
Douluo: Stop pretending, my wife is Qian Renxue

Qianye traveled through the world plane of Douluo Continent, and was adopted by Qian Daoliu, who was enshrined in the Elder Hall of Wuhun Temple since he was a child, trained with Qian Renxue, and awakened the check-in system...   In Wuhun Temple, he awakened Sansheng Wuhun, and he was born full of souls. Power Thirty...

Supe3rman1234 · Book&Literature
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51 Chs

Chapitre 30

hapter 30

Author: Ye Xunyang

After eating, the three continued on their way.

Chiba walked for a while, and another black shadow passed from the sky.

Immediate vigilance in my heart, if the first time was a coincidence, the second time could not happen.

Sure enough, when he looked up at the sky again, he saw something flying high in the sky.

Chiba could see clearly that this was a bird, a big bird, a big bird about ten meters high and twenty meters long.

Especially its pair of wings, about fifty meters long.

"Big bird, what a big bird!" Rou Shui cried out in shock when she saw this thing.

Qian Renxue immediately looked up and saw the giant bird: "Brother Qianye, this is just a giant Wupeng."


Chiba had already recognized it: "I took a look, this giant black peng is about 30,000 years old."

"Thirty thousand years!" Rou Shui was startled.

She knew that a giant Wupeng like this had the blood of the dragon family.

Its existence is the most powerful among the birds and beasts of the Star Dou Forest.

Except for the three giant dragons in the central area, it ranks fourth in the sky.

Chiba looked at this giant bird and saw that its neck was very long and thick.

What grows from the head to the upper half of the neck is not feathers, but dark blue scales, and in the sky, the sun shines with dark rays of light.

Its big jet-black eyes showed sharp edges and a strange and murderous aura.

The beak pecked like a black iron hook, curved and pointed, and it also shone with light.

In addition to the pair of wings, the whole body feathers, the double feathers, and the tail wings are like steel feathers, black and green as one body, glowing.

The whole look, Ju Wupeng looks like a huge iron bird.

The scales on its head are a symbol of its dragon bloodline.

"Brother Ye, did it find us?"

"I think yes, and it's possible, it has made us food."

Qian Renxue's golden eyes, looking at the giant Wupeng in the sky, is enough to show her seriousness towards this bird of prey.

"Xiaoxue, I think this bird is just right for your fourth spirit ring to absorb."

Qian Renxue hesitated for a moment before saying, "But Big Brother Qianye, the giant Wupeng is a thirty thousand year soul beast, and an invincible existence in the sky. This is too risky."

"Well, so we have to take a long-term view." Chiba felt that with his own strength, killing a 30,000-year-old soul beast would not be a problem.

It's just that it can fly, so it's not so easy to deal with.

So, have to use the killer.

This time, I want to try the strength of the twenty-four-winged eternal angel spirit.

It's just that Qian Renxue and Rou Shui didn't know that they were the Spirit Master of Sansheng Martial Spirit.

But it wasn't that he couldn't let them know. Anyway, he had planned to tell Qian Daoliu his secret.

When Qian Renxue went to the Tiandou Empire to do undercover work this time, he would not fail to help.

quack quack~

At this moment, the giant Wupeng rose into the sky and shouted a few times.

The sound wave spread from the sky, and even Chiba and others were affected.


Many trees and leaves were broken by the sound wave and fell to the ground.

Qianye quickly took Qian Renxue's hand, and Rou Shui hid under the giant tree next to her.

"If I guess right, it's going to attack us."

As Chiba said, he kept his eyes fixed on the every move of the giant bird in the sky.

Rou Shui looked at the giant bird in panic. She was only level 20, and she had no chance of winning against the 30,000-year-old soul beast.

Qian Renxue was fine, after all, she was already at level 40, and she was a Seraph Martial Spirit. Even in the sky, she could still compete with Ju Wupeng.

Chapter 32 Giant Wupeng

The giant Wupeng spirit beast was angry, soaring into the sky, then turned around, and rushed towards the big tree where Qianye was hiding.

With the huge wing, the tree was hit and flew up, and it fell down when it was broken in the middle.

Chiba didn't run, and couldn't run, and as soon as he ran, he was exposed.

Rou Shui was so frightened that his spirit power fluctuated, and a spirit ring rose from under him.

This is a yellow centennial spirit ring, which is a standard configuration.

A spirit ring has no resistance against a giant Wupeng with a cultivation base of 30,000 years.

Qian Renxue also became vigilant, and then three spirit rings rose one after another under her body.

Yellow and purple.

One hundred years, two thousand years.


Qianye didn't say much, and a spirit ring rose from under him.

As soon as this spirit ring rose, golden light bloomed, emitting a dazzling light.

This scene shocked Qian Renxue and Rou Shui on the side.

Qianye's spirit ring was not the thousand-year or ten-thousand-year spirit ring they were familiar with, but a red-gold spirit ring.

At this moment, they saw twenty-four wings growing on Qianye's back, and these wings were all large golden wings.

And behind him, a man with a height of about 100 feet, with golden light flowing all over his body, a pair of eyes like a bright moon in the sky, including his hair and eye hair, are all golden, and behind him, there are twenty-four large golden wings.

"What is this?" Rou Shui asked suspiciously.

Qian Renxue was also stunned, she didn't know that Qianye still had a martial spirit, stared at him in a stunned manner, opened his mouth, but did not speak for a long time.

Chiba looked at their stunned expressions, smiled and said, "Xiaoxue, Rou Shui, maybe you two don't know, my martial spirit is Sansheng Martial Spirit."

"In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, it was not announced."

"As for why I want to tell you today, you have also seen that the giant bird in the sky is not easy to deal with."

"And I also believe that you will help me hide this secret."

Qian Renxue nodded, not angry, but happily pulled his hand:

"That's great, Brother Chiba, I see that your spirit is similar to mine..."

She wanted to say, my Seraph Martial Soul.

But with Rou Shui by her side, she didn't say it.

Qianye smiled and patted her head: "Well, my spirit has twenty-four wings, and it is the eternal angel spirit of twenty-four wings."

"Twenty-four Winged Eternal Angel Martial Spirit!" Rou Shui said in shock again.

She only knew that there was a martial spirit in the Qian Family called the Seraph Martial Spirit.

This is the first time I have seen a twenty-four-winged eternal angel martial spirit that is stronger than the seraph and has more wings.

Not to mention her, she has never even seen Qian Renxue.

I was very excited again. He was so strong. After that, when I was with Brother Chiba, my grandfather would have nothing to say.

At this moment, Ju Wupeng turned his head from the sky like lightning, swooped down, and launched a second attack.

Qianye Xie smiled and didn't take Ju Wupeng in his eyes at all.

"First Soul Skill: Eternal Sword, Angel Judgment!"

The red-gold soul ring on his body lit up, emitting a dazzling golden light.

Immediately, in the sky, golden giant swords about ten meters long fell from the sky, stabbing the giant bird that was swooping down together.

Qian Renxue, Rou Shui was startled, she was really afraid that those giant swords would shoot him.

It's just that their worries are completely unnecessary.

Although the attack range of the first spirit ability of the Twenty-Four-Winged Eternal Angel Martial Spirit reached a radius of 100 meters, they were not random attacks.

Instead, it is mainly used by the user's mind.

Chiba will attack whomever he wants it to attack, without hurting innocents.

Otherwise, it will not kill all the partners.

Therefore, Qian Renxue and Rou Shui's fear was completely unnecessary.

Every soul master is like this, no matter how powerful their soul skills are, they will only hit those who want to hit.

Of course, this is only limited to soul skills.

The golden sword shadow flashed in Ju Wupeng's eyes, and the sense of fear immediately appeared.

I wanted to hide, but it was too late.

A giant sword fell from the sky and pierced its back.


Ju Wupeng screamed, and a giant sword had pierced into its body.

Then came the second one, the third one...

Ju Wupeng never dreamed of it,


Finally, its huge body fell to the ground, and the grass and trees flew.

Immediately, a huge dirt hole was smashed into the ground.

Dust is flying.

The three dodged and hid behind a giant tree ten meters away.

Wait for the dust to disperse before looking over there.

Chiba saw that Ju Wupeng was dying. Although he was still alive, the injury was too heavy and he could not move.

Rou Shui flashed behind Qianye, glanced at the giant bird, and asked, "Brother Ye, is it dead?"

Chiba shook his head: "No, there is still a breath left."

Rou Shui smiled, thinking to himself, this is a 30,000-year-old giant Wupeng, comparable to the 60,000-year cultivation of an ordinary soul beast!

Unexpectedly, as soon as Brother Ye made his move, it hung up.

"Brother Ye, your twenty-four-winged eternal angel martial spirit is really powerful!"

Qianye raised her eyebrows: "Well, I'm not bragging, it's really powerful, plus a million-year-old red gold soul ring, can you exert this kind of power and kill it with one blow."

Rou Shui nodded with envy on her face, thinking that he has three martial spirits and only one of his own, which is really incomparable.

Moreover, he is still at the 60th rank of soul power, and he has just reached the 20th rank, how can he compare?

Compare with what.

But fortunately, when I first saw Brother Ye, he was already over thirty, and he was only at the third level of spirit power.

In five years, he has reached the 20th grade, and he has reached more than half of the students in the class.

Qian Renxue kept her eyes fixed, staring at the giant Wupeng lying on the ground, a light flashed in her eyes: "Brother Qianye, Xiaoxue knows that you are the most powerful."

Chiba reached out and slapped her butt heavily, making a "pop" sound.

"You...you're so bad!" Qian Renxue twisted her buttocks, a burning pain.