
Douluo : My Sharingan martial soul is perverted

"Just after awakening his Sharingan Martial Soul, Ye Qiu was taken aback to discover that the village chief had actually brought Xiao Wu back, arranging for her to stay with him! Though it was just for a month, it didn't seem to hinder Xiao Wu's allure. As Ye Qiu spent more time with Xiao Wu, he gradually realized that his Sharingan was more than meets the eye. It seemed that anyone who caught sight of his eyes would react differently—some with the desire of angels, others with the madness of demons, and some struck with awe. Trouble followed one after another. Xiao Wu: 'Tang San, dare to harm Xiao Qiu, and you've already chosen the path to your demise!' Zhu Zhuqing: 'Dai Mubai, we've become a mockery!' Ning Rongrong: 'Ye Qiu! You're showing favoritism...' Caught in the midst of these people and already fed up with the trials of life, Ye Qiu never expected someone would have the audacity to cause him trouble! 'Tang San, dare to harm Xiao Wu! You've already chosen the path to your demise!' 'A soul ring surpassing the age limit? Apologies, I just need to cast a glance at a soul beast, and it willingly sacrifices itself!' 'Soul bone? Laughable, I have no need for it whatsoever!' 'Dual martial souls, numerous soul skills? Apologies, I possess dual skills at the mere first ring === Author: Fallen Leek === *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on P@treon : p@treon.com/themoonguy Or at P@ypal : www.p@ypal.me/theDarkmoonguy

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Chapter 40: Green Jade Eye Cloudwing Tiger

Ye Qiu grabbed her extended hand. "Take it. I'm not giving it to you for free! Moreover, with my abilities, will I ever lack soul bones? Better ones will come sooner or later!"

"What do you mean?"

"Do me a favor, and consider this as a reward. Besides, you've absorbed its soul ring. Clearly, you and it are more compatible!"

"Do you want me to do something for you? What is it?" Since Ye Qiu didn't want it, Zhu Zhuqing was ready to accept it. With his bizarre abilities, he surely wouldn't run out.

"Help me get a soul ring first, and then I'll tell you." Ye Qiu stroked his chin. In his view, Zhu Zhuqing would definitely go to Suotuo City in the future. Giving her the externally attached soul bone would be like getting a personal bodyguard for Xiao Wu!

"Go ahead and absorb it. Maybe it will also extend the lifespan of your soul ring!" Ye Qiu wanted to see how much strength this soul bone could provide her. If possible, he could also boost the expected three-thousand-year soul beast.

"Okay, I'll absorb it now." Looking at Ye Qiu, who seemed a bit out of sorts, Zhu Zhuqing didn't know what he wanted her to do. Nevertheless, she was quite satisfied with this soul bone—it was an externally attached soul bone!

Sitting down again, she began absorbing the soul bone. The externally attached soul bone floated up, slowly merging into her spine, embedding itself bit by bit into her flesh.

"Ah!" The bone-piercing pain made her scream. Cold sweat poured down her body.

A black spider leg extended from her back, followed by a second, and a third.

"Ah!" After a high-pitched scream, all eight spider legs finally emerged, lifting Zhu Zhuqing into the air.

"Absorbed it!" Ye Qiu looked up at her, but unexpectedly, she ran toward him. "Hey, hey, hey, are you trying to stab me to death?"

Before he could approach, a spider spear thrust toward him. If he hadn't dodged in time, he would have been pierced through!

"I'm sorry! I can't control it now." Zhu Zhuqing hung in the air, looking quite uncomfortable as she stumbled.

"Don't panic. Take a deep breath!" Ye Qiu quickly used his Divine Might Space to phase, standing in place to guide her. "It's a part of you. Feel its presence slowly."

"Ah~" In her screams, after a chaotic poking in the cave, she finally settled down, covered in sweat.

Hiss! The eight spider legs retracted, and she nearly fell to the ground. Fortunately, Ye Qiu was there to support her.

"It seems you need some time to adapt." He lifted her up again.

"Yeah, a few days will be enough!" With a slight pant, Zhu Zhuqing leaned against him.

A vortex appeared, and Ye Qiu took her into the Divine Might space.


Three days later, at noon, in a small valley, from a distance, it seemed like a slender spider was constantly moving among a pack of wolves.

Under a tree by the valley, Ye Qiu sat on the Wolf King, gnawing on wolf meat, leisurely watching Zhu Zhuqing's performance.

A figure with eight spider legs jumped towards Ye Qiu.

Hiss! The spider legs pierced into the tree. Zhu Zhuqing's legs were suspended in the air, facing Ye Qiu.

Full of self-confidence and joy in her eyes, she said, "Ye Qiu, I've more or less mastered the Dark shadow Spider Lance!"

The Dark Spider Lance was a name Zhu Zhuqing gave it herself. After absorbing it, her soul power broke through again, reaching level 25. With the amplification of the Dark shadow Spider Lance, her speed and attack power had greatly improved.

She felt that at this point, she could confront her ruthless sister alone and win!

"Congratulations!" It was similar to what Ye Qiu had expected, a bit inferior in quality compared to Tang San's Eight Spider Lances, but still good!

"When do we set off to hunt souls for you?"

"Wait until you've recovered some soul power!" Ye Qiu patted the mount beneath him.

"Howl~" The Wolf King howled, and a female wolf ran over from a distance.

Ye Qiu looked up. "Zhu Zhuqing, come down quickly. Why are you hanging on the tree for so long? My neck is sore!"

"Hehe." Zhu Zhuqing laughed lightly, retracted the spider legs behind her, and landed on the back of the she-wolf. "Where to?"

"Let's go near the target first. With this speed, you should have recovered enough!" The two rode on wolves and walked slowly into the distance side by side.

"Ye Qiu!"

"What's up?"

"In the future, just call me Zhuqing if you consider me a friend." The breeze lifted her hair, and with a sidelong glance, Zhu Zhuqing looked at Ye Qiu.

"Friend? Sure, no problem!" Ye Qiu nodded. It was just a title.

"Mm." Upon hearing his response, Zhu Zhuqing looked ahead, silent, feeling the gentle warmth carried by the breeze.

This past half month was the most comfortable time she had ever experienced!


Zhu Zhuqing's soul power had fully recovered. After sending the two wolves back, Ye Qiu brought her to a cave entrance.

Inside was his new target, a nearly four-thousand-year soul beast, the Green Jade Eye Cloudwing Tiger!

"Roar!" A low growl echoed from the cave.

"Zhu Zhuqing, wait here for now!" Ye Qiu's Sharingan eyes glowed as he planned to go in and lure it out!

"Call me Zhuqing!" She slightly frowned. This guy...

Her voice made Ye Qiu pause, and turning back, he responded, "Alright, Zhuqing! Uh, I'll pay attention next time!"

Before leaving, he reminded her, "By the way, the Green Jade Eye Cloudwing Tiger is massive. When it comes out, lead it into the forest. It can't unleash its full power there."

"I got it!" Zhu Zhuqing nodded in satisfaction, unsure if it was because of Ye Qiu's reminder or the way he addressed her.

Watching Ye Qiu enter the cave, she wondered what he was up to.

"Roar!" Suddenly, a violent roar erupted from the cave, echoing several hundred meters away.

Ye Qiu quickly ran out, followed by a five-meter-long, robust white tiger with a thick body, It had a "king"(王) pattern on its forehead, jade-green eyes, transparent wings on its back for low-altitude gliding, and a three-meter-long tail trailing behind.

'This guy is so fast!' Ye Qiu was about to follow the plan and lead it into the forest.


Suddenly, a tiger roar echoed in his mind, and Ye Qiu felt a bit trance-like, freezing in his escape.

Seizing the opportunity, the Green Jade Eye Cloudwing Tiger glided down from a height of four meters, slamming a tiger paw heavily on Ye Qiu's head!

Boom! The ground shattered, and dust filled the air.

"Ye Qiu!" Zhu Zhuqing's worried voice echoed from a distance.

"I'm fine!" Swish! Ye Qiu dashed out of the dust, careless. He hadn't expected this soul beast to have mental attacks. If it were someone else, they would probably be in trouble!

Even Ye Qiu had almost failed to react.

Quickly rejoining Zhu Zhuqing, he said, "Zhu Zhuqing, when we fight later, if you see it opening its mouth, block your ears with soul power. Its voice carries mental attacks!"

"Got it!" Zhu Zhuqing turned her head, looking at the approaching tiger, which ruthlessly killed other soul beasts and knocked down trees, it was both crazy and brutal!

Ye Qiu chuckled a few times. It seemed a bit inappropriate to tell a girl. "Uh, about this... hehe, I didn't mean it. I was afraid it wouldn't follow me, so I shot it with a sleeve arrow from behind. Who knew it suddenly raised its butt, and then, um, it shot right in there. Cough, cough!"

"Pervert!" She glared at him, blushing and scolding. With an acceleration, she left him behind.

As the saying goes, you shouldn't touch a tiger's butt, let alone stab it?

Today! This Green Jade Eye Cloudwing Tiger was going to have a showdown with humans!

(End of this chapter)

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