
Douluo: The Way Of Martial Arts

This is a translation. "A descendant of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practitioners, Gu Yi, finds himself transported into the world of Douluo Continent, where he awakens to the martial spirit most familiar to him from his past life. Will he be able to leverage his own advantages and dominate the continent? Which is stronger, martial arts or spirit skills? Will he assist characters such as the arrogant Phoenix Ma Hongjun, the carefree White Tiger Dai Mubai, the Asura God Tang San, the threatening Ning Rongrong, and the willful Xiao Wu in becoming exemplary figures of the new era? It remains to be seen."

Darkes1 · Book&Literature
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98 Chs

Chapter 84: Wavering

Now was the perfect time for both of them to be in the Sunset Forest. The enormous and powerful evil force contained within the Evil God Bead made it impossible for Gu Yi to fuse with it in Heaven Dou City, as it could easily harm innocents and risk being mistaken for a fallen spirit master. Therefore, fusing with the Evil God Bead in the forest was the best option.

Moreover, with Tang Yuehua present and her enhanced Noble Domain, which exceeded Gu Yi's expectations, it was the perfect moment for the fusion.

Gu Yi didn't disclose all the details to Tang Yuehua, only mentioning that he needed her Noble Domain to neutralize the evil energy. It was better not to let Tang Yuehua know about the Evil God Bead.

Tang Yuehua, of course, did not refuse. Gu Yi had already helped her a lot by enabling her breakthrough to the tenth level. Refusing now would be ungrateful.

Gu Yi was unsure about the exact effects of fusing with the Evil God Bead and as such needed to find a safe place to fuse with it. Although he could have gone to the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, he was worried that the powerful evil energy might affect the Immortal Herbs there and even pollute the well. Therefore, he opted for a hidden cave.

He took out the Evil God Bead. As soon as the powerful evil energy spread, Tang Yuehua quickly activated her Noble Domain, suppressing the energy.

"What is this? How can it possess such strong evil energy?" Tang Yuehua asked, shocked.

Gu Yi did not answer her question, focusing instead on the Evil God Bead. The Bead contained the majority of the Dark Devilgod Tiger's power, including its attributes: evil, lightning, wind, and power. Gu Yi's first task was to absorb all these other attributes, leaving only the evil attribute.

However, these attributes were intertwined, and couldn't be absorbed selectively without effort. This step had been delayed due to the potential for evil influence. Without Tang Yuehua's presence, any problems that arose would be difficult to handle. It was only because her domain had been strengthened that he had the confidence to proceed.

Gu Yi chose to start with the wind attribute first, the gentlest of all the energies present. Using his self-created Zhoutian Liuhe Jing, which aimed to encompass all the energies in the universe, Gu Yi began absorbing the attribute.

The Zhoutian Liuhe Jing was designed to include all forms of energy, aspiring for true omniscience and omnipotence. Absorbing attribute energies was trivial, but the true challenge lay in the accompanying evil energy.

As he absorbed the wind attribute, black gas emanated from his body, and dark patterns appeared on his skin. Tang Yuehua finally realized why Gu Yi had valued her so much—her Noble Domain was crucial for this task. Under the domain's influence, the evil energy was significantly reduced, and the dark patterns slowly disappeared from his body. With Tang Yuehua's assistance, Gu Yi managed to absorb the other energies, gaining a level of spirit power, and reaching level 65.

The Evil God Bead was now purely black, with no other colors remaining. If auctioned, it would surely cause a huge sensation. In this state, the Evil God Bead was essentially just solidified energy, and this realization led Gu Yi to consider integrating the Demon Seed into it. Otherwise, the Evil God Bead cannot even enter the spiritual sea, so how could it be integrated?

Gu Yi opened his eyes, glanced at Tang Yuehua, and closed his eyes again without saying anything. Then he controlled his spiritual power and guided the Evil God Bead to the center of his eyebrows.

"Come in!" He pulled hard, and the bead turned into energy, entering into his spiritual sea.

Previously, the evil energy only affected him through his body. Now, it directly impacted his spirit, magnifying its effects. Memories of both his past and present lives flooded his mind, revealing all his vile thoughts. The evil influence was more direct and overwhelming than his Evil Domain, it was like opening Pandora's box.

Despite his strong will, the influence couldn't be avoided. Vivid images and demonic whispers tormented him. Just then, a beam of light appeared, guiding his way forward.

Women appeared before him, and each of them was the epitome of beauty. Their flirtatious eyes captivated him. He recognized them all: Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, Dugu Yan, Qian Renxue...and Tang Yuehua. All the beautiful women he had encountered in Douluo Continent were present.

Suddenly, a familiar voice echoed in his mind:

"Don't hesitate. With your current strength, it's only natural to have them all. What powerful man doesn't have multiple wives? As a transmigrator, isn't this your privilege?" The voice was incredibly tempting, leading him to an endless abyss.

Gu Yi's will waver. He wasn't a Buddha and was unable to achieve universal salvation. Nor was he a saint, not being able to enlighten the masses. He is just a person with seven emotions and six desires. He has joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, and he also likes to enjoy a good life. He was merely a fortunate transmigrator, lucky to arrive in this world. He was just a simple man with seven emotions and six desires. He has joy, anger, sorrow and all he wanted was to live a lavish life of indulgence.

The ideals of living virtuously in poverty or generously in prosperity were not his concern. This was the realm of the saint, not his.

Outside, Tang Yuehua watched Gu Yi, who was continuously emitting evil energy, unable to do anything but maintain her Noble Domain. Despite her efforts, the evil energy could not be entirely suppressed, some of it spreading outside the cave.

Watching the enchanting beauties, Gu Yi took a few steps forward. They smiled warmly, approaching him.

"Hahahaha…" A voice within him laughed maniacally: "You are nothing but a hypocrite, Gu Yi. This is your true nature."

(End of Chapter)