
Douluo Start Trade With Arceus

Wang Yuan was reborn in Douluo Continent with Trading system. "Arceus, let's trade" "Lu Ze, I can help you get stronger." "Whis, I have lot of delicious food here." ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Let's see how Wang Yuan thrives in Douluo world and changes the world.

PratikG · Fantasy
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18 Chs

First Soul Ring (1)

After seeing the Elder token, the guards bowed down to show respect and gave way for four of them. Upon walking a few steps, tall trees came into line of sight of four of them.

Although this Soul hunting is only a artificial and kept in captivity, it is still better than the forest Wang Yuan has seen in his previous life.

"Little Feilan needs soul ring of a crocodile type soul beast. Let's go towards the pond." Golden Crocodile Douluo said after seeing that Wang Yuan and Jin Feilan has calmed down. Afterall both of them have entered the forest for first time.

Golden Crocodile Douluo led the way and three of them followed up leisurely afterall what danger can occur in this captive soul beast forest when a Title Douluo is with them.

Soon they reached the area where century old soul beasts are active. Wang Yuan really want to catch them all and trade them with Arceus but he thought for a while and decided to wait till he obtained soul ring.

After reaching the pond, Golden Crocodile Douluo searched for a while and then pointed towards a crocodile with large tail in the distance.

"Little Feilan, that Gaint Tailed Crocodile is near 400 year old is perfect for your first soul ring. I will bring it here and then you will kill it with this sword." Golden Crocodile Douluo said while taking out a sword from his pendent which is storage soul guide and gave it to Jin Feilan.

Golden Crocodile Douluo just released his soul power and immobilized the Gaint Tailed Crocodile and pulled it in front of Jin Feilan.

Jin Feilan held the sword nervously but after an encouraging look from Golden Crocodile Douluo, her eyes turned firm and her hand also stopped shaking. She stabbed the sword towards the eye of Gaint Tailed Crocodile and penetrated its brain.

Gaint Tailed Crocodile struggled for a while then slowly died. Shortly after its death, a light spots appeared above it's body and soon gathered in form a yellow ring.

Jin Feilan sat cross legged on ground, summoned out her martial soul, Golden Crocodile King and pulled the yellow soul ring towards herself and began to absorb the soul ring.

After an hour, Jin Feilan finished absorbing the soul ring and broke through level 12 at once. With the addition of soul ring her body also grew up a bit and her clothes were originally little loose, now fit her body perfectly.

"Little Feilan, what is the effect of your first soul ring ?" Bibi Dong asked as soon as she saw Jin Feilan standing up.

"Sister, Grandpa, my first soul skill is called Gaint Tail Strengthening. And it's effect is to enlarge and strengthen the tail of Golden Crocodile King by 20%." Jin Feilan answered.

"Effect is good. Try using it as well." Golden Crocodile Douluo said.

"Yes Grandpa." Jin Feilan complied and walked towards open space.

"First soul skill, Gaint Tail Strengthening."

As soon as Jin Feilan said this, the yellow soul ring on her body shined brightly and soon the tail of her martial soul, Golden Crocodile King grew in size.

Jin Feilan moved a little to get used to change in tail and then slamed the tail heavily on the ground.

"Bang" The soil on the ground sunk a little with a loud noise. Upon seeing this Jin Feilan looked at Wang Yuan provacatively but he just ignored her.

"Ok boy, now it's your turn. Tell me what type of soul ring do you want." Golden Crocodile Douluo asked Wang Yuan after giving Jin Feilan a doting look.

"Second Elder, I want soul ring of that soul beast." Wang Yuan pointed towards a soul beast and said.