
Douluo: Martial Soul is Bibi Dong

Bibi Dong never dreamed that she would come back from rebirth in the form of someone else's martial spirit ps: Let me explain first! Bibi Dong is completely under the protagonist's control, but the protagonist didn't know that in the beginning, and she knew since chapter 47. This story is not mine it's a translation The image is not mine came from teacher google

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139 Chs

Chapter 79: Bibi Dong's Confrontation


"Su Mo, I have something to tell you!"

Finally, after Bibi Dong took a deep breath, she decided to show Su Mo her cards instead of pretending.

Because Bibi Dong knows, Su Mo will know sooner or later.

The Soul Master Competition has always been the most important event on the Douluo Continent.

She thought that Su Mo would definitely participate. After all, as long as there are soul masters in the Douluo Continent who have this strength, there isn't anyone who doesn't want to participate in the soul master competition.

So after Su Mo went to Wuhundian, he would definitely see her as the Pope of Wuhundian at this point.

Then Su Mo will find out that her appearance is exactly the same as the Pope in Wuhundian.

It would be bad if she came to explain again at that time!

Simply take this opportunity to have a head-to-head with Su Mo!

"Sister Goddess, tell me!"

Seeing Bibi Dong's appearance, Su Mo also realized that Bibi Dong should have a confrontation with him.

It depends on the extent to which Bibi Dong will confront him.

It's him?

Does he need a confrontation?

It seems that there is no need to hide Bibi Dong all the time.

After all, Bibi Dong in front of him is her martial soul, completely under her control, and he could even burn out her spirit consciousness at any time.

"Let's talk in your Martial Soul space!"

Bibi Dong entered Su Mo's body in a flash.

After all, Su Mo's Martial Soul Space is the safest and most hidden place.

Su Mo smiled lightly at this, then sat cross-legged on the bed, closed his eyes and concentrated, and then consciously entered his own Wuhun space.

"Su Mo, today I want to tell you about my past!"

Seeing Su Mo arriving, Bibi Dong also spoke seriously to Su Mo.

"Isn't Sister Goddess my Wuhun?"

Su Mo asked habitually pretending to be ignorant.

"It is true that I am her martial soul, but before becoming her martial soul, I have other identities and experiences!" Speaking of becoming Su Mo's martial soul, Bibi Dong is still very depressed and her expression is a little bad looking.

"Sister Goddess, tell me!"

Su Mo seemed to realize something, and his expression suddenly turned serious.

"I..." Bibi Dong opened her mouth, hesitated for a moment, and slowly said, "Let me tell you a story about a woman!"

Bibi Dong didn't know what to say, so she simply spoke about her, told as a story.

Immediately Bibi Dong narrated, telling the story of a woman from an ignorant girl who became the saint of Wuhun Temple, to when she met Yu Xiaogang, and was betrayed by her teacher... until she spoke about this woman's death. .

"...That's the fact. That woman named Bibi Dong is me. I don't know why I came back after death and became your martial soul!",

Bibi Dong told Su Mo clearly at the end. She is Bibi Dong.

After finishing speaking, Bibi Dong looked at Su Mo, wondering what kind of reaction Su Mo would have.

However, Su Mo's reaction was calmer than she expected.

"Sister Goddess, I have something to apologize to you first!"

Then, Su Mo said something that surprised her.

Su Mo looked at Bibi Dong and decided to have a confrontation.

Su Mo really didn't want to continue pretending like this anymore, and Bibi Dong was completely under her control, so there was absolutely no need for Su Mo to hide.

It's just that I had seen the anime "Douluo Dalu" in my previous life and knew that it was an adaptation of a novel, so Su Mo didn't intend to tell Bibi Dong.

Because she was worried that Bibi Dong wouldn't be able to accept the fact that she was created from a pen.

Su Mo is knowledgeable and can accept all kinds of new things, but Bibi Dong is not necessarily like that.

But she has some things that don't need to be explained very clearly, just don't cheat.

"Why did you apologize to me?" Bibi Dong looked confused at Su Mo.

"Because I've always known that you are Bibi Dong, the founder of the future Spirit Empire!"

"It's just that I didn't know if you would be against me before, so I didn't dare show it!"

Su Mo said frankly.

"What? Have you always known me?"

"How is this possible?"

"Who the hell are you?"

Sure enough, Bibi Dong was shocked when she heard Su Mo's words. She never thought that Su Mo knew her identity all along.

Then she also realized that Su Mo might not be an ordinary person.

"Me? Actually, I'm just like you, I'm also a person who was reborn through time travel!"

"It's just that I was just an ordinary person with no soul power, and I didn't know anything about cultivation, like martial arts knowledge, I didn't understand anything, and I need you to teach me!" Su Mo made a sincere confession.

It's just that Su Mo hid that he traveled from other worlds, and he knew the plot because he had read anime and novels.

Su Mo didn't go into detail on this point, but what he said was all true, and it would lead to one result, namely, Bibi Dong would misunderstand that he also traveled back from the afterworld.

But that's not what Su Mo said, so it's not a mistake, it can only be considered a misunderstanding by Bibi Dong himself.


After hearing Su Mo's words, Bibi Dong was completely stunned. She never thought that Su Mo's identity was similar to hers.

Looking into Su Mo's sincere eyes and Su Mo's long-term understanding, Bibi Dong knew that what Su Mo said was true.

Especially if Su Mo knew that she was the founder of the Wuhun Empire, it couldn't be a fake.

Fortunately, she thought that all of Su Mo's achievements were changed because of her, but she didn't expect that to be the case.

However, after learning that Su Mo was just an ordinary person with no soul power, Bibi Dong felt that Su Mo couldn't achieve what he is today without her help.

Su Mo's knowledge of martial arts was taught by her.

"Forget it, it's not important since you know who I am, so I want you to help me kill Yu Xiaogang! Are you willing?"

After hearing Su Mo's words, Bibi Dong accepted. She also doesn't want to think about these confusing things anymore, she just wants to kill Yu Xiaogang right now.

"No, I do not want!"

Su Mo looked into Bibi Dong's expectant eyes, but slowly shook his head.

Bibidong clearly saw Yu Xiaogang's true face and even wanted to kill him. Su Mo was overjoyed, but Su Mo would not kill Yu Xiaogang right now.


Bibi Dong glared at Su Mo. She didn't expect Su Mo to reject her simple request.

It was just killing a level 29 grand soul master, and she believed that Su Mo had the strength for that.

Furthermore, Su Mo planned to leave Shrek, so it would be fine to kill Yu Xiaogang and then leave!

"Because I am afraid of not being able to bear your anger!"

Su Mo explained.

"What is the meaning?"

"I asked you to kill him… You mean the current Papa Bibi Dong?"

Bibi Dong frowned at first, and then realized that Su Mo was talking about Papa Bibi Dong's anger at this time.

"Yes, you also know how outrageous your fondness for Yu Xiaogang is. Even though you died once, or at the other party's disciple's hands, you are still chasing after him!"

"Having said that, the current Papa Bibidong is still secretly looking at Yu Xiaogang!"

"So if Yu Xiaogang is killed by me, do you think the current Papa Bibidong can find out? Do you think I can bear it?"

"Consider Papa Bibi Dong, Yu Xiaogang is still the son of Blue Lightning Dragon Overlord Sect Master, and Tang San's teacher, and Tang Hao is after Tang San!"

"I cannot bear the anger of either party!"

"Then I won't kill Yu Xiaogang for you this time, unless one day I'm strong enough to withstand their anger, I'll help you kill Yu Xiaogang!"

"You wouldn't want me to take my own life to avenge you, would you?"

Su Mo explained to Bibidong seriously.

Because he didn't want Bibi Dong to get into trouble with him over this matter.

Judging by the fact that Bibi Dong was willing to show his cards to him, it is known that Bibi Dong now approves of Su Mo.


After hearing Su Mo's heartfelt explanation, Bibi Dong also calmed down. Thinking about the possibilities Su Mo said, Bibi Dong also had to admit that Su Mo's concerns were very reasonable.

She knew her past self better. If something happened to Yu Xiaogang, she... Papa Bibidong, she would definitely find Su Mo through some clues.

As Su Mo had asked Yu Xiaogang to be her teacher and was turned down, this was enough to make Papa Bibidong suspicious of Su Mo.

Furthermore, as long as Papa Bibi dong is willing to look into the matter of Su Mo being targeted by Yu Xiaogang at Shrek Academy, it's not hard to find out.

So there are grounds for suspicion.

So just have doubts. For Papa Bibi Dong, if there are doubts, he can kill and avenge Yu Xiaogang, and there is no need to find proof.

Even Papa Bibi Dong might not investigate, if Yu Xiaogang had an accident at Shrek Academy, then kill all people related to Shrek Academy.

Bibi Dong knew that she could definitely do this kind of thing.

Coupled with the last two reasons Su Mo said, Bibi Dong could understand why Su Mo rejected her.

"Are you just letting that villain, Yu Xiaogang, be free?"

"I can not bear it!"

Bibi Dong clenched her fists, still reluctant.

The so-called deep hate of love.

She hated Yu Xiaogang as much as she liked Yu Xiaogang before.

"There will be opportunities in the future, and people like Yu Xiaogang, don't you think it's too cheap to kill him directly?

" that!"

"Frustrating his highest expectations, destroying his reputation, making his life worse than death, is the greatest revenge for him, isn't it?"

Su Mo comforted and enlightened.

It was actually because he didn't dare to kill Yu Xiaogang just now, that's why he coaxed Bibi Dong like this.

Otherwise, according to Su Mo's personality, it would be more pleasant to kill the other party directly if his reputation was ruined and his life was worse than death.

"May his highest expectations come to nothing? May he be ruined..."

"That's right, it's very cheap to kill him directly. We just want all your hopes to turn to despair!" "

"So what are we going to do ?"

After hearing Su Mo's words, Bibi Dong thought about it, killing Yu Xiaogang directly was too cheap for him.

She just wanted to make Yu Xiaogang suffer.

"Let's not talk about anything else, let the Shrek team led by Yu Xiaogang fall into the sand at the Soul Master Competition over a year later, and hit him hard!" Su Mo said the easiest thing to do.

"Well, when are you leaving Shrek?"

"Why don't you go to Wuhundian? With your skill, you can join Wuhundian!"

"No, I will not enter the Spirit Hall!"

However, Su Mo directly rejected Bibi Dong.


"Join Wuhundian, with me here, as long as I can see the Wuhundian Pope, I'm sure the current Pope will train you in all aspects, and you can grow quickly!"

"Although Wuhun Palace was later destroyed, it was in the future, the current Wuhun Palace is definitely the most powerful, and with your help, Wuhun Palace will definitely not fail like before!"

Hearing Su Mo really didn't want to go to Wuhun Palace, Bibi Dong was in a hurry.

She also relied on Su Mo to help her current self, the Pope of Wuhundian, as well as Qian Renxue and Hu Liena!

She also hoped that Su Mo would clear up the misunderstanding between the Wuhundian Pope and Qian Renxue and realize each other's importance sooner!

Hu Liena's words seemed unnecessary, because Bibidong didn't think that the current Shrek team could defeat the Wuhundian team.

"It's not for those reasons, the main reason is because of you, the current Wuhundian Pope!"

"Tell me yourself, if the Wuhundian Pope finds out that you are after me, what will she do?"

Su Mo said directly.


Upon hearing Su Mo's words, Bibi Dong was stunned and Su Mo immediately cut her off.

That question was something she hadn't thought of.

But after Su Mo said that, Bibi Dong also realized that it really wasn't suitable for Su Mo to meet the current Pope of Spirit Hall.

It would have been fine if she hadn't found out that she was in Su Mo, but if she had, she really couldn't guarantee Su Mo's fate.

She knows herself better, and the current Wuhun Palace Pope will never allow her future self to transform into a Wuhun to appear in someone else's body. If she finds out, she must find a way to separate her from Su Mo's body, or she will destroy both Su Mo and herself directly.

Bibi Dong believed that the current Spirit Hall Pope would definitely be capable of doing such a cruel thing.


This time, Bibi Dong couldn't fix it.

She always thought that after persuading Su Mo to leave Shrek Academy, she would let Su Mo go to Wuhun Palace.

But now it looks like Su Mo shouldn't go to Wuhundian.


(end of this chapter)