
Douluo: Stop pretending, my wife is Qian Renxue

Qianye traveled through the world plane of Douluo Continent, and was adopted by Qian Daoliu, who was enshrined in the Elder Hall of Wuhun Temple since he was a child, trained with Qian Renxue, and awakened the check-in system...   In Wuhun Temple, he awakened Sansheng Wuhun, and he was born full of souls. Power Thirty...

Supe3rman1234 · Book&Literature
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51 Chs

Chapitre 32

Chapter 32

Author: Ye Xunyang

He has a lot of labels in Wuhundian Academy, such as, the first genius, the heartthrob, the love of the people, the love of the people, the champion, the first handsome student in the academy, the three good students, the first invincible in the academy, the girl killer, the rich woman's favorite and many more.

"Huh? Brother Ye, what's on your shoulder?" Rou Shui looked at the thing on his shoulder with a familiar look.

Chiba pointed to the left hand side and smiled: "Oh, after going there to urinate just now, I walked around and saw a stream, I wanted to catch a few fish to eat."

"I didn't expect to see a crocodile inside. It's not good. I caught one and roasted it. It's a good meal for dinner."


Rou Shui laughed out loud: "Brother Ye, this is the first time I've seen someone catch a crocodile and bake it."

Chapter 34: Seventy Thousand Years of Soul Beasts

Chiba smiled awkwardly. In fact, he had never eaten a roasted crocodile.

But it's not impossible to try.

Anyway, I use local materials, everything is simple, and it doesn't matter if it's not delicious.

The emphasis is on participation.

"Well, yes."

Rou Shui didn't say much, "Brother Ye, I'll go pick up some firewood."

Chiba nodded.

When Qian Renxue saw that he was carrying a crocodile that weighed about a hundred kilograms, she quickly let go of him: "Brother Qianye, then I'm going to pick up firewood too."

"Go!" Chiba put the crocodile on her shoulders on the ground and took out a knife to deal with the crocodile.

After a while, the crocodile was skinned by Chiba and treated.

Qian Renxue and Rou Shui also picked up enough firewood and piled them together.

Chiba used wood and bamboo to make a simple grill, put the whole crocodile on it, and grilled it on fire.

Soft water sat aside, watching the crocodile on the grill in a daze.

After a while, he looked at Chiba again with a happy smile in his eyes.

Qian Renxue's gaze almost never left Qianye's body.

I can't always see enough.


Somewhere in the valley, the scenery is picturesque.

It is not an exaggeration to describe this place with a paradise.

A group of people surrounded a man and a woman on the cliff.

Men and women, there is no way out, they can only fight hard.

No one knew why they were running up the cliff.

rather than running deep into the forest.

Seeing that there was no way out, the man could only hold a hammer and block in front of the woman.

The woman was born very beautiful, and she was holding a baby boy in her arms, and the baby boy was sleeping soundly.

There were more than thirty people standing in front of the man.

Be the first, a noble and beautiful young woman born.

Wearing a crown and holding a scepter.

There is one person on each side.

Behind them are a group of men and women.

"Brother Hao, we..."

"Ayin, don't be afraid if you have me!" The man interrupted the woman's words.

"Okay Tang Hao, as long as you hand over Ah Yin, you and your son will be fine?" said the young lady in the crown.

The blue-clothed woman's face was pale, she didn't know why the man was taking him to the road of despair.

Knowing that there are cliffs and cliffs ahead, he ran here with himself.

The man in yellow glared angrily, and said fiercely to the young lady in the crown, "Bibi Dong, today I have you but not me!"


The young lady in the crown sneered and waved to everyone behind her: "Come on together!"


Everyone released their spirit rings, martial spirits, and attacked both men and women together.

When the man saw it, a sly smile appeared in his eyes inadvertently. He was fooled, and you were all fooled!

Am I borrowing a knife to kill?

Yes... I'm just borrowing a knife to kill!

She is just a soul beast, a one hundred thousand year old soul beast.

I am right, I am right.

No... who is she?

Who is she and why should I do this to her?

No, she is just a soul beast, a hundred thousand year old soul beast, soul masters absorb soul rings, it is only right and proper, I'm not wrong, that's right...


After about an hour.

Chiba roasted a 100-pound crocodile, and then added some spices, salt, etc., to make it even more fragrant.

These ingredients were all prepared in advance by him and placed in the soul tool.

It is used to bake food when there is insufficient food in the forest.

Qian Renxue was already drooling when she looked at the roasted golden crocodile meat.

Rou Shui was not much better, looking at the barbecue while licking her lips with the tip of her pink tongue.

Qianye watched Qian Renxue spit water, and watched Rou Shui lick her lips with the tip of her pink tongue, Mo Ming laughed for a while.

It seems that this grilled crocodile meat is quite successful!


Chiba smiled sweetly at the two daughters.

He pulled out the hind leg of a crocodile and stretched it out to Qian Renxue: "Xiaoxue, this thigh is for you, try it out."

Qian Renxue took it without being polite, took a big bite and said, "It's delicious, it's so delicious!"

Rou Shui listened, swallowed directly, looked at Qianye eagerly, and wanted to eat.

This girl, if she wants to eat, she will do it herself, she is an old classmate, and she is so outrageous!

Chiba had no choice but to pull out another crocodile's hind legs and stuff it into her hands: "Give it?"


Rou Shui was so moved that she hurriedly took it and devoured it.

"Brother Ye, I really didn't expect that roasted crocodile meat is better than fish meat."

Chiba smiled without saying a word. In fact, it was the first time for him to eat it, so it was difficult to express his opinion: "If it is delicious, then eat more."

I pulled out the front legs of a crocodile and ate it, it was delicious!

Then, the three of them ate and drank, not paying attention to their own image at all.

Soon, they ate the whole crocodile together.

bang bang bang~

Suddenly, the ground shook for a while, and it came from a hundred feet away.

The three listened and looked at each other, not knowing what was coming towards them.

"Brother Qianye, what is it?" Qian Renxue looked at the place where the voice came from, her face was not very good-looking.

Rou Shui shrank her neck, her pupils dilated, and she sensed danger.

"Brother Ye, what kind of soul beast do you think will come here?"

Chiba didn't know either, but only vaguely felt that she had something to do with this matter.

But I don't know for a while what the problem is.

Chiba suddenly rose from the ground, jumped to the top of the big branch in front of her, and glanced ahead.

Sure enough, there was a giant moving towards him quickly.

The speed was too fast, and there were trees blocking it, so I couldn't see what was coming.

He was going to go and have a look.

"Xiaoxue, Rou Shui, you two are hiding behind the big tree, I'll take a look."

After Chiba explained the two, she jumped over the branch and walked forward.

Qian Renxue had a worried look on her face, so she followed closely behind.

Rou Shui naturally did not want to be alone, so she followed behind Qian Renxue and moved forward.

Chiba immediately saw that the thing was nothing else, but a giant crocodile two meters tall and fifty meters long, and suddenly realized.

"I think about it, the little crocodile I caught just now might be the child of this giant crocodile, and it will chase after him all the way to get revenge on him."

After a little scrutiny, this giant crocodile should be called the Bingfeng Crocodile Soul Beast, with a cultivation base of about 70,000 years.

The strength is not low, especially its indestructible scale armor, which is almost invulnerable.

Suddenly, a chill fell from the sky, chilling Chiba's heart on the tree.

It was dark, and something fell from the top of his head. His body didn't move, and the crystals wrapped his whole body and fell to the ground.

Qianye felt a chill in his heart and shouted badly. He didn't expect Bingfeng Crocodile's attack speed to be so fast.

Before he could react, he was turned into a frozen person by the other party!

"Brother Chiba..."

Suddenly, a voice woke him from his stupor.

Although Qianye couldn't open his eyes, he could hear a voice. It was Qian Renxue who was calling him. Why did she come here?

I clearly told them to wait there just now, why did this girl come here?

I must be worried about myself, so I chased after it!

Qianye still enjoys Qian Renxue's concern in her heart, but because the Bingfeng Crocodile is close at hand, it would be dangerous for her to come here.

Chapter 35 Qian Renxue's Big Move

"Ren Xue, what's wrong with Brother Ye?"

Soft water asked before.

Seeing Chiba's body motionless, he was very worried.

Qian Renxue didn't answer, she suddenly raised her head, and her eyes were already sharp.

A giant, in the moonlight, flashed its bulky appearance.

Rou Shui fixed her eyes on it, and her heart skipped a beat: "Giant crocodile, it's a giant crocodile!"

She recognized the thing, it was a crocodile.