
Douluo: Stop pretending, my wife is Qian Renxue

Qianye traveled through the world plane of Douluo Continent, and was adopted by Qian Daoliu, who was enshrined in the Elder Hall of Wuhun Temple since he was a child, trained with Qian Renxue, and awakened the check-in system...   In Wuhun Temple, he awakened Sansheng Wuhun, and he was born full of souls. Power Thirty...

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Chapitre 29

Douluo: Stop Pretending, My Wife is Qian Renxue Chapter 29

Author: Ye Xunyang

bang bang bang~

Suddenly, a knock on the door reached his ears.

Chiba was silent for a while before saying, "The door is unlocked, come in?"


The door opened and a man walked in.

Chiba looked at this man and smiled.

The girl walked to the bed and sat down, her head drooping.

Chiba looked at her, raised her hand, and touched her golden hair, which was soft and smooth.

It's been five years, Qian Renxue

The height is also about the same as Chiba.

Seeing that she was unhappy, Chiba asked, "Is something wrong?"

Qian Renxue raised her head, looked at her, and suddenly kissed his cheek, turning red.

Then, he became lost again: "Brother Chiba, I have to leave, leave the academy, and leave you temporarily!"

I see.

After thinking for a while, Qianye knew why Qian Renxue wanted to leave.

Qian Daoliu was going to ask Qian Renxue to go undercover in the Heaven Dou Empire.

"Where?" Chiba asked knowingly.

I know it, but I can't say it explicitly.

"Well, it was Grandpa who said that he wanted me to be an undercover agent in the Heaven Dou Empire, in place of the crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire." Qian Renxue told the truth.

This was originally a secret that could not be told, but she told herself, which was enough to show her unreserved trust in herself.

Chiba understood that she believed in herself 100% and did not consider herself a stranger.

He is very happy.

"Well, I just don't understand, what position does Grandpa Qian want to put you in as an undercover agent?"

Although Qianye knew from the original book that Xue Qinghe was killed by Qian Renxue when he was out hunting, and then disguised himself as him, disguised as a man.

Almost exactly the same as Xueqinghe.

Become a real Xueqinghe.

But he couldn't tell, he could only pretend he didn't know.

Qian Renxue didn't answer right away, and only said after a while, "Grandpa said, let me replace the prince Xue Qinghe directly and become the prince."

Qianye squinted his eyes: "Xiaoxue, but you are a girl, even if you disguise yourself as a man, it is impossible for you to be exactly the same as Xue Qinghe."

He glanced at her chest again: "A man's chest is flat, but a woman's..."

When Qian Renxue heard this, her face turned red: "So what, I have an ancestral spirit bone, after absorbing it, I can become Xue Qinghe."

Chiba nodded: "Then when are you going?"

"One month later." Although Qian Renxue was unwilling, for the sake of the overall situation, she could only reluctantly.

What Qianye thought was whether Qian Renxue should do something when he left in a month.

Or, it is not impossible to go instead of Qian Renxue.

Chiba said nothing, and reached out to take her into his arms.

Qian Renxue did not struggle, she took the initiative to put her head in her embrace, tears welling up in her eyes.

After a while, he said, "Brother Chiba, do you like me?"

Chiba hugged her tightly: "Of course I like it!"

If you don't like it, you won't be so nice to her.

"I'm gone, you won't forget me, will you?" Qian Renxue said worriedly.

"Of course not, and the Spirit Hall is not very far from the Heaven Dou Empire. I will come to see you."

"Mmmm." Qian Renxue immediately opened her eyes and smiled.


Suddenly, the dormitory door slammed open from the outside.

Then, a girl with a pair of ponytails broke in.

The girl had a melon-seeded face, about 1.6 meters in height, and her body was petite and exquisite, not absolutely beautiful, but there was a bright smile on her face.


The girl subconsciously screamed when she saw the scene in front of her.

He stared dumbfoundedly at the two who were hugging each other on the bed.

His face also turned red.

Only then did he react, and he immediately lowered his head: "That brother Ye, I didn't do it on purpose."


Qianye coughed twice, looked at the big loli in front of her, and kissed Qian Renxue's ear in her arms.

Seeing that someone was there, Qian Renxue shyly broke free and sat on the side not knowing what to say.

As a transmigrator, Chiba naturally doesn't have the shyness of a little girl like the two of them: "That soft water... You came to me, what's the matter?"

Chapter 31 Star Dou Great Forest

oh oh...

Rou Shui hesitated before saying, "That's it... I've reached level 20, and I want you to accompany me to hunt soul beasts in the forest and absorb the soul ring, okay?"

Chiba didn't answer Rou Shui immediately, but looked her up and down.

She remembered that five years ago, when she first saw Rou Shui, she was only a six-year-old girl.

Now that she is eleven years old, she is already a girl with big breasts.


"Ah?" Rou Shui was confused.

Chiba: "I mean, why are you looking for me and not someone else?"

Rou Shui blushed: "Because...because I like it, is there a problem?"

Chiba was quite satisfied with this answer.

Coincidentally, his cultivation base had already reached rank sixty, so he happened to drop by to absorb the sixth spirit ring.

"Okay, get ready, and leave in three days."

"Brother Qianye, I'm going too!" Qian Renxue demanded.

"Well, let's go together then!" Mainly, Chiba also wanted to take her to play.

"By the way, Xiaoxue, what level are you now?"

"Thirty-ninth grade."

"Level 39..." Chiba thought thoughtfully.

It's still one level away, only level 40. If she can reach level 40, then she can absorb it together when she goes to the Star Dou Great Forest this time.

Qianye thought for a while: "Xiaoxue like this, you should work hard these days to reach level 40, so that the three of us can absorb the spirit ring together."

"Alright then!" Qian Renxue was happy that she couldn't do it.

Host: Chiba!

Sex: Male!

Age: 11!

Constitution: 60 (abnormal 100)!

Number of Martial Spirits: 3!

Food Martial Spirit: Carrot Martial Spirit (awakened, spirit ring +5, purple, black, black, black, black)!

Weapon Soul: (Awakened, Soul Ring +5, Purple, Black, Black, Black, Black)!

God-level Martial Spirit: Twenty-Four-Winged Eternal Angel Martial Spirit: (awakened, spirit ring +1, red gold)!

Soul Bone: None!

Soul Power Level: 60 (Soul King)

Chiba looked at the system panel and everything was normal.

After absorbing the sixth spirit ring, he will be the spirit emperor.


ten days later.

The entrance to the Star Dou Forest.

The three walked side by side.

Qianye walked in the middle, with Rou Shui on his left and Qian Renxue on his right.

The big forest in front of you, at first glance, the boundless forest sea can't see the sky at all.

The Star Dou Great Forest, as the largest forest of spirit beasts in Douluo Continent, is also the largest in Douluo Continent.

At the same time, it is also one of the open soul beast forests in Douluo Continent.

"It's finally here!" Rou Shui said happily.

Qian Renxue held Qianye's hand and smiled.

The more the three of them went inside, the more trees and luxuriant they became.

"Ding! Master, congratulations on punching in the Star Dou Great Forest, reward: a hundred thousand year spirit bone!"


Chiba was happy when she heard the system prompt.

In this way, Bai Ji's first soul bone is in his hands.

Moreover, it is still a hundred thousand year spirit bone, which is not ordinary.


Walked for a long time.

Chiba greeted the two of them to sit down, eat something, and then look for the soul beast.

There are quite a few soul beasts in the periphery of the Star Dou Daxing Forest, but most of them do not meet the requirements of the three.

Qian Renxue's fourth spirit ring was at least ten thousand years old.

Soft Water's second spirit ring has to start in a hundred years.

Chiba's sixth spirit ring, intends to absorb it for about 90,000 years.

It can be said that his requirements are not high.

Of course, a hundred thousand year spirit ring is better.

Chiba was eating when suddenly a shadow flashed across the sky.

He, who had been vigilant, looked up and found nothing.

Seeing his strangeness, Rou Shui also raised her head and glanced at it, but there was nothing: "Brother Ye, what's wrong?"

"Oh, it's nothing!" Chiba didn't want to say anything without a shadow.