
Douluo: Peeking at the diary, the goddesses are destroyed

My name is Bibi Dong, and I am 17 years old. As a saintess of the Spirit Hall, I have always enjoyed the status of being under one person and above ten thousand people in the Spirit temple, and I am deeply favored by my teacher. But suddenly one day, a copy of "Goddess Diary" appeared in front of me, which said that I would fall in love with a man named "Yu Xiaogang". For him, I will even break up with my favorite teacher and face the greatest tragedy of my life. What? Are you kidding? I just met Yu Xiaogang, he is just a 29th-level Spirit master, except for the theory, the rest is a useless waste. This Miss will fall in love with him? Does he think she is blind? Or are you out of your mind? Despicable diary writer, do you know what the cost of spreading rumors is, just wait for this girl to find you, then I will teach you a lesson! Note: This is a translation and the fanfic has a huge harem the one where every beautiful woman in the original novel is in his harem. so, read-only if you like such fanfics... Cover not mine.. Read 30 Advanced chapters at Patreon.com/abhii28 Original Author: Searching for Dreams in Books. Link: https://m.qidian.com/book/1031973959.html

Abhii_28 · Anime & Comics
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106 Chs


It wasn't until Bibi Dong withdrew her teasing eyes and turned to leave that Wang Jingyu secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

It seemed that he was overthinking it, so he just panicked .

Although Bibi Dong's vision was not very good, and she would like sand sculptures like Yu Xiaogang, but she was definitely an infatuated woman.

As long as she recognized a certain man, she will never change it in her life, and she would never fall in love with him just because he was handsome.

Just as Bibi Dong returned to her private room and sat down on the sofa, she saw a lot of content added to the diary which she left open,

Looking at the new content, she could be sure that the man just now was the mysterious diary writer.

Even if she didn't see the other party's act of writing a diary, it's hard to guarantee that the other party didn't have the diary and pen in his hand that no one else could see.

But the diary actually said that she was a wolf, not only a little more than a ruthless person.

He also said that she would endure humiliation for Yu Xiaogang, and even devour her most respected teacher.

But, the awe revealed between the lines was enough to see that he was not lying.

Then, In the future, she would personally kill her most respected teacher and devour him!

At that moment..

She really wanted to know what happened to her to make her so ruthless ! .

She frowned,

Based on the information revealed in the diary, she secretly speculated about the fate she would face if she fell in love with Yu Xiaogang.

Obviously the teacher would not agree with them being together, and would threaten her with Yu Xiaogang's life .

In order to protect Yu Xiaogang, she would suffer the greatest tragedy in her life.

As for what kind of tragedy she would encounter, she was so innocent that she couldn't think of it.

Now, even if she wanted to break her head, she would never have guessed that the teacher she respected the most and who seemed to be sanctimonious, would defile her body and force her to give birth to a daughter for him.

She could only guess that in the end, not only would she have to endure all the suffering, but she would also have to watch her "lover" move on!

This kind of pain was definitely no less than digging her heart with a knife.

Bibi Dong suddenly felt a chill hit her whole body, feeling the malice in this world!

no! How can you do this!

She absolutely does not allow such things to happen to herself!

So, the most critical point now, was not to fall in love with Yu Xiaogang!

However, she was also thankful that this diary has exposed Yu Xiaogang's scumbag nature that was easy to empathize with others.

Now she only hated Yu Xiaogang, and didn't even have the slightest affection for him, let alone falling in love with him.

Therefore, this diary could be regarded as helping her successfully fight against fate.

In the future, as long as she is more careful, she will not fall into the trap of Yu Xiaogang's sugar-coated words.

The diary also warned her that she must be careful of even her teacher who seems to spoil her and love her the most.

Otherwise, it was possible that in the future, even if she does not fall in love with Yu Xiaogang, someone else will replace him.

And the teacher would not agree, or even make use of the topic so that she still won't be able to change her own destiny.

To get rid of this fate, she must become stronger, At least at the teacher's level or even stronger than him.

Only when her strength is strong enough to deter the entire Spirit temple, can she truly control her own destiny and gain the right to fall in love!

Bibi dong deduced many things based on the existing diary, which also made her innocent self decline and her scheming grew a lot in an instant.

For her own future, Bibi Dong knew that she had to make long-term plans.

First of all, she planned to get close to the mysterious man, and it would be best if she could stand side-by-side with him.

Because she vaguely guessed from the lines in the diary that maybe the diary was not given to her by that man at all.

It was some kind of mysterious power that she didn't understand, that sent the diary to her.

In any case, that man was the key to understanding her future and the direction of the plot of the novel, and also the greatest help for her to resist fate.

Only by being close to him would she have the opportunity to understand what he meant by "the greatest tragedy in her life".

The tragedy that she couldn't guess no matter what, which made her so ruthless that she even devoured her teacher alive!

At that moment, the door of the private room rang suddenly, and Ju Douluo's voice came from the door.

"Saint, your second match is about to start, and the host has asked you to prepare for the ring."

"Understood, I'll go right away."

A chill flashed in Bibi Dong's eyes, and after storing the diary in the storage space, she left the private room.

As soon as she stepped out of the private room, Ju Douluo instinctively felt that the saint had become a little different.

But he couldn't feel the difference in any specific aspect.

Anyway, he just felt a little weird, and it even made him have the illusion that he didn't dare to look at it.

Only Wang Jingyu, who had been paying attention to the place, faintly sensed that something was wrong with Bibi Dong.

"Why, yes, this girl's temperament has changed so much all of a sudden, she is not as innocent as she was before.

It's more like after becoming the Pope who was so cruel and merciless and would do anything in order to achieve her goal? "

Just when Wang Jingyu was staring at Bibi Dong, and was astonished by the obvious transformation of her temperament.

He found that Bibi Dong was also paying a lot of attention to him, and as their eyes met again. Wang Jingyu clearly saw a trace of gentleness in her indifferent eyes.

This made Wang Jingyu puzzled, and he couldn't help sighing that he finally felt the saying

"a woman's heart is a needle under the sea" was indeed correct.

Seeing Bibi Dong walking towards the ring, Yu Xiaogang smiled, and holding a bottle of warm water, stood in front of her.

"Dong'er, are you thirsty? This water is for you."

Bibi Dong rolled her eyes angrily, why did this idiot show up again.

When this guy talked about the Martial Spirit theory, he talked eloquently showing grace and wisdom.

How could he be so stupid now that he couldn't even guess her intentions?

Bibi Dong didn't respond, just raised her feet, kicked Yu Xiaogang hard in the stomach, kicked him to the ground, and gave instructions to her subordinates.

"Drag him out of the arena and beat him up. This lady is about to go on stage, and he deliberately came to disturb my mood, just courting death!"

Yu Xiaogang clutched his stomach and rolled, Rwo Spirit Hall members picked him and forcibly dragged him to the outside of the Large spirit fighting arena.

"Damn it, what kind of medicine did Bibi Dong take wrongly? She just kicked her favorite man in the stomach.

This is unscientific, crazy, completely crazy.

Could it be, I really forgot what happened in the original novel.

Or was the original work that I read before, fanfiction? "

Yu Xiaogang's loud screams while he was being dragged out by the members of the Spirit Hall and beaten up couldn't reach the inside of the arena at all.

The noise of the crowd directly buried Yu Xiaogang's screams.

Wang Jingyu, who didn't know why Bibi dong was going crazy, could only draw an imaginary cross with his finger in front of him and mourn for Yu Xiaogang.

"Amitabha, may the Buddha bless you, Amen..."