
Douluo: My Spirit Is a Spirit Ring [Completed]

My martial soul is a soul ring thus, I have one more ring than anyone else! When Tang Jiu developed this martial soul to the extreme, a terrifying poisonous mist appeared in the Douluo Continent! Am I a support-type, you ask? No! I'm the man who inherited the Clear Sky Clan, the strongest power-type soul master! at least 3 chapters a week almost 3000 words/ chapter Read on mtl websites: Same name there.

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Chapter 45: I, your father

Boom! ~~

With the unparalleled power of the Titan Great Ape, he blasted away the True Dragon Douluo with a single punch, and the body of the True Dragon Douluo smashed into the great hall, crashing into a large human-shaped hole.


The titanic ape smashed the ground with both fists, and the tyrannical spirit power escaped, sending the surrounding Spirit Douluo flying back tens of metres.

The might of a king was unmistakable!

With just one strike, it caused the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan to turn pale in unison.

"Release your martial spirits, the entire clan has met the enemy!" Yu Xiaofeng, who was the clan master, shouted angrily with an iron face.

All the people of the clan who came at the news immediately opened their Martial Spirits, not only were there people from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon clan's own clan here, just like the Clear Sky clan had four single-attribute clans, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon also recruited many excellent spirit masters.

Control, healing, support, all these spirit masters added up to one or two hundred. The square flashed in all colours for a while, a strange martial spirit opened up and a massive battle scene was set up.

Spirit rings lit up, and all kinds of auxiliary gaining spirit techniques were put on the main battle's Titled Douluo as well as Spirit Douluo.

Defence, speed, strength, spirit power, under all kinds of increases, True Dragon Douluo rushed out from the great hall and gritted his teeth, "Tang Jiu, you dare to bring in the Titan Giant Ape, then let's see how we can put this beast to death! We've got thousands of experts!"

"Old lizard, you still want to kill us? You're not afraid of the wind blowing your tongue! I'll show you what it means to be invincible in a group battle. Ming, come and play them a song about the East Wind! Let him know what an invincible duo is that runs through the Great Star Dou Forest!"

Tang Jiu laughed loudly and reached out with his hand, "Gravity Field!"

The titanic ape happily hammered his chest with his hand and immediately unleashed his own domain, Gravity!

Everyone around felt their bodies abnormally heavy.

Tang Jiu shouted, "Freeze!"

As Tang Jiu's voice fell, the Grand Elder's body was immediately frozen, the gravity domain plus ice sealing, this restrictive ability was too terrifying.

The Grand Elder had just broken the ice when he personally experienced the terrifying nature of Tang Jiu's infinite ice sealing flow, he was stuck more often than his son Yuchen, as he was disturbed by the gravity field.

And it was at this moment that the Titan Giant Ape took a deep breath, using his ability to control gravity to compress the air before spitting out a cloud of earthy energy projectiles towards the ice-bound Grand Elder.

Titan Ape Skill: Titan Vault Break!

This skill was the spirit bone technique that Tang San would later absorb, this was simply the spirit skill version of the Super Air Cannon!

Boom! ~~~

This cannon solidly bombarded the Great Elder's body, the power of Tang San using this spirit skill was equivalent to the Titled Douluo's ninth spirit skill, not to mention the fact that it was used by the Titan Giant Ape itself.

The Great Elder didn't even manage to carry it for 0.1 seconds before he was squeezed to death by the terrifying pressure, and then his body was blasted away to another mountain by the powerful energy impact.

However, in the moment of death, another crystal spirit bone fell from within his body, which turned out to be a pair of torso bones!

"Ice Seal!"

Tang Jiu directly froze the spirit bone, then quickly flew over to snatch it in his hand.

"Tang Jiu, you deceive people too much!" True Dragon Douluo's eyes were bloodshot, their clan's third expert had been killed outright, and the two-spirit bones of the Grand Elder had been snatched away!

And Tang Jiu scornfully bristled, then continued to work with the Titan Giant Ape, once again freezing a Spirit Douluo, then using Infinite Ice Flow Restriction, the Titan Giant Ape's skill Titan Vault Break was ready, and then another blast!

That unlucky Spirit Douluo was even bounced a few thousand meters after his death.

Tang Jiu couldn't help but grunt, "I'll send you away, a thousand miles away, you deserve to die..."

The Titan Giant Ape loved to hear Tang Jiu sing the most, happily crunching and laughing, the spirit techniques coming from long-range attacks all around, it just treated them as tickles, with its thick skin and unbelievable defence it didn't bother.

Instead, it concentrated on blasting cannon after cannon to kill Tang Jiu's frozen enemies, and after each kill, it even put its hand on the pergola to see how far it had flown and whether it had a thousand miles.

However, after rumbling a few cannons, its spirit power would not allow it to be consumed like this.

The gravity field combined with the constant opening of its big moves was too much for it to handle, and besides it still liked to hammer people with its fists!

"Come on, let's turn on the carnival mode!" Tang Jiu sang loudly, "Who's playing a song on the pipa with the east wind ...."

Tang Jiu sang and danced as he danced towards True Dragon Douluo than this provocative gesture, but instead of wasting time with True Dragon Douluo, he told the Titan Giant Ape to turn on carnival mode like himself and specifically pick on the soft ones.

The first unlucky one was Yu Tianxin.

Tang Jiu froze him directly with an ice seal.

The titanic ape swung back and slapped him in the face, baring him and sending him straight back to the oven!

Dugu Bu was dumbfounded, he had never seen such an out-of-tune guy, and Tang Jiu was still not overjoyed with one jump, he directly wrapped his arms around Dugu Yan and jumped up together.

"Hey, you're still fighting!"

Dugu Yan refused at first, then after following a few steps of jumping, she found... What a sight!

Flicking his fingers to destroy the clan, lightly dancing to play Douluo.

The most powerful clan in this continent was fighting against them, while she could easily dance, watching the giant beast under her feet fight for herself with countless deaths and injuries to the other side, while it was the Titled Douluo who could only stare in disbelief, what a pleasure and comfort.

As a noble, she was a strong dancer, but in all her years of dancing, she had never danced like this one.

Dugu Yan felt as if she had reached the top of her life, her clothes fluttering and her smile like a flower!

The corners of Poison Douluo's mouth twitched, he saw a genius who was frantically trying his luck on the edge of death, and a truly debauched, my-way-or-the-highway madman, but he loved it, Tang Jiu was definitely in the same category as him!

I'm mad, I'm crazy, I'm angry, I'm laughing, just for my own pleasure!

This battle, after all, went down in the history of the Douluo Continent.

The Titan Giant Ape wasn't seriously fighting either, it was mainly doing it for fun and then trampling down some ungodly little creepers in passing.

The titanic ape was excited, it was true, following Little Brother Jiu was the only way to have fun, unlike Daming who only knew how to sleep in the lake all day!

"Bastard, fight with me!"

True Dragon Douluo's eyes were bloodshot as he chased after the titanic ape and begged for a fight.

"We won't fight you, I want you to see with your own eyes, the evil you've done! Big Lizard, open your eyes wide and see, this is what happens when you offend me!" Tang Jiu made a provocative gesture at the True Dragon Douluo.

The Titan Giant Ape, on the other hand, gave him a middle finger before slapping the Second Elder's youngest son to death.

Looking at True Dragon Douluo's enraged look, the Titan Giant Ape rattled and laughed.

"Ah! ~~ I'll kill you!" True Dragon Douluo roared in a frenzy as he watched one person after another being killed in front of him, but no matter how much he charged, he just couldn't break through the Titan Giant Ape's defence, let alone being said to kill Tang Jiu.

Tang Jiu looked furious and immediately mockingly sang to the True Dragon Douluo

"I'm Anchila, usually I'm obedient, but the premise is never touch my rag doll! I'm Angela, I'll let you eat poop, I'm the daddy you can't afford to mess with! I'm Angela, I'll send you home in a second! Let you watch the disciples of your disciples turn into little muggles. ...."

Tang Jiu sang, the Titan Giant Ape barks and slaps the Second Elder's eldest son, Yu Tianxin's father, to death again.

"Come, Xiaoming, say hello to people, I at least taught you four years of language!" Tang Jiu laughed.

The giant titan ape grinned and mimicked the phrase he had learned for four years with a very lame pronunciation, "I, am the daddy you can't afford to mess with!"

After saying that, happy as a child for being able to speak human, the Titan Giant Ape leaked out a mouthful of big white teeth, as if it was waiting for True Dragon Douluo to praise it.


True Dragon Douluo's pupils suddenly shrank, his throat sweetened, and he spat out a mouthful of blood with a poof ....

And at this moment, Dugu Yan had long been dumbfounded!

This Tang Jiu guy was really poisonous!

Poison Douluo's mouth also opened wide, he knew that Tang Jiu was very naughty, but he didn't expect that he would be so naughty, to spend four years to hand over such an infuriating sentence to the Titan Giant Ape.

But watching the True Dragon Douluo being pissed off and vomiting blood was really cool!

"Father! You take it easy, we have to play it safe, against a spirit beast of 100,000 years, a Spirit Douluo level attack can't even break the defence, but we can consume its spirit power, when it runs out of spirit power, it's still at our mercy!"

Yu Xiaofeng, as the Patriarch, was not involved in the battle, instead, he could command in a calm and peaceful manner.

After True Dragon Douluo was angry and spat out a mouthful of blood, his heart had already accepted the fact that the clan must be greatly wounded and knew that it was useless to be anxious any longer, so he acted as an ambulance man, going to save whoever was in danger. Although he might not always be able to save them, this forced the titanic ape to fight him hard, constantly depleting his strength.

The battle only entered a drawn-out phase at this point. At first, they were caught off guard due to Tang Jiu and the titanic ape's coordination, but now that they had mastered the titanic ape's skills, they could make effective evasions.

The hundred or so auxiliary control spirit masters behind them then showed their prowess, a vine, tree roots, constantly twisting and holding, and various gaining spirit techniques were constantly released.

Slowing down the Titan Giant Ape's movement, rescuing the disciples who were frozen and restrained by the gravity field, their casualties were getting smaller and smaller as they worked together skillfully time and time again.

Dugu Yan looked anxious, "Xiao Jiu, why don't we retreat! If we continue like this, sooner or later, something will happen! Even if the Titan Giant Ape is powerful, it can't possibly fight against the entire Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect!"

"Isn't there still me!" Tang Jiu said confidently.

If you weren't protected by the Titan Ape, you would have been blown to smithereens! Dugu Yan said, "No matter how powerful you are, you will always run out of spirit power, and then you won't be able to leave!"

"Who said I'm going to level the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan, if I don't do it and leave, how can I put my face!" Tang Jiu was breezy, not anxious at all, still following the Titan Giant Ape to cooperate and find someone to blast.

Dugu Yan stomped her feet in anxiety, but there was nothing she could do, and now she didn't dare to leave the Titan Giant Ape's shoulder, or else she would be directly drowned by hundreds of spirit techniques if she went down.

Suddenly, Tang Jiu bellowed, "Blast him to death!"

Tang Jiu finally caught a chance to take control of the Second Elder, who had gotten all his sons and grandsons killed by Tang Jiu. Without any hesitation, the Titan Ape mobilised the last of its spirit power at Tang Jiu's command and sent out a great move: the Titan Dome of Heaven Break!

The earthen-coloured energy projectile, directly hitting the Second Elder, also sent him a thousand miles away!

With the Second Elder's death, two more crystal jade-like spirit bones fell, looking like one was an arm bone and one was a leg bone.

"Too bad, how good it would have been to snatch them up!"

Right now, the Titan Giant Ape's spirit power was insufficient, so he didn't dare risk dying to snatch the spirit bones, and could only watch as they were taken away.

"You still care about the spirit bone, you should care about your own little life!" Dugu Yan said in a good-natured manner, she could hear the titanic ape's violent heartbeat, the titanic ape had finally been consumed to a state of spirit power exhaustion.

This was bad!


Where could True Dragon Douluo not see that the Titan Ape was barely able to send this one big move and that the range of the gravity field around it was shrinking.

True Dragon Douluo rushed in front of the Titan Ape once again, his black spirit ring lighting up.

"Eighth Spirit Skill, Three Dragons Push Mountains!"

A faint shadow of a true dragon coalesced out of the blue spirit power, and there were actually three behind True Dragon Douluo, compared to the sixth spirit skill, the power of this eighth spirit skill had directly increased by twice, possessing the power of three dragons.

The Titan Giant Ape roared in anger, it didn't have much spirit power and still needed to protect Tang Jiu, so it simply didn't use its spirit power, instead, it knew swung its giant fist and hammered down fiercely.

Boom! ~~

With a poof, True Dragon Douluo once again spat out a large mouthful of blood, and his entire body was smashed into the ground like a pile-driver, leaving only a hole behind.

The eyes of the crowd of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect were shocked, with only the strength of his flesh, he almost hammered the True Dragon Douluo to death with one punch, how terrifying!

"Attack en masse!"

Jade Patriarch gave an order, and those of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon who possessed long-range energy attack spirit techniques rushed out, a spirit technique of various styles rushing towards the Titan Giant Ape from all directions, which forced the Titan Giant Ape who was originally going to stomp the True Dragon Douluo to death to defend and protect Tang Jiu.

True Dragon Douluo had a chance to catch his breath and returned to the rear, and with a collective wave of healing from over twenty healing spirit masters, True Dragon Douluo came back to life with full blood and status and rushed forward once more.

"Spirit Bone Technique, Thunder Dragon's Fury!"

True Dragon Douluo's body transformed into a sinuous Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon as he once again fought hard against the Titan Ape.

The dragon collided with the ape, and once again, True Dragon Douluo was sent flying.

But the Titan Ape was not going to take it well either. True Dragon Douluo was a super Douluo with six spirit bones, and although its physical quality was inferior to it, it was still no less than a 70,000-year-old spirit beast.

The Titan Ape had basically exhausted its spirit power after the gruesome fight, and now its physical strength was beginning to decline, while the True Dragon Douluo was replenishing its spirit power, its status was always full, and it was also being increased by the auxiliary spirit master.

After seven or eight collisions, the Titan Giant Ape felt a crisis, and it was now breathing heavily through its nose, obviously exhausted.

"Tang Jiu, it's time for me to send you on your way!"

True Dragon Douluo was different from all the others this time, as his entire body's spirit bones emitted a glowing light together, and his nine spirit rings spun madly.

"Every clan has their own secret method, the Great Sumeru Hammer of the Clear Sky Clan, the Seven Treasures Glazed Clan's Heart Separation Control, and I, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan, also have a secret method! True Dragon Crown!"

With True Dragon Douluo Yu Yuan Zhen's words, his head spirit bone actually glowed brightly, and it appeared that it was a dragon crown.

This was the spirit bone of an ancient true dragon that hid an astounding power, and as the light of the dragon crown radiated, True Dragon Douluo's ninth spirit ring unexpectedly turned from black to red-black in a bizarre manner.

"This is a spirit ring of ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine years!" The Master was appalled, finally remembering the legend of the clan that there were said to be nine True Dragon Crowns, which were made of the spirit bones of the nine dragons, and that these crowns were so powerful and unparalleled that they could raise the spirit ring to a limit.

True Dragon Douluo's aura was incomparably strong at the moment, this red and black spirit ring fiercely lit up, and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon martial spirit behind True Dragon Douluo turned into a real Eastern five-clawed divine dragon, instead of the Western evil dragon.

"Ninth Spirit Skill, Divine Dragon Extermination!"

The terrifying divine dragon with flying scales and claws snaked down, its tail fiercely swiping at the Titan Giant Ape.

For the first time, a gaze appeared in the Titan Great Ape's eyes, this tail reminded it of the tail of the Azure Bull Python!

Defiantly, the Titan Ape hissed.

With both fists pounding on its chest, it met the divine dragon with a furious hammering down!

Boom! ~~

This time, it was surprisingly the Titan Ape that was sent flying, and under the secret technique of the True Dragon Douluo and the terrifying power of the infinitely close to 100,000 spirit rings, the already exhausted Titan Ape was finally defeated.

"Go to hell!"

The divine Dragon meandered and turned its head, and bit down on the Titan Giant Ape with a single bite.

"Xiao Jiu, you're satisfied now! I told you to leave and you didn't, this has killed us!" Dugu Yan's face turned pale as the Titan Ape was now sitting on its butt on the ground, shaking its head and falling into a semi-dazed state, clearly no longer able to resist this terrifying blow.

"Geese, who told you he was only one of my brothers!"

"Could it be that you can still turn into a hundred thousand spirit beasts!" Dugu Yan simply did not believe it.

The bewildered Titan Giant Ape raised a middle finger at the divine Dragon in the sky, then roared in discontent.

Translated, it meant: Brother, someone hit me!