
Douluo:Starts with Broadcasting myself as Bibi Dong's Secret Protecter

Reborn in Douluo find out how he will survive will he be a slave to the world or surpass The World and become an immortal existence

Tier2B · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Spirit Ranks

Rank 1 - 10 - Soul Scholar (Trainee)

Rank 11 - 20 - Soul Master

(1 Soul Ring)

(Rank 1 Soul Master)

Rank 21 - 30: Soul Grandmaster

(2 Soul Rings)

(Rank 2 Soul Master)

Rank 31 - 40: Soul Elder (Expert)

(3 Soul Rings)

(Rank 3 Soul Master)

Rank 41 - 50: Soul Ancestor

(4 Soul Rings)

(Rank 4 Soul Master)

Rank 51 - 60: Soul King

(5 Soul Rings)

(Rank 5 Soul Master)

Rank 61 - 70: Soul Emperor

(6 Soul Rings)

(Rank 6 Soul Master)

Rank 71 - 80: Soul Sage (Saint)

(7 Soul Rings)

(Rank 7 Soul Master)

Rank 81 - 90: Soul Douluo

(8 Soul Rings)

(Rank 8 Soul Master)

Rank 91 - 98: Titled Douluo

(9 Soul Rings)

(Rank 9 Soul Master)

Rank 91 - 94: Average Titled Douluo

Rank 95 - 98: Super Douluo/Hyper Douluo

Rank 99: Limit Douluo (Rank 10 Soul Master)

Rank 100: God

(10 Soul Rings)

(Rank Divine)

Hello guys vote if you want next chapter earlier otherwise the next chapter will come out on Tuesday so give power stone and vote