
Douluo : My Sharingan martial soul is perverted

"Just after awakening his Sharingan Martial Soul, Ye Qiu was taken aback to discover that the village chief had actually brought Xiao Wu back, arranging for her to stay with him! Though it was just for a month, it didn't seem to hinder Xiao Wu's allure. As Ye Qiu spent more time with Xiao Wu, he gradually realized that his Sharingan was more than meets the eye. It seemed that anyone who caught sight of his eyes would react differently—some with the desire of angels, others with the madness of demons, and some struck with awe. Trouble followed one after another. Xiao Wu: 'Tang San, dare to harm Xiao Qiu, and you've already chosen the path to your demise!' Zhu Zhuqing: 'Dai Mubai, we've become a mockery!' Ning Rongrong: 'Ye Qiu! You're showing favoritism...' Caught in the midst of these people and already fed up with the trials of life, Ye Qiu never expected someone would have the audacity to cause him trouble! 'Tang San, dare to harm Xiao Wu! You've already chosen the path to your demise!' 'A soul ring surpassing the age limit? Apologies, I just need to cast a glance at a soul beast, and it willingly sacrifices itself!' 'Soul bone? Laughable, I have no need for it whatsoever!' 'Dual martial souls, numerous soul skills? Apologies, I possess dual skills at the mere first ring === Author: Fallen Leek === *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on P@treon : p@treon.com/themoonguy Or at P@ypal : www.p@ypal.me/theDarkmoonguy

themoonguy · Anime & Comics
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172 Chs

Chapter 63: The unsuccessful Search

Guiding the tigeress, they ventured deeper into the forest.

The farther they went, the stronger the soul beasts inside, making Ye Qiu more cautious.

In the following days,

the Jade eye Skywing Tigeress accompanied Ye Qiu, moving forward and taking breaks, returning to the Divine Might Space (kamui) to rest when tired, and hunting wild game for meat when hungry.

Despite Ye Qiu's foresight with his Insightful Eyes, they still encountered attacks from soul beasts.

Fortunately, all encounters were thrilling yet safe.

The Sunset Forest was vast, even with Ye Qiu's Insightful Eyes, comprehensive searching was impossible.

Seven days passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, as the last rays of sunlight illuminated the forest, Ye Qiu continued his tireless search.

"Brother! Still no sign? Xiao Lan is sleepy again, yawn~"

"If you're tired, go back and rest for a while. I'll keep searching!"

"No! I want to stay with you, ahh!"

Before she could finish, Ye Qiu absorbed her back into his body.

Looking up at the sky, he decided that if he still couldn't find it in three days, he would resort to plan B!

Two more months flew by.

Every day spent searching for the trace of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eyes made Ye Qiu increasingly irritable.

Staying in the Sunset Forest for so many days, the halt in soul power cultivation was noticeable.

He began to doubt if Dugu Bo's poison formation could evade his Insightful Eyes.

Currently, Ye Qiu, shrouded in a black cloak with a hat concealing his blue hair, utilized the flying ability granted by the 100,000-Year Blue Silver Emperor's Right Leg Bone, surveying the forest below.

With the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eyes being such a conspicuous object, shrouded in mist or not, he couldn't believe he wouldn't see any trace from this height!

Three days!

Ye Qiu planned to search for three more days. If unsuccessful, he would have to resort to plan B!

In the air, there were flying soul beasts attempting to attack Ye Qiu. However, in the face of his Divine Might, these attempts were insignificant. Any hit against him would be his loss!

Below, Xiao Lan sat by a campfire, with the Jade eye Skywing Tigeress lying beside her. Its tail was twisted into a bow tie.

Xiao Lan spoke to it, "Little Tigeress, you can't act cute in front of Brother! Otherwise, next time, I'll set your tail on fire." With her soft and waxy Lolita voice. The words that came out scared the tigress so much

Her sweet, childlike voice sounded threatening, and she plucked a tuft of fur from the tigeress's forehead.

"Roar~" The tigeress whimpered, tears welling up in its eyes. It had suffered enough from this little girl during these days.

Far away in the sky, Ye Qiu concluded his search and descended towards Xiao Lan.

Hastily releasing the tigeress's tail, Xiao Lan warned, "Brother! How was it? Did you find it?"

Jumping towards him, she clutched Ye Qiu's arm, pulling him towards the campfire.

"Sigh~" Letting out a sigh, Ye Qiu shook his head, "Still, no discoveries."

"It's okay! Xiao Lan will always be with Brother!" Standing obediently behind him, she massaged his shoulders and patted his back.

Ye Qiu wasn't sure when she had become so considerate, perhaps understanding his fatigue during this period.

"By the way, what's wrong with the Jade eye Skywing Tigeress? The 'king' character on its head seems to have faded a lot." Ye Qiu noticed the tigeress lying on the ground, appearing somewhat aggrieved.

"Ah? I-I don't know!" Xiao Lan looked a bit flustered.

Hastily running over, she picked up the freshly grilled meat. "Brother, look, Xiao Lan made grilled meat for you!"

Ye Qiu looked at her with surprise, holding the golden-brown grilled meat that indeed looked appetizing.

"I didn't expect you to learn how to grill meat!" Taking the meat she handed him, he sniffed it before taking a bite.

"Xiao Lan also wants to help Brother!" Looking at Ye Qiu with anticipation, the expression slowly solidified on his face..

Wiping away the blood from the corner of his mouth, Ye Qiu's face turned somewhat little ugly. Silently, he stuffed the grilled meat into the mouth of the Jade eye Skywing Tigeress.

"Ah~ Tigeress! You're not allowed to eat!" Xiao Lan stamped her foot, about to steal the meat from the tigeress mouth.

Fortunately, Ye Qiu stopped her. After taking a bite, his voice changed, "Forget it, Xiao Lan, you did a good job. Let me handle the grilling next time!"

"Humph! Next time, Xiao Lan will do even better!"

"Hehe." Ye Qiu smiled wryly at this and slowly lay down on the ground.

"Brother, what's wrong?" Xiao Lan crouched down, touching his forehead.

"Nothing! Just a bit tired." Massaging his temples, he felt stressed after these two months of delays.

"Brother, is Xiao Lan useless?" Xiao Lan also laid down on Ye Qiu, and a fragrance enveloped him.

The second soul skill, Blue Silver Fragrance!

Ye Qiu took a deep breath, alleviating some of his fatigue.

"No, not at all! You're helping me now, aren't you?"

"Then, Brother, won't you abandon Xiao Lan?"

Staring at Ye Qiu seriously, she didn't look like her usual cute and obedient self.

"Why would I abandon you?" Ye Qiu looked at her in confusion, not understanding where this thought came from.

"In Brother's heart, is Xiao Wu more important or Xiao Lan?"

"Ah?!?" Ye Qiu stared in surprise at Xiao Lan, who had teary eyes. What was going on?

"Brother calls out 'Xiao Wu' when sleeping at night, but never 'Xiao Lan'! Even once!" Her small mouth drooped, tears filling her eyes.

Ye Qiu finally understood why Xiao Lan had been so attentive lately—she was afraid he didn't want her!

"Why would I not want you? We're both in this kind of relationship. I wouldn't bear to let you leave!"

Hugging Xiao Lan, he gently patted her back, his chin resting on her head, moving slowly.

Regardless of emotions, just considering that Xiao Lan was now his second martial soul, Ye Qiu wouldn't let her run away.

"Brother, why don't you call my name when sleeping?"

"Come on! Aren't you always by my side? I'm with you every day, calling your name!"

After a while, Ye Qiu finally comforted her.

It was just a sacrifice of a little dignity, bitten a few times by Xiao Lan. Undoubtedly, habits were a terrifying thing. After so long, Ye Qiu was starting to become immune to Xiao Lan's touches.

"Xiao Lan, we'll search for a few more days. If we still don't find it, I'll take you to Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Pagoda Sect!"

"Okay! Brother, muah!"

"Cough cough. By the way, when i sleeps, do i call out other people's names?"

"Yes! There was the sister Zhu Qing who watered Xiao Lan's bamboo before!" Xiao Lan squinted her eyes, looking at Ye Qiu with a teasing smile. "Brother is quite fickle!"

"I-I..." Ye Qiu stuttered, saying nothing. Instructing Xiao Lan to stay put and ensure safety, he flew up once again.

(End of this chapter)

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