
Douluo: Ronin

"I'm Zeng Yi, a Ronin" In Douluo, Zeng Yi finds himself reborn with [Happy Orphan System], forcing him to pursue wandering life. --- To access advance chapters, join my patreon - https://www.patreon.com/primordial_idli --- This is a Translation. Source - https://www.uukanshu.com/b/115900/ Author - Daoran Jushi --- Cover Image from pinterest - https://pin.it/7hN0Vac ---

primordial_idli · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 314: Keep It Simple


Next day.

On a training ground at Shrek Academy, not only were the Shrek Seven Devils present, but also Headmaster Flender, Deputy Headmaster Yu Xiaogang, Liu Erlong, Zhao Wuji and several other students.

Tang San, Dai Mubai and their group, following Yu Xiaogang's orders, stood in line neatly, waiting for instructions.

Yu Xiaogang's stern face carried a serious aura as he scanned the students and slowly spoke "Starting from today, you will begin rigorous training in preparation for the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament that will take place one month later. I hope you take it seriously and demand the best of yourselves. Don't forget, what is our ultimate goal!"

"To win the championship in this tournament and make the name Shrek Academy known to the world!"

Tang San and the others gathered their spirits and shouted these words together.

Watching this group of children, Yu Xiaogang nodded in satisfaction.

For the Shrek Seven Devils, Yu Xiaogang was very confident. After all, they had persevered and endured in such a harsh environment before. What worried him were the other four substitute members.

These four substitute members were the best among the former Blue Tyrant Academy students who are the predecessors of the current Shrek Academy. Although their talents couldn't compare to the Shrek Seven Devils, they were all Spirit Elders above Rank 35 and were qualified to participate in this Spirit Master Tournament.

Yu Xiaogang swept his gaze over this group of students and solemnly said "I will not be your instructor during the month-long training. Someone else will take over. During this time, you must follow his arrangements, understand?"

"We understand!"

Upon hearing the phrase "someone else", Tang San and the others had a clear idea in their hearts, knowing who that person was.

Could it be that he has returned?

Their faces were filled with joy and excitement, except for Zhu Zhuqing, who had previously met Zeng Yi and managed to maintain a calm demeanor.

However, the other four substitute members looked somewhat confused.

"That's it then. Zeng Yi, it's up to you from here." Yu Xiaogang turned his head and looked in another direction as he spoke.


Once they heard Yu Xiaogang's words, the gazes of Tang San and the others turned to where he was looking. Two figures were walking towards them; it was Zeng Yi and Yan Que.

Zeng Yi had a relaxed smile on his face. After six months, he was seeing these familiar little friends again, and he was quite happy about it.

Yan Que followed behind her master, her fair hands clenched tightly behind her back, appearing a little nervous.


Seeing Zeng Yi approaching, everyone except for Zhu Zhuqing became excited and quickly gathered around him.

"Yi-ge, I thought I would never see you again."

Zeng Yi slapped Ma Hongjun's head with a smile, scolding him "What are you doing? Did you think I had died? Seems like you're looking for trouble, fatty."

Ma Hongjun proudly said "I'm a Spirit Ancestor now, Yi-ge. Do you think you can easily defeat me now?"

Zeng Yi laughed "Oh, it seems like you're quite confident. How about I give you some special training later?"

"No! Yi-ge, I was just joking." As soon as Ma Hongjun heard Zeng Yi's words, he immediately admitted his mistake.

"Hahaha..." Seeing Ma Hongjun's surrender, everyone burst into laughter.

Oscar had been staring at the little girl next to Zeng Yi the whole time, his gaze filled with confusion. "Yi-ge, is this little girl, Yan Que?"

Oscar pondered for a while before finally recognizing some similarities between Yan Que's current appearance and her previous one.

Zeng Yi nodded, saying "That's right, Yan Que, say hello to your Uncles and Aunts."

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone's expressions stiffened.

We're only fourteen or fifteen years old, calling them Uncles and Aunties... Isn't that a bit...

Oscar felt embarrassed and chuckled, saying "Um, can Yan Que call us older Brothers and Sisters?"

"Okay, that works too. As long as you consider yourselves my Nephews and Nieces, it's fine. I don't mind," Zeng Yi said with a smile.

The group of Shrek students looked at this man with a mischievous smile, feeling both excited and happy to see him again, but now he was starting to disgust them.

What a tease!

Looking at their bitter expressions, Zeng Yi burst into laughter. "Hahaha, your expressions are truly amusing! Well, let's forget about teasing you. We can start our business."

After hearing Zeng Yi's words, everyone's expressions improved a little, and they didn't bother with him any longer. Instead, they enthusiastically stuck close to Yan Que, engaging in conversations.

"Yan Que, it's been so long; you've become so beautiful! Your skin is fair and tender. I'm envious, sis."

"Little Yan Que, how about joining our Shrek Academy as a student? Let's participate in the Spirit Master Tournament together. Don't worry, even if your strength is lacking, we are very strong. We'll help you secure the championship without any problems!"

"Little Yan Que, you must have worked hard with such a lousy master."

As a series of questions were bombarded at Yan Que, she felt a bit at a loss, not knowing how to answer them.

"Little Yan Que, do you have a boyfriend? What do you think of me, sis?" Ma Hongjun, being himself, couldn't resist but ask a question when chaos broke out.

However, when Ma Hongjun said those words, everyone else, as if rehearsed, stopped talking and turned their gaze towards Ma Hongjun.

For a moment, the atmosphere fell silent. Ma Hongjun felt incredibly embarrassed. Why did they all stop at once? Are they acting? Aren't we teammates?

In their looks, Ma Hongjun could see pity.


At that moment, Ma Hongjun felt a chill running down his spine. He turned his head mechanically only to meet a pair of scarlet eyes.

"Little fatty, what did you just say? I didn't hear it clearly. Could you repeat it for me?" A sinister voice rang in Ma Hongjun's ear, freezing his entire body. He turned his head and looked into those scarlet eyes.

"Yi-ge, I-I was just kidding. You understand what I meant, right?"

Zeng Yi stared at Ma Hongjun with a smile on his face. "What kind of person do you think I am? Don't I know you well?"

"Yi-ge~ You really understand me." Ma Hongjun looked at Zeng Yi with a flattering gaze.

Zeng Yi nodded and drew the bamboo knife from his waist.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt much."

Followed by a pitiful, pig-like scream, everything returned to peace.

After the playfulness passed, Zeng Yi began to seriously perform his duties. He stood on the training ground and looked at the members of the Shrek team standing neatly in front of him. Finally, his gaze fell on the last four members who were relatively unfamiliar.

"Who are you people?"

The tallest and burliest student stepped forward and said to Zeng Yi "We four are substitute members of the Shrek team."

Upon hearing this, Zeng Yi smiled slightly, nodded, and said "I see. Let's introduce ourselves and get to know each other. Start with you."

The tall and burly student spoke seriously "I'm Tai Long, with the Martial Spirit Primate Ape. I am a Rank 38 Battle Spirit Master."

Hearing this, Zeng Yi's eyelid twitched involuntarily. Tai Long? That name... He should be descendent of "Have eyes but cannot see Mount Tai" clan , right? 

Then, a tall and slim student spoke to introduce himself "I'm Jing Ling, with the Martial Spirit Skull. I am a Rank 35 Battle Spirit Master."

"I'm Huang Yuan, with the Martial Spirit Lone Wolf. I am a Rank 36 Battle Spirit Master."

Lastly, a graceful and beautiful female student introduced herself with a look of admiration towards Zeng Yi "Hello, senior! I'm Jing Zhu, with the Martial Spirit of a Healing Cane. I am a Rank 35 Auxiliary System Spirit Master. Senior, you should still remember me. I treated you before."

Ignoring her appearance as a younger sister, she was actually older than Zeng Yi, a nineteen-year-old young lady. However, in the world of Spirit Masters, strength reigns supreme. Zeng Yi's spirit power was stronger than hers, and he was also a graduate student. Therefore, calling him senior was no problem.

Zeng Yi looked at Jing Zhu and carefully thought about it. He did recall meeting this girl a few times before, and she seemed familiar.

Seeing her excited and worshipful gaze, it seemed that she was his little fan.

Ah, it's tough being so handsome. I face quite a lot of troubles!

Zeng Yi thought to himself and then shifted his gaze to the Shrek Seven Devils, smiling faintly. "I heard from the teachers that, except for Xiao Wu, all of you have become Spirit Ancestor. You should have obtained your fourth spirit skill, right? Can you tell me about your fourth spirit skills? I want to understand and train you more effectively."

"Let me go first." Dai Mubai stepped forward, volunteered, and replied "My fourth spirit skill is [White Tiger Meteor Shower]."

"Stop!" Zeng Yi interrupted Dai Mubai before he could finish his words, which puzzled him. "Yi-ge, what's wrong?"

Zeng Yi's figure flashed and appeared in an empty space. With pitch-black eyes, he looked at the members of Shrek's team, who seemed confused.

"Explaining your spirit skills and such can be a bit complicated and I find it difficult to understand. So..."

Zeng Yi smiled slightly, drew the bamboo knife from his waist, and gave it a light wave. An invisible wave spread rapidly around him, and Zeng Yi's long hair and clothes swayed in the wind, a carefree expression on his face.

"So, let's keep it simple. Who wants to go first?"

"Or perhaps, all of you can go together?"

They all understood Zeng Yi's strength. Even if they became Spirit Masters, facing Zeng Yi still brought immense pressure. Thus, when they heard Zeng Yi suggesting they all go together, they didn't become angry or feel belittled. After all, Zeng Yi did possess that level of strength.

"Hahaha, I like your straightforwardness. In that case, I'll spar with you first!" Within the team, Dai Mubai walked out with a big laugh. As he moved, his aura rose sharply, like a ferocious tiger. Each spirit ring revolved around his sturdy figure.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple.

Dai Mubai stared at Zeng Yi with tiger eyes, rubbed his fists together, and wore a face brimming with fervent battle intent—his imposing aura was overwhelming.

"Zeng Yi, I have already become a Rank 44 Battle Spirit Master. Though I may not be your opponent yet, I still want to see how big the gap between us is. Please enlighten me."

Zeng Yi smiled faintly "Please."

"Hahaha, I like your straightforwardness. Let's do it!" Dai Mubai laughed heartily, and his body underwent a transformation. His clothes burst open, his golden hair turned black and white, sharp tiger claws emerged, and a king character appeared on his forehead. It seemed as if a fierce tiger was roaring in the air.