
Douluo: The Blind One

Hun Yu was reincarnated in the Soul Land, but he had a waste-grade talent. When he was 6 years old, he lost his eyesight after awakening his martial spirit, the Holy Bow. He lived his life relying on his heightened senses that he obtained after he lost his eyesight. One day, he was walking to the village from his house when he found an injured woman. He carried her to his house and took care of her for a few days. She had lost her memories and didn't remember anything. ......... Avoid this fanfic if you're a fan of Tang San or his group, as it follows the Spirit Hall's side. If you dislike seeing them meet a grisly end, it's not for you.

Godfather_Gambler · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Chapter 77 Returning

Hun Yu sat silently after the old man had told him everything. He sighed, "Huff, things are just getting harder and harder day by day."

Suddenly, there was a sound coming from behind him. He turned around to only to sense Bo Saixi emerging from the water. She looked around, admiring the beautiful scenery. As her feet touched the ground, she noticed her clothes and hair were completely drenched. 

Seeing Hun Yu walking towards her, she quickly used her spirit power to force the water out of her dress, and in just a moment, her clothes were dry, with no trace of water left.

"Are you feeling good?" he asked.

She nodded and examined him, relieved to see that Hun Yu was not injured. She stood beside him and asked, "What is this place?"

Hun Yu explained everything, including the details about the old man. As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed that she was staring at him blankly. 

Despite how many times she saw his face, Bo Saixi never seemed to get bored.

Hun Yu waved his hand in front of her eyes, snapping her out of her trance. Embarrassed, Bo Saixi lowered her gaze and asked, "So, what were you saying?" trying to divert the scene.

Hun Yu was also confused. "Is he really that attractive?" he wondered. His face was average, and his height was good, but nothing extraordinary. He shook his head, dismissing these thoughts. She was a powerful Title Douluo, and he doubted she would fall in love with or even like him. He must be overthinking.

"So, where should we go next? Should we stay here for the time being or return since we already have what we came for?" Bo Saixi asked.

Just as she asked this, the old man appeared. "If you all are planning to leave, I have no problem," he said. "But since you are the first living beings to enter this place, I want to give you something."

As he said this, a coffin rose from the ground. As it opened, a skeleton was revealed inside. But it was not an ordinary skeleton. There was a strange light in its eyes, and it suddenly moved.

"This is an Immortal Undead," the old man announced.

"Immortal Undead?" Hun Yu repeated, hearing this term for the first time.

"Yes, Immortal Undead. In simple terms, they are the skeletons of powerful beings. I used an ancient method, now extinct and possibly taboo, to raise this undead. Since it is already dead, it cannot be killed in the usual way. It will recover unless killed with a special weapon."

"Is it strong?" Hun Yu asked. The skeleton indeed gave off a different vibe.

The old man nodded. "Yes, it is strong. But remember, it can only be defeated by a special weapon."

"It only has 50% of its original power. Although they are usually not strong, if the person was strong in life, then the skeleton..." the old man paused.

"And this skeleton is from a dead god whose body I happened to find," he added.

Hun Yu was happy with such a good gift. If this being was a god before becoming a skeleton, then its current strength should be top-level, if not quite there, then surely impressive.

"Are you giving this gift for free?" Hun Yu asked suspiciously. Why was this old man being so generous?

"I just want you two to keep visiting. This place is so lonely," the old man said, sounding genuinely sad.

Hun Yu sensed his sincerity.

"And since you two have entered here, you should be able to enter this realm at any time and leave," the old man continued.

Hun Yu nodded. This wasn't a bad thing; in fact, it was good. Bo Saixi examined the skeleton closely.

The old man looked at the skeleton and said, "Your job is to accompany this gentleman and obey his orders."

With a swish, the old man disappeared from sight, leaving Hun Yu, Bo Saixi, and the skeleton standing there.

Hun Yu sensed that the skeleton contained a ton of negative energy, enough to explode a small nation. In simple terms, it was a walking nuke, but it was not a bad thing since the skeleton would now follow his commands, providing him with nuke-level protection.

"Okay, let's leave," Hun Yu said. "The old man told us we could come and go just by thinking about it."

"But... it should take us back to the place where we entered," Bo Saixi replied.

This meant they had to face that weird creature again. But with the skeleton, it might be easier this time. They nodded to each other and disappeared from the realm.

The next second, they appeared in a place full of debris, broken buildings scattered around. The skeleton appeared a moment later.

But another presence also appeared. Hun Yu recognized the aura immediately.

"It's here," he muttered, 

"You will help Bo Saixi," he instructed the skeleton.

The skeleton locked its gaze on the humanoid creature that had almost killed Bo Saixi previously. Hun Yu knew he couldn't intervene in this fight; he was too weak. He could only watch.

As time passed, Bo Saixi and the skeleton managed to push back their opponent. With a final, powerful blow from Bo Saixi, the creature finally died, its corpse crashing to the ground. Silence enveloped the area, and everything seemed to return to normal.

Bo Saixi and Hun Yu soon arrived at the scene. "Finally done," she muttered, looking at the corpse of the fallen being. She then noticed the skeleton walking toward the corpse, its movements deliberate and purposeful. 

Confused, Bo Saixi decided to watch the skeleton closely, while Hun Yu also observed its actions with keen interest. The skeleton placed its hand on the chest of the corpse, and suddenly, everything started to change. A black miasma was released from the corpse, slowly taking the form of the being Bo Saixi had just killed.

Hun Yu watched in silence, recognizing this as necromancy. He had some knowledge about it, understanding it to be a powerful but often feared practice. Experiencing it firsthand, however, was a different matter. Since the skeleton obeyed him, this new undead being should also follow his commands. But before he could act, cracks began appearing in the space around them at an astonishing rate.

"This..." Hun Yu began, realizing the danger. "Come fast!" he said hurriedly, taking out a knife.

With a swift cut of the dagger, he opened a rift in the space before them. He and Bo Saixi quickly entered, with the skeleton following closely behind.

"What was that?" Bo Saixi asked, bewildered by the sudden turn of events.

Hun Yu had some ideas. "I think because we killed that being, this place started to collapse into the void," he said. It was the only valid reason he could think of.

Before they could continue their conversation, they found themselves back in the same temple from where they had entered the realm.

"Finally, you two are back," the turtle spirit suddenly appeared, greeting them.

Hun Yu nodded, "Let's get out of here first," he said, relieved to be back.

He took out the dagger and cut through the fabric of space once more. Picking up the turtle, he stepped inside the rift.

On the other side, he emerged and looked around, realizing they had returned to the shack near the sea where they had stayed previously. The crack in space closed behind them.

Finally, he sighed in relief and sat down on a nearby chair, setting the turtle on the ground.

"What happened? Did you get the weapon?" asked the turtle, only to receive a blank look from Bo Saixi. The turtle then noticed a skeleton standing nearby, adorned in golden armor.

"What... is this?" it stammered.

Hun Yu decided to explain everything. As he finished, the turtle looked astonished.

"Crazy, right? So many things happened in such a short span of time," he continued. "I also wanted to ask you something else."

"What do you think of this world?"

The sudden question confused the turtle. "What do I think of this world? It's a hellhole, with death at every corner."

"That's why I want to leave it, with you," 

"Okay, now that we have this weapon, how will we return to our world?" the hun yu asked.

At the mention of returning, Bo Saixi's expression changed. She knew that if they returned, she would have to resume her duties, waiting for the inheritor of the Sea God and sacrificing herself to him. Although this world was dangerous, at least she was not burdened here.

She did not urge Hun Yu to stay because she saw how eager he was to return. Insisting on staying might make him resent her, something she couldn't bear even to think about. It was better to return, and she could kidnap him to Sea God Island later if needed.

"It's simple," said the turtle, answering Hun Yu's question. "You just need to feel the connection to your world to open a way."

Hearing this, Hun Yu stood up. "Ready?"

Gathering all his mental power, he focused on feeling the connection in the vast expanse of space. Soon enough, he felt it. With a swift motion, he swung the dagger, tearing the space in front of him.