.

In this case, Ye Han quickly opened the guild group and found that it still used. He was relieved.

Ye Han: "What's going on now?"

Esdeath: "I seem to have returned to my world. Now the empire is at war. No, this battle should have laid the foundation of the empire."

It's the same here. I saw the original spirit, but I couldn't do it. I feel like a bystander watching the tragedy happen again!"

Ye Han naturally knew that the wish of the original work of Kurumi was to kill the original spirit and make the fact that the existence of elves do not exist.

Maple: "Have you all returned to your own world? It's so strange here! I have strange code everywhere, and to be honest, I don't understand it."

Yoruichi: "The situation here is about the same."

Aoi: "It seems that I have returned to a long time ago. I really want to see Su Nuo on both sides!"

Artoria: "It seems a little wrong!"

Ye Han was tight when he looked at Leah's words, and he didn't have the heart to think about what was going on here.

Ye Han: "What's wrong? Is it dangerous!"

Artoria: "I also returned to the founding of Britain. I looked at myself, but I didn't choose to pull out the sword in the stone. I gave up the throne, and finally Britain was still going to perish!"

Esdeath: "That's ridiculous. I'm so weak!"

Looking at the descriptions of several people, Ye Han probably saw that they were all the opposite of his own situation.

Confirming that everyone was not in danger, Ye Han once again observed the white space in front of him.

"Is there no change in the whole space because I am a traveler?" Ye Han looked around doubtfully and slowly began to move.

"It's not because you are a time traveler!" At this moment, a voice sounded in front of Ye Han. Ye Han was shocked. The word time traveler was not what anyone should know.

The light and shadow in front of him seemed to know what Ye Han was thinking. He said again, "You can call me E. I don't know what a time traveler is, but you think about it, so I know."

Ye Han breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and then asked vigilantly, "What's the purpose of bringing us here?"

Hui said with a smile, "Aren't you coming in by yourself?"

With this, Ye Han was also stunned, as if it was true. Then he said helplessly, "Then how should we go out?"

"Wait! After the heart refining is over, you can go out!" E said calmly.

"What does it mean to refine the heart? Why do you need to refine your heart!"

"When you have seen an opposite life, do you really think your life is right? There are some things that are not said. E Yi said something.

"What about me?" Ye Han pointed to himself and looked at the vast white area around him, "Doesn't I need to refine my heart?"

"You are very special. They all have their own ideals, ambitions, or miscellaneous thoughts! But in you, all I feel is quiet, or peace." Hui said she was also very strange.

After thinking for a while, Ye Han thought of a possibility and quickly called in his heart, "System?"

Looking up at the indifferent Hui, Ye Han also breathed a sigh of relief.


I just realised I wrote altoria instead of artoria whole time

Other than that sorry for the bad translation in this one it was just too complicated and english isn't rlly my first language so yeah