
Douluo to become a god

Jiang Chen awakened a mysterious martial soul that had never appeared in the Douluo Continent, For Jiang Chen, who knew the ending, it was the easiest to follow Tang San, but after twists and turns, he entered the Spirit Hall. At first, Jiang Chen was still a little depressed, but thinking about it, the Wuhun Palace was quite fragrant. Beautiful master Bibi Dong, beautiful Xiaoxue, and a vixen sister... [Congratulations to the host for another day of catastrophe, rewards a bottle of Thunder Tribulation Liquid, and a soul ring upgrade coupon... **************************************** WARNING! I do NOT own Duoluo Dalu or this story i am just translating it. "English isn't my native language, so please make it easy to understand and free of errors. original novel:从斗罗开始逆天成神 patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498

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21 Chs

There is a ball in my stomach?

Jiang Chen ran back to his home excitedly, and now he finally had his own time, he could finally study his martial soul carefully.

He just awakened the spirit of martial arts, this temptation was irresistible, just like a child who had just obtained his beloved toy, he could not bear to let go for a while all day.

After studying for a whole afternoon, the freshness faded. This zombie Martial Spirit behaved so awesome when he awakened. He thought that his Martial Spirit could directly guard the sky after being possessed. The result was limited.

In addition, since Wuhun awakened, he had a feeling of restlessness, and his right eyelid kept beating, as if there was a big mountain pressing in his heart at all times.

This kind of feeling is no stranger to him, it is exactly the kind of feeling he was locked in by the thunder in the sky when Wuhun awaken.

Jiang Chen is a little angry at this god, why should he be attacked?

He is just a child!

Now the strength of this zombie martial arts spirit was obviously shrunk compared to what he showed when he was awakened. He didn't know if he could hold it if the sky thunder struck it down.

Suddenly his heart moved, thinking of Tang Hao, the strongest person in the Holy Soul Village.

It seems that we still have to make a good relationship with Tang Hao. If the lightning comes again, he can only run to Tang Hao's house.

Towards the evening, Jiang Chen moved back to Old Jack's large yard and sat down for a sumptuous dinner that night, making Old Jack laugh from ear to ear.

Old Jack carefully took out the old wine he had kept for many years, poured half a bowl heartily, and gave Jiang Chen a sip.

Finally, the old Jack drank red and fell on the table.

Jiang Chen put old Jack on the bed, tidied up, and went to the roof.

The night is the time for him to cultivate. Although he has awakened his innate soul power, he will not relax.

According to Yu Xiaogang in the book, after the spirit power reaches the level of upgrade, it cannot be promoted due to the lack of spirit ring. Although the continued cultivation will not show the spirit power level increase, after obtaining the spirit ring, this part of the spirit power will be Show up.

As usual, he used his exercises without using a martial spirit, and his body was directly transformed into a zombie state. Under this state, it was the easiest to absorb the essence of You Yue.

However, he just discovered the difference just after practicing.

He can actually look inside!

As if it was a blessing to the soul, he discovered the situation that he could look inside as soon as he practiced.

In his mental induction, the internal force of the Heavenly Corpse Transformation in his body, that is, the spirit power of this world, is running along the meridians, and finally flows into the dantian like a sea of ​​rivers.

When his mental power came to his dantian, he was immediately stunned by the sight of his dantian.

There was a round object in his dantian, the size of a ping-pong ball, and all the spirit power returning from the meridians was injected into this sphere.

The orb was a bit weird, half as black as ink, half as dazzling as golden light, and the aura on it made Jiang Chen very familiar.

The black side is obviously the breath of his zombie martial arts, which belongs to the same source of internal power he had cultivated before.

On the golden side was the breath of golden lightning, which had never appeared before, and it was only when the spirit of martial arts awakened today that it suddenly appeared and "drove" away the colorful divine thunder.

"What the hell is this? Why didn't I feel it before?" Jiang Chen was shocked, but still more confused.

With such a large object in his stomach, he should have felt it, but he never felt a foreign object.

"Is this... inner alchemy?"

Jiang Chen couldn't help being curious, and his mental power approached the past, wanting to see if he could get any information.

But after a while he regretted it.

When his mental power touched the ball, a huge memory suddenly poured into his mind. This memory was very vast, as if it were thousands of years old.

Such a huge memory was suddenly injected into the soul, how could Jiang Chen bear it, the moment the pain in the soul just hit, he stretched his legs, stared at him, and fainted directly.

Where is the impact of the soul that ordinary people can bear?Even in the coma, Jiang Chen's body was still twitching, and the cute little face was already twisted into a twist.

Ding, the host has started the inheritance, the super zombie evolution system is being activated, the system is loading...


Jiang Chen felt like he had a dream, in which he watched a zombie grow from the perspective of a bystander.

After a thousand years of blood-sucking practice, this zombie has reached the state of flying. It can go to the sky and enter the earth. It is even more frightening to feed on the blood of powerful cultivators.

Ten thousand years later, the zombies have reached a more terrifying state, he can be called immortal, and he have become the existence that the immortals must be afraid of.

At this moment, this zombie ushered in the most powerful catastrophe in its life, which was the catastrophe ushered in when it evolved into a "magic".

This time the Heavenly Tribulation was called the strongest Heavenly Tribulation in history, which made the heavens and the earth tremble, and the zombie also turned into ashes under this Heavenly Tribulation, leaving only a corpse pill.

The corpse pill was chased by the sky thunder, passed through the plane, and turned an unlucky young man into fly ashes when he passed the earth, and finally reached the Douluo Continent, and entered a dead baby corpse...


The morning sun was not hot, but it was also very dazzling. Jiang Chen was lying on the roof, feeling a little uncomfortable.

His consciousness gradually recovered, and he felt that something seemed to be pecking at his face.

Slowly opening his eyes, he found a bird standing on his nose, pecking him from time to time.

"Don't make trouble." He pushed the bird aside and sat up.

"Who am I? Where am I?" He looked dazed, and it took a long time before he remembered his identity.

The memories of his previous life and the six years of Douluo Continent flooded in, and he remembered that he was Jiang Chen.

He thought of cultivating by himself last night, when his mental power touched the bead in his dantian, he fainted inexplicably and had a strange dream.

The whole dream has become blurred, but as long as he thinks about it, he will remember it clearly.

Thinking of the last corpse pill in the dreamland that came to Douluo Continent, Jiang Chen was shocked, and there was a bead in his body!

"Isn't... all this is not a dream?"

Jiang Chen quickly condensed his spiritual power into his dantian, and once again saw the bead that quietly emitting soul power.

The bead is half black and half golden, and the golden half seems to have lightning lingering on it.

The last part of the dreamland flashed in Jiang Chen's mind again. The golden lightning chased the black corpse pill and came to Douluo Continent...

As if he saw the blue sky aside from the clouds and mist, Jiang Chen's heart suddenly opened up, and finally understood why he had come to Douluo Continent, and the round thing in his body turned out to be a corpse pill, which seemed to be fused with the terrifying sky thunder.

Thinking back to that zombie's life now, Jiang Chen still felt very shocked.


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